Since Steemit has gone down in flames I've stopped posting, but would like to get some sort of community going again, with my like minded friends. So far I haven't found any good platforms to replace CIA Steemit, but let me know if you find any.
After having a quick look, I do think it has some potential. It displays images full size in 1x1 ratio so could suit me to a T. If it does seem OK I'll do sift666 just as a humour posting account, and frot for all my other stuff.
Awesome, I’ll keep an eye out for an alternative to the alternative lol
I see you tried Minds but gave up on it - was it no good either?
I just signed up for a minds account to have a look, and it looked like it might be OK, but I haven't actually checked it out yet
And have you tried Diaspora?
But I suspect all these platforms are psyops like Steemit...
Well tbh I’m not a fan of its setup. But I haven’t given it much of a try either. Never heard of diaspora? I’ll have to take a look into that.
I actually set up a minds account 18 months ago for sift666 but got the password wrong and never used it.
When I set up a new account yesterday (as frot) I also sorted out the log in for my original sift666 account.
So now I have two minds accounts!
After having a quick look, I do think it has some potential. It displays images full size in 1x1 ratio so could suit me to a T. If it does seem OK I'll do sift666 just as a humour posting account, and frot for all my other stuff.
Diaspora I wasn't as keen on, it's a bit geek, but worth a look - - but I think the name alone will stop it ever becoming bigtime - and also https://worldtruthmx because someone recommended it