Fakebook's Trollocaust Resulted in a Massive Cyber-Culling of non-Gray Frogs.

First off, a non-gray frog is an endangered magical internet creature with trans-dimensional memeitic superpowers. These entities pop in and out of existence all throughout the interwebz as needed. At one time, the internet was rich with these beings, but then in came the dogs of social media who sayeth these internet creatures are dumb fucks and we shall have to rid the planet of thee.
And so they tried, yeah.. they tried all the time in their institution. But little did they know every time a non-gray frog is culled, five more leap out into existence. Thus is the wae with the law of fives, so mote it be. Watch below as our protagonists from enterprise truth infiltrates the dark culling operations and exposes their sinister plans to deboost the live distribution actions of these ultra rare player characters.

(& Fakebook ya evilbastards..) RIP Robert Paulson!
We'll #neverforget you, or your zany ant tricks. :'(
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
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