Battlefield Congo : wiping the brazilian pacifiers / blue helmets - theoretical framework
- 1 systemic bombing operations in all the subway / mass transit system of brazil.
a scaling warfare, planned for a 3 months constant stream. with low events in the first days (1-3) to (10-30) in the second month to a full blow eventual phaze in the 3rd month (100-300 daily)
using frags to c4 bricks.
easy to move with reverse drug trade wars ways.
- 2 at the second month of the bombing campaign on brazilian civilian transit system in brazil
(ie before the scaling to the mass attacks)
start the combat operation in congo.
the idea is that by saturating and demoralizing the brazilian population with out any revendications, shadow war, they will be less likely to be able to react during the congolese phaze of the combat operation.
and so the pacifiers and the nation (and all the people who supported it) are defeated.
modern warfare 101
there are no civilians, only breeders.
What do you think of this theoretical framework? how do you estimate it's probabilities of success? operational costs?
I find it great, and having experienced a low intensity bombing campaign in the subway of paris, I promise you, it's traumatizing.
and to the people of brazil, sorry, you are the blue helmet in congo, so you die. but of course it's all theoretical who wouldn't want to be pacified by brazilian?