RE: Media Engineered for Weak Minds
If you showed me a picture of him and Timothy McVeigh playing Texas hold'em last light, I would not be surprised.
It he was connected half as much as has been reported, why get rid of him? He would have terabytes of data on hundreds of people. And that would need to be secured. Or just take him offline and continue to use the data.
The powers that be could walk him out of there at will, or during the Manhattan power outage in July.
And if he was walked out the many inconsistencies will play out just as well as the JFK assassination. Whereby the general public believed the magic bullet for 55 years, along with the undammaged slug that was found on his stretcher.
Managers will be reassigned and the lowest people on the payroll will be disciplined. And so called conspiracy theorists will chase down rabbit holes for decades.
Also expect a few death of those that were in close proximity to him and a few early retirements for the good soldiers that took the cash.
The MSM has been reporting for the last 2 months about the record number of police suicides, a few more will blend right in.
Whether he was snuffed out or walked out it does not matter, we will never know. But what I do know it after the 3rd irregularity that seldom if ever occurs, I'm done chasing rabbit holes..... it was a fraud.
Not to worry they have 2 or 3 to replace him. Consider the last 50 years calling someone out as gay was enough to end a political or professional career, including preachers and the clergy. Not in today's world. Today it takes child trafficking/ molestation to get the job done. And they will get the job done.
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