Why there are so many rapes in France?

in #informationwar6 years ago

Today, I saw a protester with a sign saying : yearly - 300'000 rapes in france - 1300 condemnations. The question is simple : what is going on ?!?

  1. it's impossible to trust the medias and the politicians in france. they have no interest in disturbing the status quo.

  2. Polanski, when I read the support he got on various articles, I am just okay... When most actors of the state, the so called profiteers of tax money (so called french cinema) and all the wanna be famous defended polanski, I am just... hopeless. And frankly, even disinterested. I mean, what's the point of arguing or discussing with savages and barbarians?

So I did a quick research and this is what I found :

from https://www.madmoizelle.com/statistiques-viol-france-891007 :

In 2017 there were 250'000 victims of rapes or attempted rapes : 93'000 women, 15'000 males, 150'000 minors.

and that only 9% of the victims go to the police, and from there only 9% of the affairs are solved...

from : https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/le-nombre-de-viols-a-t-il-vraiment-augmente-en-france_1867064.html

60% percent of the rape victims are children.

from : https://www.planetoscope.com/Criminalite/1497-viols-en-france.html

every hour 9 individuals are raped, 206 per days, 75000 per year, only 16400 declared in 2018, 198000 attempted rapes and 24000 plaints for sexual assault.

in 2017, 16400 plaints for rapes, 45 per day, 24 000 for assault

10 per 100 000 capita

1 rape every 40 minutes

1 in 10 french women has been raped in her life.

57% of the rapes are against minors

from there : http://www.returnofkings.com/160882/pedophilia-is-entrenched-within-the-highest-reaches-of-the-french-elite

The gangrene is so deep and is so inextricably linked with the high-spheres of the government that tackling the roots of the problem would mean a total collapse of the establishment.

Pierre Bergé : . The same sources describe how he abducted little boys in his summer house in Morocco and invited many left-wing political figures and personalities, where they could satisfy their abject urges, away from the reach of the French justice.

Jack Lang : Lang’s name surfaced in the supposed abuse of minors during the “Corral Affair” in the eighties during which one child was found raped to death.

His name is also linked to the affair of Rosella Hightower’s dance school in Cannes, where the owners of the school were accused of providing children to high-ranking personalities. Lang was incriminated by telephone recordings during a police investigation, but was not prosecuted.

A few years ago, a “former minister” was caught in a police raid in Morocco targeting pedophile circles. He was exfiltered by the French state in the hours following his arrest. Lang’s name was not officially involved as he went one step ahead and threatened with prosecution anyone that would dare accuse him.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit : Cohn Bendit described in his book “Le Grand Bazar”, pulished in 1975, how he worked in an “alternative” (read “left-wing unmonitered degenerate”) kindergarten and let kids open his fly and play with his genitals. He “needed their desire”. He also confessed on TV how being undressed by 5 year-old little girls was an amazingly sexual experience.

Every time he is cornered, his excuse is: “How could you do this to me? All my family was gassed in Auschwitz!”. He says now that he regrets writing about it. I think he mainly regrets getting caught.

Frederic Mitterrand : He explained in great detail in his books how he enjoyed the brothels of Thailand selling little boys: “All the rituals of the twink fair, of this slave market, turned me on uncontrollably.”

all of them hail from the left and were important supports of Emmanuel Macron
all of them are homosexuals and vocal supporters of Roman Polanski
all of them spent regular holidays in Morocco and all the accusations lead there

from https://fr.sott.net/article/8084-Elites-pedophiles-liste-non-exhaustive lydia commented :

Et la liste n'est que la pointe d'un iceberg. Rien ne me surprend plus de cette élite qui mène le monde ni de la complète indifférence des gens par rapport a ce sujet. Ils ne savent pas, ne se doutent pas, ne veulent pas voir jusqu'à quel point lorsqu'ils disent que les politiciens sont corrompus (ça ils le savent) cette corruption est juste un masque pour cacher leur insalubre vie, comment derrière le mot corruption il y a un profond puits d'actes maladifs et psychopathes. Le monde a toujours été comme ça, les élites ont toujours été malades et abusives et méprisantes envers l'enfance et les femmes. Aujourd'hui cette élite se promène en complet-cravate, partout partout, ils ont des postes clés dans des organismes de très haute renommée, ils dirigent le monde en faisant semblant qu'ils s'occupent de la planète. En réalité ils me donnent envie de vomir parce qu'ils sont tout simplement des dégénérés et qu'ils s'attaquent aux plus démunis, aux enfants à qui ils volent leur enfance et une partie de leur vie. Mais pour rien au monde je ne voudrai ne pas être informée! En lisant ce genre d'article j'apprends à voir ce qui se cache derrière leur satané masque. Et merci pour cet article.

This comment express the disgust of a woman...

I would have only one comment in this cesspit of dispair that is france, where rulers fight the right of the people to vote directly on issues (like in the usa, switzerland for example) by pretending the french people would vote themselves 64 weeks of paid vacations per year... meanwhile, they...

the only real question: would the CiC agrees to invade France? That would be a nice addition to the Union... while, evidently, making it a gmofree state...

Otherwise, I really don't see a solution, unless simply moving to the 6th republic, but the problem for me, is that I don't experience a true revolutionary spirit in France... I see some very anti financial type, but for the rest it's quite a very conformist brain damaged population, if I may say it's total political correctness with extreme politeness.

We are far away from Texas... or more widely the "americana spirit", revolution, war of independence... spirit of liberty and freedom, path to happiness... not much, more conform, be happy with what you got.... kind of... malaise. Or when I see the mandarins of beijings or the russian federalists... I mean... if tomorrow there is a deviant russian oligarch having a slave datcha compound, I will not be surprised to not hear that a fsb liberation squad cleared the place and that the previously rich dude is dead or gulaged... while in china... another corrupt in the ocean of the people removed... to reinstate locally harmony, liberty, prosperity and safety, ie another busy work day in the chinese admin.

But in france... I think that fundamentally its the brain matrix or neuropath that kind of blind or makes me unable to even see, in the sense that I am way too conditioned to be able to really liberate my thinking and frankly not trusting those law and military enforcement, as they don't respect free speech. I don't want trouble.

I find way more comfortable, to "bash" the cia, comment on the fsb and mss, as I don't have specific individuals in mind, in the sense, when I say no rape policy in china, full on execution + organ farming, I don't target anyone, as I don't know... it's really on the conceptual level. While for the americans, or this republic will live according to it's creed and manifest destiny, or it will become an administrative province of the chinese administrative state...

And as I am for the independence of the united states of america, like the project on an ideological level (while opposing gmo, and emf spraying), I find a certain aspirational and creative drive in the american endeavor ! the messianic destiny ! to the moon...

france, meanwhile...

I saw the minitel, tgv, concorde, defense cbd, but since this eu... okay airbus... then what? what's the dream? not fighting with the germans? I find it quite light... okay, from an historical perspective it can be considered yuge, but does this quest has to make france such a cesspool of rape? such a mediocre democratic system? such a moron in the cultural sphere...

it's not the france of mr franklin or lafayette, that's for sure, and rather than saying that a king is the solution, I am more inclined to criticize the mediocrity of the so called ruling class, whose among their midst hide cover and socialize with pedos...

I mean far away from me... and in this regards I am totally comfortable with the war wings of the chinese administrative state... when millions men on the battlefield you will have, differently you will think.

And I believe that preventing the usa to become infested like france is way more important for the world and a better use of my limited time...

I simply don't have the drive, nor the will, nor the energy... focus:

america 1st !

the sino/russian and specially this chinese admin, I just have to watch... and try to understand... it's complex and well though... the chinese administrative system...

I shouldn't be sorry, nor guilty, it's just the limitation of life... and frankly the path of least resistance is so clear in the usa... free speech, with the responsibility of being able to back it up with strength is quite refreshing, liberating, and driving, that yeah... or yea as they say.

or maybe it's because I know what's good in france, that I don't want to mess with what's bad? I think it's fear and cowardice and weakness, and a lack of a clear path for result too...

Once the dod, cia, fbi are cleared from pedos... good luck... it's gonna be massive ! that's what I like... I know there are maybe still a few embedded, but they will be found, removed, executed or jailed, and then... there is a true sense of force, the possibility of doing...

or when I say in china, we are gonna get all rapists killed, they answer: in progress !

and that's the difference, maybe the discussion is prohibited, but the solving is being applied in real time, constantly improved and in all domains ! not only about having a perfect grammatical wording while being dumber than a decapitated rooster...

that's france image... a decapitated rooster pretending to be wise and worthy of leading while having it's chicks raped in troves...

I don't forget the 16 years old raped by the "project kids as in low income free building) in front of her home by like more than 10 who then suicided herself because she saw no hope.

and that's when, or if, american combat troops have to again return to france, I at least want to have modestly and stupidly participated in making the homefront safe during their short absences...

what ? we can't use the word homefront because a pedo shit like cohn bendit and his minions in the tv are against it? go complaint to the dod... and if you prefer the word cocoon, it's because you don't understand what the swarm defending it can become...

splashing, hive... what a nice word... it's so poetic... but it lacks the verticality... hive busting, there it is :). I don't like small conceptual horizon, what can the head of the rooster do while it's corps run around?

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