The 9th Circuit Court supports President Trump in redirecting 60 Million in Tax money, away from planned parenthood!

in #informationwar5 years ago

President Trump legally de-funds a large part of Planned Parenthood, redirecting that money for the original Family Planning purposes!

Here is the Circuit Court Decision that supported the redirection of funding away from Planned Parenthood (PP) to other Family Planning services:
It is significant that this decision to support President Trump came from the Ninth Circuit Court, the most liberal by far of all the Circuit Courts

Image from article:
President Trump.jpg

Article on pulling taxpayer dollars away from Planned Parenthood, that were NEVER supposed to be used for Abortions to begin with:

When this program began, it was specifically forbidden that tax money, be used for abortions of any kind. It was intended to be used for family planning before pregnancy.

The Title X program was not intended to be a slush fund for abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood, which violently ends the lives of more than 332,000 unborn babies a year and receives almost $60 million a year in Title X taxpayer dollars.

It has been badly misused, and the Law has been ignored. This has had the effect of forcing Christians to pay to murder the most innocent Humans; violating their tightly held religious beliefs!' This means that the government is directly violating the religious beliefs of her Citizens, destroying their Freedom of religion illegally (Congress shall make no Law....)!

Here is another post on the win that will allow President Trump to pull 60 Million in taxpayer money from PP:

According to National Right to Life, during the Reagan Administration, regulations were issued, with National Right to Life’s strong support, to restore the original character of Title X by prohibiting referral for abortion except in life endangering circumstances. Additionally, abortion facilities could not generally share the same location with a Title X site.

In the 1991 Rust v. Sullivan decision, the U.S. Supreme Court found similar regulations permissible.

This funding will be moved elsewhere, and used for the original purpose it was intended for! Other companies that do actual Family Planning, and not abortions; will receive this money. So it is just being redirected to a Legal use / purpose for Tax money!

Contrary to what liberals would have you believe; most people support reducing the carnage of abortion per this poll:

Three in four Americans (75 percent) say abortion should be limited to – at most – the first three months of pregnancy. This includes most of those who identify as Republicans (92 percent), independents (78 percent) and Democrats (60 percent). It also includes more than six in 10 (61 percent) who identify as pro-choice.'

The last line shows that the pollsters were using a biased sample group, with 61% of the respondents identifying as pro-choice. Yet even with this level of biased sampling, 75% support limitations on abortion!

This is obviously another example of the liberals selecting a loosing argument; and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! They have 25% support here; even they can NOT stuff the ballot boxes that much!

The survey also found that by more than 20 points, a majority of Americans believe that “scientifically” a fetus is “a unique life” (56 percent), while only about a third (35 percent) believe it is “part of a woman’s body.” A plurality of Americans say that life begins at conception (42 percent), while only about one in 10 say life begins at birth (13 percent). And by a margin of more than eight to one, most Americans also believe that laws can protect both the mother and her unborn child (83 percent to 10 percent).

Just one more loosing issue...for a party that is imploding for lack of direction!

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