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RE: Barrett Brown coming to Steemit? We Need Your help to make this happen!

in #informationwar5 years ago

there are no gods but god ! I hope he can find a better venue of censorship resistant system... steemit is still okay, but it's a Dpos... Delegate have a lot of power... they can block access to the chain to certain accounts they wish... so it's not the magic system you are looking for... temporary yes !

He founded Project PM, a research collaboration and wiki, to facilitate analysis of the troves of hacked emails and other leaked information concerning the inner workings of the cyber-military-industrial complex.[1]

hehehehe !

what is his gig? only cyber? I think the problem is that he will waste his time, it's way easier to get at the pedocrowd... there you get gmo, emf, certainly vaxxines and more :D. the question is how are they using digital platform to foster their social objective (childrape)...

what is the opinion of this writter on the concept of "common defense" opposed to individual defense? A good example how would this author defeat a isis assault on the american mainland? solo or systemic?

n January 2015, Brown was sentenced to 63 months in federal prison for the crimes of accessory after the fact, obstruction of justice, and threatening a federal officer stemming from the FBI's investigation into the 2012 Stratfor email leak.

stratford email leak? but that's alex jones org :D. what was in it? I have no idea? childrape? various childrapist key words? who knows...

The institutions and structures that have developed over the past two decades of accelerating public internet use have had what we reasonably describe as a wholesome effect on information flow. But the information age is a work in progress, and thus there are potential improvements to be made. More importantly, there are improvements that can be made by an initially small number of influential participants working in coordination. The purpose of Project PM is to implement these solutions to the extent that participants are collectively able to do so, as well as to demonstrate the beneficial effects of these solutions to others that they might be spurred to recreate or even build upon them independently of our own efforts.[13]

that seems to be counter psy ops... there are no thousands ways : open source + evolving encryption xd. what else?

a sigint goal will always be to rule them all, and as best as we could harder shall we make for them to breach/pown and own :D. futile? of course...

but the goal isn't to defeat SIGINT (because then it's black hawks + black ops for live data extraction), nope, but to defeat all less good !

and if you think those same SIGinT peeps, want privacy for themselves too !

The book was originally titled Hot, Fat, and Clouded: The Amazing and Amusing Failures of America’s Chattering Class and consisted of his attack on the ubiquitous newspaper columnists and media pundits whom he argues are undeservedly influential and able to form public opinion. … We are excited to announce that we have rescued the book from its fate and that it will soon see the light of day. Newly titled as Keep Rootin’ for Putin: Establishment Pundits and the Twilight of American Competence, the text become available as an eBook in the spring of 2014 for donors to his legal defense fund.[20]

a problem with barney? it's liberty education ! open sourcing of propaganda and marketing, defeating the hypergamist drive to beat mss jones...

Some media outlets have presented Brown as a spokesperson for Anonymous,[9] a libel he disputes.[31] He has appeared in the documentaries We Are Legion, Terms and Conditions May Apply, and The Hacker Wars.[32][33] Brown has said he renounced his links with the group in 2011.[16][34] It was also reported in 2011 that Brown and Anon alumnus Gregg Housh had landed a six-figure deal with Amazon for a book tentatively titled Anonymous: Tales From Inside The Accidental Cyberwar.[35]

anonymous ! good people ! like the dude who hacked the hospital with the girl jailed :D. I was a really big fan of anonymous ! I think it was a NSA/Cia good guy lead resistance movement :D.

Brown has talked publicly about his history of using heroin[34] and he was going through withdrawal[38][39] on the day of his arrest.

ohhh... that's very sad... medical issue... privileged. I hope he will succeed !

A magistrate denied bail, and therefore he was kept in pre-trial detention, because he was "a danger to the safety of the community and a risk of flight."[40]

this magistrate should be executed, where is the mandate for ghislaine? why is harvey weinstein out? you see... those fuckers...

On September 24, 2012, a Pastebin post appeared titled "Barrett Brown – Communiqué from Prison 9/20/12", in which Brown thanked supporters, described the insufficient medical treatment he received after having his ribs injured during his arrest, and acknowledged some past mistakes.

exactly why cops vs legions is so loved by me... what the fuck breaking his bones during an arrest? are those animals? penalty.

On December 4, 2012, Brown was indicted on an additional 12 federal charges related to the December 25, 2011 hack of Austin-based private intelligence company Stratfor carried out by Jeremy Hammond.[44][45] A trove of millions of Stratfor emails from the hack, including authentication information for thousands of credit card accounts, was shared by the hacker collective LulzSec with whistleblower site WikiLeaks (main article: 2012 Stratfor email leak).

nice making private info public ! was it anything relating stratford to the childrapist gang? If not why not? I mean if they are half serious they should know :D.

I don't like stratford anymore.

Attorney Jesselyn Radack has raised connections between Brown's case, and that of her client Peter Van Buren, whom the State Department sought to prosecute over a link on his personal blog to a Wikileaks documen

jesselyn with the pedos?

As of September 4, 2013, Brown was under a federal court-issued gag order;

another thing I love about war, is when the former king, now simple prisoner, learn to behave properly.

Brown had been in custody since September 12, 2012.[57] His mother was sentenced on November 8, 2013, to six months of probation and a $1,000 fine for a misdemeanor charge of obstructing the execution of a search warrant. "My better judgment was clouded by my maternal instinct," she stated in court. The judge said to her, "I feel for you, as a parent. I know you did the best you could."[58][59]

just lol !

In March 2014, most charges against Brown were dropped.[60] In April 2014, it was reported that Brown had agreed to a plea bargain.[61]

work for cia/nsa ?

Brown has expressed a desire to move to Iceland or Germany when possible, telling Truthout in an interview, " I can't stay in the US because I can't get work done if I'm always subject to these little gusts of bureaucracy, which I am. It won't be for another year or so. I'm on probation for another two years. That generally goes down to one year if you don't act up. So in a year from now I'll be in a position to leave."[71]

to do what?

In 2017, lawyers for donors to Brown's legal fund filed suit[72] against Assistant United States Attorney Candina Heath for filing a subpoena against WePay that resulted in divulgence of their identities

2017? cyber and no crypto? all those centralized system are pedoleech in waiting, always ready to serve their masters...

censorship resistance !


5,543,061 emails published as of July 18, 2014
The emails revealed Stratfor's surveillance of groups such as Occupy Wall Street and protestors of the Bhopal disaster.[3]

I see...

another group of little leech seeking to enslave the legions to rape their (future) daughters... one day, all those will be hunted down... I hope they started their survival training :D

Julian Assange was a frequent topic of discussion in emails from Stratfor staff in the period 2010-2012. Emails from Fred Burton (Stratfor’s Vice-President for Counterterrorism and Corporate Security, and former Deputy Chief of the Department of State) indicated that he knew in January 2011 about a United States Government secret indictment against Assange.[9]

aahahha ! what they fear the most is the childrape tapes to be released... who knows how many copies are circulating or well hidden in unkown treasure :D.

An email involving a Stratfor analyst stated that it had been determined that up to 12 officials in Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency knew of Osama bin-Laden's safe house.[10]

he said he didn't do shit about it ! :D.

Ynetnews reported that, according to internal emails between Stratfor employees, Israel and Russia were engaged in an exchange of information in 2008. Israel gave Russia "'data link codes' for unmanned aerial vehicles that the Jewish state sold to Georgia" and that Russia gave "the codes for Tor-M1 missile defense systems that Russia sold Iran". The emails also stated that, during the 2008 South Ossetia war, Georgia "realized that their UAVs were compromised and were looking for a replacement for the Israeli made drones".[11]

ahahahah @arabisouri will be enchanted to read it :D.

As reported by The Times of India, some of the emails reveal that Stratfor was allegedly hired by Dow Chemical Company to spy on protesters of the Bhopal disaster.[5] Dow Chemical Company responded with a written statement that read: "Major companies are often required to take appropriate action to protect their people and safeguard their facilities," and that it had not broken any laws.[6]

LoL ! we know... toxic age... then retribution age :D and you will be able to do nothing... too much pain, when wives of legions push out monsters, hate will be torrid... and you will be burned, with your offsrpings and descendant (I insist, even if unjust, just to message clearly).

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told Reuters that his concerns with Stratfor stem from it being a private intelligence firm relying on informants from government agencies with dubious reputations, both from the U.S. and abroad, and especially its monitoring of activist organizations.[7] He also called the company a "shadow CIA" (a term originally coined by Barron's magazine in a 2001 article about the quality of Stratfor's analysis, not any actual association with the CIA[16]) and stated that the emails would "reveal Stratfor's web of informers, payoff structure, payment-laundering techniques and psychological methods."[17]

hmmm hmmm... pedogate / epsteingate involvement? or maybe it's black cube.

Former NSA Director Bobby Inman stated that the leak would be damaging to Stratfor's business. He had previously stated that Stratfor was competent, delivering high-quality intelligence analyses.[15]

this is a good question shall pmc work for criminals, what is a criminal? if they don't agree that a child rapists (rapists) epstein/weinstein are criminals, they are with the criminals... then it's autowipe.


2012–13 Stratfor email leak
The 2012–13 Stratfor email leak is the public disclosure of a number of internal emails between geopolitical intelligence company Stratfor's employees and its clients, referred to by WikiLeaks as the Global Intelligence Files. E-mails began appearing on WikiLeaks on February 27, 2012, with 5,543,061 emails published as of July 18, 2014.Stratfor is a security group based in Austin, Texas. On December 24, 2011, hackers took control of Stratfor's website and released a list of names, credit card numbers, passwords, and home and email addresses. Those listed were affiliated with organizations such as Bank of America, the United States Department of Defense, Médecins Sans Frontières, Lockheed Martin, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the United Nations.

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