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RE: Corporate Collusion

So crazy and almost hard to believe. How can they all team up togther and agree to take all of his stuff down? How can they get away with that? Why do the people not care... they’re just fed some false idol to make drug taking, crime and suicide sound cool and get brainwashed through the 440hz frequencies until their minds just are unable to think for themselves. They cannot ‘like’ anything anymore apart from pictures and comments, they cannot speak their mind as it is controlled. Sad times, only few are breaking free. Just as I thought a few years back we were close to a global awakening, they turn up the EMFs and double the Chem trails... now we have today



Understanding what is happening now begins with understanding what already happened in history, and people should be taught that fundamental principle concerning life at school.

CIA Google?

Did the CIA and shadow government, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Ford, Soros, Clinton, others, fund, support, and help build, hijack, dictate, guide, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, etc?

Decentralized Education

We all can continue to try our best to educate each other, each day, on Steemit, Gab, Minds, Bitchute, Real Video, blockchain networks, and also the anti-social ghettos like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and this is very incredible and very scary, dangerous, too.


We can see it as an opportunity, a duty, a responsibility, to help educate, inspire, inform, encourage, each other, before it is too late, especially as they try to melt up our brains, our world, family values, independence, heroism, humanity, etc.

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