I am turning negative on mike adams aka the health ranger
iop... why? it started with his post on financial pricing... I was just , duh, big head syndrome...
but his latest post convinced me to validate shoot on sight...
so hard... why?
simple. no wanna be gurus allowed.
I say many bad things on alex jones, but he never went guru...
always do your own research, or I told you so (implying that himself could only have a clearer sight with time) and always refering to his guest knowledge and information... the collaborative...
mike adams on the contrary is a leech, who repackage, and pretend that it's his own... the lastest post was totally explained to the audience by joel skoulzen, the old funny guy and the great question of alex jones (before the worehip of trump took over)...
so shame on your mike adams... this adams name has spin over your head or what? fucking idiots...
and so the shoot order is valid when WE met the northern axis...
as you know we will cross the straigh of bearing... then met the axis and check the hombreros south (real men) and of course along the way may find the cult of mike adams, it's at this moment...
why? because "gurus" or smiling not trust worthy trying to gain confidence will disturb the force...
and don't worry alex, it's just traveling...
pure death squads will have cleared new new zealand long ago... where ever they chose to hide.
sorry mr adams...
and question, is that a KMT characteristic? you know, I don't know them...
@healthranger tactically we may just shoot you to harm you, and then wait for those saying "daddy"... little harvesting and moving on... the moochachos is the real goal... why? what is this akamzuma mega sun etc, pyramid... and don't worry, your night vision and all this kind of stuff will not work since long...
personally, I will call the expedition off, and try to bring back one of those mega hat to moskow :).
why? because then its' the jungle...
but it's more probable it will be under the sky of arizona... too much shepard training in texas... you know the sense of the word... that explain the cultish drive... the gurus...
the herd vs the pack
it's always funny when the herders try to frame the pack leaders... aahahahha. the send wolf didn't come to be thaught by you, just observing closer the meat and it's biomechanics... you aren't worthy of leading... that's the pack, and it's not a question of conditioning... it's a question of wining...
vald the impaler, the boss, the non hereditary tsar... the savior of all russia... the resting ground of the one...