Private funding for the wall on the southern border approaches Eighteen Million in two weeks, of go fund me access!
The Go fund me account to build the southern border wall has raised over $17,500,000.00 so far! He wants a Billion Dollars to begin construction. He will be presenting something next week to really kick this off.
If you want to donate, or more importantly sign the petition to congress go here:
Here is an interview on how this is going:
Here is an article about this American hero, that lost three limbs for his Country. I think if Anyone has earned the right to speak on behalf of this country, THIS MAN is the one!
He is an impressive individual, and is worth the time to listen to him! A lot of people hurt this badly, would retreat into their own shell, and never be heard from again. Some people rise above their own disabilities, and do great things in spite of them!
I would love to see this MAN run for congress! We need this kind of quality in congress, there is so little class there these days!
God bless American heroes, I'm from Oregon, 33 years old, and I didn't join military but thought about it. I want USA walls and/or whatever it takes to stop the UN and Soros and others from Open Borders, from divide and conquer, the agenda 2030, etc. I like what Trump was saying yesterday about the different options there are for the wall and some of it has started already but thanks for sharing this video too and My Christmas 2018 Article was downvoted because I said there are two genders and I believe in family first values. Many of my posts have been flagged this week because of things like that. Here's an upvote. Thanks. Oatmeal.
Sorry about the down votes! You should publish under the informationwar tag.
Also if you are flagged for content they just don't like, @freezepeach can help you overcome their politically based flagging.
I HATE censorship myself, and I will be following you so I can upvote your stuff! Keep posting, I do NOT agree with censorship just because you disagree. Where is the debate? They are just ignorant bullies!
howdy sir smithlabs, it's about time you put a post together. this is a good one too. miracles still happen.
Wow, who knew, ROFLOL! Even a blind hog gets an acorn every now and then.
I have posted every day for a week, you need to get on steemit once in a while. tough I know, but worth the effort!
This guy is doing what our supposed representatives were sent there to DO. They should be fired, and give him the job, after all, HE is doing their work already!
haha! hey maybe after this guy gets done with this wall funding project he'll run for office. Where's he at? I know he can't be from Oklahoma, it's been awhile since we've seen anybody worth their salt come out of that place.
The dearth of those worth their salt in Oklahoma, is almost as bad as the dearth of the same from Texas!
I would Love to see this MAN in Congress! A couple of hundred like this, and we could turn this mess around.
This is an impressive MAN, doing a large job, for the good of the country!
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
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Thank you! The @informationwar tag is my preferred source of information! You are doing a good job here.