The United Kingdom is in transition, with an impending vote of no confidence and an unclear path to Brexit.
Brexit is on, but it is off too. Prime Minister May has worked for two years to sever the United Kingdom from the European Union; to protect the UK from some bad ideas that are part of the EUs plans. The UK will still leave the EU in late May, in spite of an impending change in the government there.
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Politics can be volatile, even in the United Kingdom, will she survive independently, or be swallowed by the EU?
Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal has been rejected by 230 votes – the largest defeat for a sitting government in history.
This will cause a vote of no confidence soon that will put someone else in charge of the government there in the UK. With Brexit still scheduled for late May, the UK will still be leaving the EU; exactly how that will occur is now no longer clear. With all the work essentially done already, the UK will still leave the EU. It will be interesting to see exactly how that will happen.
I do not understand why the vote of no confidence has been delayed until Wednesday at 1900 hours. I do know when that happens it triggers a general election, that usually results in a change of who is in control of the reigns of power there in the UK. I am not sure when the general election will be scheduled, but it will significantly change the direction that the United Kingdom will travel in the near future.
Some of the contraversy over the EU is a direct result of requirements from the EU to resettle large numbers of muslims very quickly. Several member states have also rejected this requirement, and the entire EU may be threatened.
Things are getting interesting for sure in the EU.
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Thanks for the curation! I worry about our brothers in the United Kingdom. I hope this works out for them!
sir smithlabs! I saw a report on that mess over there, I like the way they do their politics over there, yelling and shouting and all that. lol. what a confusing mess it is right now though.
Well she had a record level of no votes against her, and Wednesday won the vote of confidence by 20 some votes; when they were sure she was done for!
So the Brexit is apparently still on, they just did not like the current plan. I suspect someone bought some votes the first time...but that is just a guess!
There is a small town WNW of here about 2 hours, that has the shouting too, but they take it a step further. If there is a deadlock, they go outside, the fight, the one that comes back in is the new plan, whatever it is. There are two Ladies on their city council, subject to the same rules; and the Ladies do not always loose, ROFLOL! They are farm girls who buck hay in the summer....
what the? what kind of a hillbilly town is THAT?
Actually it is Woodward Oklahoma. If the politicians in DC had the spine to do the same, we would not be in so much trouble, and the government would be running better, with a few less teeth....
Prinme Minister May WON! Back to Brexit!