
Until you can say, "Everything i learned in govern-cement school was a lie," then even you are still believing some of their lies.

The lies are that deep.
Even the words you use are messed up because you were taught wrong.

Why do you capitalize your i's?

The reason that there hasn't been a revolution is that the really bad people are staying well hidden. The people are killed with a thousand paper cuts. It is impossible to know where to direct your anger, when it is the system, the entire structure, that is causing the pain.

And, everything you were taught in govern-cement schools makes you believe the structure is just fine. That it is the only way. That it is the correct way.

Are they hidden? It's 2019. Information is everywhere. You can definitely find the bad guys....if you want to. Personally, I don't think it's worth it. A task of this magnitude requires the combined efforts of all Americans and they are just not motivated enough to care.

Punch this into boogle
"Who owns the FED"
The information does not exist. Lots of speculation. But, no one knows.

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