What is this impeachment all about?

This Impeachment Garbage is an illegal and unconstitutional attempt by the Democrats to interfere with the 2020 presidential election.


From the very outset of the presidency of Donald Trump, the Democrats were trying to de-legitimize the Trump presidency.

The impeachment nonsense was non-stop

We had Maxine Watters screeching impeach: “45.” Even while Nancy Pelosi was trying to disguise Democrat intentions, Maxine was too ignorant to keep her mouth shut.

We had Democrat Congressman Al Green declaring in the House of Representatives: “I rise to impeach president Trump.” (At least, by rising he was able to get his fat rear out of his chair)

Over the period from President Trump’s inauguration until August 2019, there were several resolutions introduced in the House of Representatives to impeach President Trump.

Every one of those resolutions was voted down.

Democrat Representative Al Green as so stupid that he actually revealed the objective of the Democrats.

Democrat Green said on the record of the House: “If we do not impeach Trump, he will be re-elected.

Interference with the 2020 election has always been the objective of the Democrats.

The use of the money of Congress and the waste of valuable time to achieve the objectives of the American people for this political objective is both illegal and Unconstitutional.

Nonetheless, we had the total liar Adam Schiff running an impeachment farce in is private gulag in the secret room in the basement of the Capitol Building.


In American trials, the jury is frequently told by the presiding judge of the legal maxim “Falsas in Unum, falsas in omnibus”

Meaning: if members of the jury have found that that a person has lie about one thing, the jury may find that that person has lied about everything.

Let us now examine the multitudinous lies of Adam Schiff.
1, During the time of the Mueller investigation Adam told the American people that he had evidence of President Trump colluding with the Russians.
That was a lie.

  1. Adam claimed that the minority congressional report (stating that the evidence showed that no collusion had occurred) produced by Republican congressman Devon Nunez was untrue.

Adam lied

  1. Adam claimed that the famous Russian dossier produced by Hillary Clinton was true.

Adam lied
Adam’s lies were exposed by the report of Inspector General Horowitz.

  1. Adam read into the congressional record a totally fictitious reading of what he claimed was said by President Trump during the July telephone conversation with the Ukrainian President Zalinsky.
    Adam’s lie was exposed when President Trump released the transcript of the real telephone conversation.

  2. Adam lied when he said that he had never had any contact with the whistle blower.

This lie was exposed when Adam himself admitted that “his people” had met with the whistle blower and provided legal advice to the whistleblower, before the whistle blower’s letter (which was obviously written by a law firm) was made public.

  1. Adam lied when he said that he would produce the whistleblower to testify before his impeachment committee.

  2. Adam lied when he denied that he (Adam) had never sought salacious dirt on Donald Trump

This lie was exposed by the hilarious recording of Adam asking about pictures being offered by a sham, Russian sounding, jokester. Adam is heard on that recording trying to set up a meeting between dam’s “people” and the jokester.

There is not enough room to detail all of Adam’s lies.
Suffice it to say that no being with the intelligence level above that of an ameba cold believe any of the pronouncements of Adam Schiff.

Shift is a total liar

8.Schiff and his partner in lies, Jerold Nadler, claimed that Trump withheld valuable military material from Ukraine. This is another total lie.

The Obama-Biden administration gave no military aid to Ukraine.

To cover their cowardly ineptitude Obama- Biden gave to Ukraine blankets and MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) as though the Ukrainians could defend themselves from approaching Russian Tanks by hiding under the blankets and throwing rancid sandwiches at the tanks.

President Trump gave Ukraine tank killing missiles.
At no time were any of the missiles withheld or delayed.

Ehen the US Congress authorized Trump’s request for military aid to Ukraine, they also authorized “loose” money to be given to Ukraine, but because Ukraine as believed to be corrupt, Congress required that Trump determine that the “loose” money not be dumped into a cesspool of corruption.

It was only the “loose” money that was held-up pending America’s investigation into Ukrainian corruption. Adam lied again.

  1. Next, we were told that Trump had to sully the reputation of the wonderful, brave, and loyal American ambassador to Ukraine Marie Jovanovich in orde to carry out his” scheme.”
    Another Adam lie.

First of all any American ambassador can be fired by the American president for any reason or for no reason.

Second, Marie was appointed by Obama and was discovered to be another swamp creature working against President Trump.

President Zalinsky did not like Marie, and did not want to work with her. If an ambassador is so disregarded by a host country, she is worthless to America.

Schiff’s witnesses also included other swamp creatures, who were offended that President Trump had his own ideas about foreign policy, thereby diminishing the power of those swamp creatures to profit from the DC influence peddlers on “K” Street.

The democrat portion of the Impeachment Trial in the Senate ended with the comment that “we cannot allow Donald Trump to continue to do what he has done to America.”

This leaves the question as to what president Trump has done to the American people.

The economy

Trump has given us the best economy in history.

We have the lowest unemployment for: African- Americans

Asian- Americans
, and Youth

He has created millions of jobs. There are more Americans working than ever before in American history

The highest Stock market in history

He has brought many companies back to the United States that had fled to other countries and he has brought many other companies to invest in the United States

He has replaced foolish trade deals with trade deals of great help to the American people

The Mexico - C Canada trade agreement (nearly scuttle by the Democrats)
New trade deals with:
South Korea



Saudi Arabia
And he has gotten NATO countries to contribute tier share of costs of NATO operations.

He has withdrawn America from the ridiculously expensive and worthless Parris Save the planet accord and he has stopped the idiotic shoveling of money to Iran.

He has reduced taxes and eliminated burdensome regulations, thereby giving more income to America’s middle class.

Why does this record deserve impeachment?

Because it means that the American swamp preachers will earn far less money, politicians will have less control of our lives, politicians will have less money to spritz around to their enablers and the Communist among us will have less money to bribe weak minded voters with “freebies.”


President Trump has lessened tensions with North Korea

He has destroyed the Syrian caliphate.

He has killed Baghdadi and General Suleiman and he has freed us from the control of the Middle East by making America energy independent and he has weakened Russia and Iran by exporting coal, oil and natural gas to other regions of the world

President Trump has made many improvements to lessen the threats to u Southern border.

What have the power hungry Democrats done for America during this time?
But they have done everything in their power to try to interfere with President Trump’s effort to bring those benefits to America.

From the prospective of American citizens, the real question is: Who should be impeached?
The obvious answer is the lying, treasonous Democrats.

Based on the legal maxim instruction to jurors, in federal trials,

The members of the senate should consider evert word uttered by Adam Schiff to be unreliable, and probably false.

Impeachment count 2 Obstruction of Congress

President Trump has the right and the obligation to protect the sanctity of communications between the president of the United States and his advisors for a number of reasons:

  1. The president could not receive the benefit of the candid thoughts of his advisors if the advisors are under threat that their words might be exposed to the world.

  2. Highly qualified persons might be far less likely to become advisors, if divisors were faced with the risk of having to pay significant legal fees to defend themselves while being used as pawns in legal proceedings in political tribe battles.

  3. Foreign leaders and even Democrats would be unwilling to have their discussions or negotiations with the president exposed thereby inhibiting the ability of the president of the United States to conduct affairs for the benefit of America and for the benefit of the free world

  4. There is the serious risk of exposure of state secrets being revealed to untrustworthy politicians.

Contempt pf Congress or obstruction of Congress.

This is another impeachment count that does not pass a constitutional test.

Democrats whine that the president told his “people” to defy subpoenas lawfully issue issued by Congress

Those subpoenas were not lawfully isued.

In order for Congress to be able to issue subpoenas to the Executive branch, in connection with an impeachment investigation, the House of Representatives must first have passed a resolution to commence an impeachment inquiry.

This was not done.
Only Nancy merely announced that she was commencing an impeachment inquiry.

This means that all of the subpoenas issued by the desperate, drooling Democrats were illegal.

As far as the argument that Trump was unwilling to be open with the American people this is another lie which is defied by the record.

The non-cooperation argument (lie) posited by Adam Schiff is dunked by the fact that during the 675 days of the worthless and very expensive Democrat created Mueller witch hunt, president Trump provided over one Million documents to the Muller Group.

The President’s “people” responded to over 2,800 Subpoenas,
And President Trump allowed over 500 witness to be interviewed.

Now Donald Trump is being impeached over a B. S. Claim that he denied more (albeit illegal) demands by the w itch hunting Democrats for 87 possibly existing documents. What, the one Million documents that they already got were not enough, they think that three might be 87 more! What B.S.!

Now the Democrats want three more witnesses. What for the last 5 years the Democrat crazies interviewed the wrong 500 witnesses.

More B.S.!

Meanwhile, Democrats in Congress have failed to produce the transcripts of testimony of witnesses secretly interrogated by Adam Schiff’s crazed /Democrats in the Schiff bunker in the basement of the Capital Building. These transcripts have ben demand by the Republican members of Congress.

Hence, it is the Democrat members of Congress who have been obstructing Congress.
The only reluctance to be harassed by Congress relates to the constant harassment of the president by Democrat members of Congress and the failure of the democrat members of congress to provide documents demanded by the republican members of Congress. Thus, it is the Democrat members of Congress who are committing Obstruction of Congress.
Thus, raising the question who should be impeached for this obstruction of Congress

This Impeachment matter is very simple

Count number One, Abuse of office.

  1. The president of the United States is the chief law enforcement officer of our country.

The President swears an oath requiring the president to seek out wrongdoing and prosecute wrongdoers.

  1. Joe Biden is as dirty a sin.

Joe Biden has been using his positions in the US government to profiteer for his own benefit and the benefit of his family (Isn’t lovely that Joe is a family man) using American taxpayer dollars for his profiteering as will be demonstrated hereinafter.

President Trump has a legal obligation to investigate and prosecute wrongdoing using every means available to him and/or to his “people.” Possibly even squeezing witnesses.

After all, the Democrat’s Mueller Group squeezed “witnesses” using both legal and illegal means.

Joe Biden crooked deals:

Hunter Biden was given a job with NCNA, a bank located in /Delaware. Thereafter Joe Biden got legislation passed in the US Congress which was very beneficial to NBNA.

Joe Biden, acting as US VP, traveled to El Salvador. Thereafter Hillstone Development Company was formed with Frank Biden (crocked Joe Biden’s brother as an executive. Frank Bin had no experience in real estate envelopment.

Hillstone was given a contract to build luxury hotels in El Salvador

After Crooked Joe Biden was put in charge of Iraqi matters by Obama, Hillstone was given a contract to build 100,000 housing units in Ira. .This housing as to be constructed with35 Billion dollars of US taxpayer money.
Thereafter, Hillstone was awarded a contract from John Kerry’s ’ State Department, pursuant to which Histone was to be paid 22 Billion dollars to manage their own Iraqi housing projec


Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and Whitey Bolger formed an investment company called “Burnham Investment Company.”

Burnham defrauded one of America’s poorest Indian tribes, namely the Acalla Sioux.

Burnham was also engaged in union pension fraud. Arche was indicted in federal court in New York

Crokked Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley’s husband, Howard created his own start-up health care firm. This company leverage off of the Obama health care plan to make a great deal of money.

James Biden (another Joe Biden brother) wound up as an executive of a Telecom company which soon had lucrative contracts to build Communication systems in Jamaica and in Latin American countries using American taxpayer money.

Is I not lovely that Bo Biden is such a family man?

Joe Biden was appointed to oversee gas production in Ukraine

Burisma /energy Company was well known to be a corrupt Ukrainian enterprise.

Hunter Biden got a no show, know noting job paying him millions of dollars.
Christopher Heinz (stepson of US Secretary of sState got a similar job with Burisma.

When the Republicans want to investigate Crocked Joe Biden, the Democrats whine that that is unfair because Joe Biden is a candidate seeking the Democrat nomination to run for president.

In other words, Joe I immune from investigation because he is a candidate.

The fact that President Trump is a candidate does not seem to bother the Democrats.

We note that he Democrats made no move to investigate the Obama-Biden administration for its spying on the candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election cycle.

It is now time to end this current impeachment garbage.

Senator Mitch McConnell should call for an immediate vote of the senators on the guilt or innocence of President Trump.

Denocrats whine that you cannot have a fair trial without witnesses.

How can the Democrats hold a fair trial when three of the candidates for President Trump’s job are sitting on the Jury?

Three more of the Democrat Senators are guilty of what they are accusing President Trump of having done.

There can be no fair trial until hose 6 Democrat senators recuse themselves from being on the Senate Impeachment jury.

So much for the sanctimonious demand for fairness.

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