Why did the assisstant of the rabbi in chief of france made the Djhad Legal??? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?
You are mad... you don't understand your deutronom at all... protect your life? what the fuck do you mean?
since when this tyranny is there? my body my choice, my brain, my research my call...
not a fucking rabbi maybe even threaten by the childrapists eugenists...
fuck you man !!!!!
total wafare incoming !!!
Holly war to liberate Muslims who seek to converse their bodily integrity? fully legally compliant... HOLLY WAR!
I am against forced vaccination, but understand the battlefield imperatives.
what ever it cost !
if I may say as the kuffar I am :
If God widens the gate of heaven...
the islamic front of the vaxxwars may be small in per capita in the islamic world, but doubting their determination has been the foolish mistake of more than one bygone empire... and not the fake kind (of empire)... at your peril
I am not involved. I am against it ! each his body, don't mess with me, don't mess with you, all happy !