The Gilets Jaunes aka Yellow Vests - PART ONE - Why you Should Care

in #informationwar6 years ago

PLEASE RESTEEM. I am not after upvotes. Just want to make sure the word goes out.

As a French citizen living abroad I have been wearing my virtual gilet jaune, or yellow vest, since the inception of the movement. Since I cannot be physically present in the streets the men, the women, the high school kids, the handicapped, the retirees, the under- and unemployed, with the doctors and the lawyers (yes, they too!) and the first responders, the nurses, the teachers, most of them never before in the streets, I am doing what is within my power, which is to convey their message and give you an idea of what the Gilets Jaunes are really about, what they are clamoring for, how they are being treated.

I am aiming to convey as much information as I can, which you sure won’t get from the MSM, or “merdia” as they are called in France (for those who don’t speak French, it is a contraction of “merde” which means “shit” and media). I have a couple of days break from work, so during this time I will present a series or Gilets Jaunes blogs. They won’t be in any particular order, but I will group them in themes for clarity as much as possible. I have been sifting through as many videos as possible.

Most of the footage is in French, and however much I would like to be superwoman, I just don’t have the time or the energy to translate them all. In many cases, a picture is worth a thousand words, especially as each video will pertain to the theme of each blog, HOWEVER, if any of you would like clarification or would like me to translate the content of a particular video, please ask me in the comments and I will be happy to do so.

So, why should you care?

The answer is simple. This is not just about taxes, or the price of fuel, or wages that don’t keep up with the cost of living. If it were, the movement would not be spreading. No, this is about the awakening of the people who are realizing that they are living in a pseudo-democracy which is morphing into a dictatorship. Their demands for a genuine government of the people for the people by the people make the movement a truly revolutionary one.

This movement concerns all of us. Apart from an infinitesimal portion of the human population, we are held hostage by banks, we are being zombified by toxic food, brainless entertainment and an subpar education, we are owned by corporate conglomerates that are holding our “democratically” elected representatives by the balls. Let me correct that, they don’t have any balls. But we do, or we wouldn’t be on this platform, and for those that don’t: grow a pair!

People, our masters are few, we are many. What the hell are we waiting for?
It is time to don our own yellow vests. It’s already started…


( I found this picture here: - Not sure whom to credit for the photograph)

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