Pelosi and Schumer have been bribed, not to build the wall we need for security; by Mexican drug cartels!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I have had a semi-morbid fascination with the intransigence of the liberal high command related to the security wall on our southern border. I have been attempting to understand the absolute lack of movement on their part on this project.

I think a big piece is hate for President Trump, and a vested interest in blocking any political gains he might get from finishing the same. Another part is they expect to gain voters, by ignoring the Rule of Law; and making those here illegally, magically into voters. I am sure this also is a small piece of the whole. But it is not enough for the extreme political risk they are taking!

Image from article:
pelosi and schumer.jpeg

What would be worth risking your entire future as a politician, in a hard refusal to even discuss a wall? It has to be a lot of Money; nothing else would be sufficient return to take this level of risk. Logic suggests that this money must be hard to trace. So a large amount of untraceable money, that needs a lack of border security enough to bribe an official to keep the border clear of obstructions. That has to be either drug money, or terrorist attack funding. Nothing else has enough untraceable cash to buy these individuals. IMHO, Pelosi and Schumer; have been bought, nothing else makes sense.

Most Citizen agree that our southern border needs to be secured. and a large portion of those same people think a wall is the best way. THIS is the political risk they have assumed, and the gain they have showing thus far; are just not enough to make them so immovable!

Here is an article where a Democrat claims it is Drug money. I almost hope they are right, because the only other option would be them dealing with terrorists, SMH! I pray they are not at that level of Evil....

As support that the cartels would be willing to bribe as high up as needed, for monetary gain, here is an article from the El Cahppo trial that includes a $100,000.00 bribe
El Chapo 'paid $100m bribe to former Mexican president Peña Nieto'

Chuck Schumer's Net worth is $2,500,000.00; working as a a public servant! At a base salary of $172,887 he has banked over 14 years of his many of us have over 14 years of income saved?

Nancy Pelosi has him beaten, her Net worth is $120,000,000.00; again working as a public servant at $193,000 per year! So in 30 years in office, she has saved the equivalent of 621.7 years of her salary!

Sadly these are the only facts that make logical sense, these evil people have been Bought and Paid for to help the drug cartels murder US Citizens with drugs! I can think of few things that are worse, than that of an Elected Official, selling the lives of their voters, to line their own pockets!


sir smithlabs! why is the poilitcal motive not a possibility? They think they have the marjority of the American people on their side, not wanting a physical wall and they think they can make Trump look like a racist in this fight. They can portray him as mean, evil, heartless, tearing families apart, etc etc and all the dems believe that now so it's a win for them as they see it.

Never confuse their position with their politics. They know they own the stupid ones, and they can lie and influence some others, BUT they are not so stupid as to believe their own feces.

They are in this for Power, and money. BUT people are beginning to figure them out! The improving economy and improvements in the country, makes them look like petty children; playing games with our Republic!

The article I just posted on the tanking approval ratings proves that people are no longer these fools!

The more they stamp their feet, and wet their pants, and scream Racist and Immoral; the more good people will see them as the evil children they are! They are slowly cutting their own throats.

It will come out that they are PAID by drug suppliers, and that they no longer work for the good of the country! This backlash should cost them dearly, politically speaking.

We live in interesting times, May GOD help us all!


sir's about time you started commenting tonight, I figured you had abandoned your duties like normal. but and wet their pants! lol....who says they're paid by drug dealers? That sounds like a conspiracy theory if I've ever heard one!

The claim was from a democratic staffer.

I did a post on it this week, showing the net worth of these two Minions of Satan! 15 years of saved salary with Schumer, and 621 years saved with Pelosi!

Scum vermin for certain, in the employ of the cartels. They need to be jailed for taking bribes!


sir smithlabs! I know these politicians always get rich after they get to Washington but I figured most of it was insider knowledge of stocks or such. I remember how Harry Reid was broke when he got there and when he left he was worth something like 25 million! lol. disgusting.
I'd like to know that we have more proof than from a staffer though. I know they're corrupt though.

This is a perfect use for a special council, with fangs!

A simple Audit will work on these gangsters as well as it did on Al Capone....


We don't need a wall. We need reparations. America needs to pay for its sins not a wall.

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@wakeupnd thank you for the curation! This is a good tag here on steemit.


Well... Honestly it's not that far fetched of a idea! And that kinda cash you might want to say yes... Silver or lead take the bribe or eat a bullet.

Posted using Partiko Android

At that level, you send the lead. If they try this, you have them killed for threatening you! The voters will applaud, and back you 100%!

We can stop these problems, IF we will!

The other way, is to make all drugs legal, with maybe a small tax to help cover the medical problems this will cause. The Cartels will instantly have ZERO money! Problem solved....

As a side note, if politicians are convicted of taking bribes, they need to be placed in Prison for the rest of their hard labor!


I can totally see the politicians trying to kill all of these efforts because that removes all of the bribes that they get for interceding on these narco-terrorism people

Posted using Partiko Android

WE will have to push them off this legislation cliff for sure!

But think how much FUN that would be, ROFLOL! That on a real cliff....


Oh my god we are so unsafe as it is!! Don't you see all these immigrants coming into the country working these low wage jobs that Americans don't want to do. Working low wage jobs is very unsafe for Americans!!!

The ones that take sub par wages pull real wages down for everyone. That said, there is a house three houses up across the street; where five families from down south, live. They collect money from the government...on all five families; but they never go to work, not Ever!

The drugs coming across the border kills thousands, but our house of Representatives still refuses to act!


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