
With America in government mandated close down mode and Americans in serious need of government assistance, Nancy Pelosi has developed an illegal scheme to steal Trillions of dollars from American taxpayers to give to her people.

The Pelosi plan would give money to the flowing (not one item of which has anything to do with Coronavirus):

Illegal aliens

Planned Parenthood (which gives kickback to Democrats)

Cannabis growers and sellers

And to members of the “K” Street lobbying crowd. (This group is well known for “greasing” politicians)

She also wants to shove one Trillion dollars of ta payer money l money to states run into the ground by her fellow Democrats, plus 375 Billion to local governments run by Democrats.

To mask what Nancy really wants, Nancy whines that the purpose of her plot is to help first responders.

Let us put that BS to the test.


Governors were whining that they were so unprepared or a health crisis, that they had no reserve of ventilators and hotel gowns and masks.

Other states and the federal government came to the aid of those unprepared states.

Now those unprepared states whine that without a bailout, such states will no longer be able to pay their first responders.

It is time to stop their political whining, and political game playing, by having the federal government create a FIRST RESPONDERS FUND.

This Fund should be created on a state by state basis, depending on requests from individual states.

The rules for this Fund should include the following:

  1. Not one penny may be withdrawn from any state’s First Responders Fund to pay anything whatsoever, other than to compensate first responders for current work (meaning work performed by that first responder within the three weeks immediately preceding the payment to that first responder).

  2. (Not on penny pf this Fund shall be paid for pensions or any other past work.

  3. If any person, whether that person shall be a federal date employee, and/or or elected official utilizes any portion of the First Responders Fund for any other purpose, such person shall be guilty of grand theft and subject to immediate arrest.

  4. No state shall be permitted to impose state and/or local income tax upon any payment received by any first responder from the First Responders Fund. This restriction is necessary, because New York begged for help from out of state medical professionals and when Samaritan’s Purse set up a tent hospital in Central Park across from Mount Saini hospital and brought in out of state medical professionals to staff that tent hospital and paid its medical professionals, New York demonstrated its appreciation by endeavoring to tax the income those medical professionals including their New York income (the amount that they were paid by Samaritan’s Purse for the work that those medical professionals performed in the tent.

This is not a time for the federal government to be borrowing funds from China to rescue impecunious state politicians from their prior mismanagement of their states and their efforts to buy themselves votes. There were days when it was practice of politicians to spend their states funds like money had no meaning, because they could enjoy the political glory of those expenditures and then, kick the can down the road until the financial disaster became somebody else’s problem. Those days are over.

Federal money is taxpayer money. It is not a slush fund for incompetent political pigs.
If these states were put in a hole by their prior politicians, let those states borrow their own bail-out money from China.
If those states are truly are bankrupt, let them use the bankruptcy laws to discharge the debts which they incurred and can no longer pay.

To make matters worse, Nancy has arranged with the Democrats in the House of Representatives to give to Nancy, proxies to vote their votes in the House, thereby meaning that there would be no committee hearings on this legislation, no debates so that Nancy could simply pass this legislative theft on her own, and pass whatever else she wants to pass her own.

This is the classic taxation without representation.

It is time for Americans to raise up as we did the last tie that that was tried against us.

Beyond all of Nancy’s attempted theft of trillions of dollars, she has also buried in the theft legislation provisions of law provisions, which would change who may vote in American elections, and how they may vote. He has also attempted to, in effect ,eliminate the constitutionally mandated Electoral College.

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