haspel and investment / inqtel / IT'S NOT THE TOOL, IT'S the MAN !!!
Some attacks on encryption? That would be the typical woman shit, remove the tool for the kid's hand. We saw it with may in england...
So it lead me to ask, is there a little deficiency or lack of profanity in the arcane of investment? I mean, none can be perfect or everywhere...
And if there is already a problem with encryption...
I have no fear from the tool, let's say that the pedo vip use encryption, fine, then there is their the FOOTPRINT ! that's from there. As it's a non consensual, non informed consent breach of free will, there is a victim, or at least a missing person.
From there, from the human, everything can be gathered... it's one thing to boast about navy seals, or those kinds of leaving survivors, but then it's always possible to move to the next gear, meaning the no survival crews... meaning there is none, innocents or not, who must have a records of their existence...
I know this type of warfare, is quite hard, but some stuffs can't be told... called them phantom/ghosts... too much gears, too much... and they know, if their life support system (body//who knows) fall, it's gone... ashed and burned.
but one sure thing it will be recovered ! the human or the tool used !
I thing it's the darkest part of war... where their will be no telling... I am not even sure if the us runs such groups...
still... the question remind valid....
but personally I don't like the historical way of the cia...
I way prefer the ways of the modern chinese admin.
treason > death.
foreign enemies > harvesting.
domestic rapists > death / organ farming.
corruption > gone.
or the russian way > aka oligarchs ain't gods, even if they believe to be from the so called chosen people... gs.
in a liberty state having an intelligence organized and structured doesn't mean renouncing it, but for that justice, so that retired and unlisted can live... but when all is corruptions, greed and injustice...
let's take mr flint... yeah...
do you think in china.... ? you know the administrative state... include the word intelligence, but it's way more complex when the arcane of the tao are entered... the metaphysical component of the chinese admin... philosophy, morals, ethics, and the force of the flow...
that can't be disturb by low life pedo, being the brothers of kings, or billionaires, please may the young pals (still in the official standing active duty death squads) take care of it, and they do before it reach those stages, because some of their leaders are already seniors and understand the serenity and harmony necessary for this state to feel...
and when you see dynasties fall, rest assured this state is still and as always at the mercy of the flow... but... yeah :).
you eat fast food?
so to recap : encryption isn't the problem or the tool, it's always the human. and that this approach reveals a potential weakness in the investment cycle...
frankly, I believe to be too smart for the western collectives, regrets the lag of the russian following sovietization and weap for freespeech in the administrative state ! when 5000 years old you will become...
who is the american confuscius? Or whose founding father was most influenced by confuscius?
btw... I have a project... I should find the form to submit it... it's bigger than wmds, doesn't need much money, but more skills to get it hatch fast...