During the sham impeachment hearings held in the U.S. House of Representatives, how many times did we hear Democrats recite the terms of the U.S. Constitution and the words of the Declaration of Independence as though the failure to impeach the duly elected president Trump would result in a constitutional crises and the loss of the spirit of the words of our declaration of independence.

Now, with the people of the nation of Iran risking their lives in a protest against an evil dictatorship, the Republicans in the U S House of representatives (Joe Wilson (r SC) Theodore E Deuch (r. Fla.)) have introduced a resolution expressing the support of Congress for the people of Iran. H.R. 752.
This resolution is designed to provide moral support.
This resolution does not call for monetary aid, or military aid.

Astonishingly. the Democrats in the House have disgraced themselves, their Party and their sycophants in the media by opposing this statement of moral support for those brave citizens of Iran who are risking their lives in the pursuit of freedom liberty and the right to pursue their own happiness and their own destiny

Shame on these Democrats

In our House of Representatives, the members of the House are supposed to represent the American people of the districts, who elected them to Congress.
Do the people of those districts harbor xenophobic hatred of Iranians?

Or are the Democrats disgracing themselves for the purpose of a non-American political agenda

This disgraceful act by the Democrats does not represent who we are as Americans who cherish and support freedom and free will.

These Democrat political hacks are beyond disgraceful and are embarrassing America before the entire world.
The primary reason for this lack of support lies in the fact that support for the people of Iran is the position espoused by President Trump.

Perhaps the reason for this bizarre , n-American position has its roots in another issue,

It has recently been determine that the Iran nuclear treaty was a plan to shower praise on the Obama administration.

The treaty was not designed to prevent Iran from developing Nuclear weapons. It was merely a “kick the can down the road” measure designed to prevent Iran from obtaining the nuclear weapons during the Obama administration, with sunset provisions practically guarantying that Iran would possess the weapon shortly after Obama left office,

Further, the principal reason that the Democrats we whining about the killing of the terrorist Suleiman was the recent discovery of documents establishing that the Iran Nuclear treaty was negotiated between Obama and General Suleiman.

Democrats have been desperate to keep this fact a deep secret.

We remind our readers, that we recently focused o the following:

As President Trump was preparing to build the wall to protect America’s southern border, the dirty Democrats screamed that the president could use no money for the wall without the approval of Congress.

The Dems argued that the executive could spend no money unless that expenditure was specifically authorized by Congress.

This continues to raise the fascinating issue: Who authorized the gift to the mullahs of Iran of the billions of unmarked dollars, ,secretly flown to Iran on an unmarked plane in the middle of the night.

This illegal act is attempted to be justified by Obama apologists as having been money that America owed to Iran.

This is not an issue of which bucket of money was tapped to put on the pallets of sash delivered by Obama to Iran in an effort to grease the Nuclear deal!

Remember this deal was negotiated with Iran’s chief terrorist Suleiman.

We know that that cash was used by Suleiman to fund terrorism. It is even possible that Suleiman used that money to purchase the missile system from Russia used by the mullahs to shoot down the Ukrainian aircraft.

Our other reminder is the glee expressed by Democrat chief idiot Jerry Nadler, when Gerry got a witness to say that a president of the United States could be convicted and imprisoned for crimes committed by that president, while he was in office.

We wonder how Obama will enjoy prison in Leavenworth.

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