Most live in "disney land" and refuse to see reality : cognitive dissonance or clown world.
Most have forgotten the difference between : public things and private things...
for example it's not the role of the state to declare plants of the creation like cannabis, poppy or coca illegal, but it's the role of the parents to educated their children the way they see fit.
Of course the goal of the statists isn't to create free and liberated individuals, but to have docile and pacified tax cattles they can milk from birth to the slaughter house to support the clepto child rapist aristocracy.
I know those words are impossible to read and understand for those living inside the conditional matrix (transmitted from generation to generation), as neuropath have been trained to protect the status quo.
have a nice and don't forget , leaving the behavioral conditional matrix isn't the hardest thing, it's when you are far enough and sees it for what it is... how such hate and inhumanity the slave masters have toward their mind capitves slaves, and how most inside it can't be helped, but by themselves only... it's a long way to live serfdom.
Word! I see you're spreading the words deep. Here's a translation into Klartext