Shackled minds - tax man and farm theft by useless Fiat currency

in #informationwar3 years ago


Here's a message to really think about.

I was asked today by the only other English guy in our town of 25,000 plus people why I dislike politicians, mayors and alleged officials so much, so rather than blurt it out on the spot, I thought I would do it on blurt and send him a copy via email.

Based on the not so Great Britain life and reality.

You've had a decent week and "earned" £1000! 😃 BUT on your way home you meet: 🙄

  1. Mr income tax who takes £200 (or more) off you - I want my 20%.
  2. Mr national insurance who takes £130 (or more) - I want my ~13% (and I'm going after your employer for an extra £130+).
  3. Mr council tax who takes £70 (or more), of which £20 is to pay for idle pensioned off employees and 8p to empty your bin.

OK - you feel like you've been robbed as you now have £600.
But you need to put £200 worth of fuel in your car for next week (or you wont earn anything) - well 90p of each liter is tax - so that's another £112 in tax.
At this point in time you're left with £400 and you've paid £512 in tax and £90 just to go to work again.
with the cost of electric & gas up by 50%, you probably need to spend £100 of this on fuel for your home, leaving you £300 and £522 in tax, £90 to go to work and £88 to heat your home.
From this £300, you buy your food, which is taxed at mostly 20%, so if you spent £100, you have paid £20 more towards that tax making it £542 tax
£90 petrol
£88 gas/electric
£80 food
leaving you £200 from your £1000 earnings.
from this £200 you need to pay your car finance (which is also taxed), the insurance on your car (also taxed), your annual road tax (which is a tax), - Another £30 or so.
Shit, forgot you have not yet paid your rent or mortgage, but your government who have your best interest at heart have taken nearly £600 of your money, you have spent £80 on food and £90 on elect/gas, the rest was either tax or just so you can go to work again
so from £1000 you have roughly £170 left after spending £170 on yourself. Sounds fair, but you are not a slave, don't worry, your government loves you and cares for you and wants whats best for you, yes?

And to add insult to injury, they print the money in the first place with ever diminishing buying power. a dollar in 1971 is worth 18 cents today!!!!!

Inflation is not inbuilt into the monetary system it is a policy choice.

Sell me your farm.

Unsure to be honest how many letters I have had pinned to my gates, "we want to buy your land" was how it started, hand written.
Now for context reasons I will explain I have no post box, none, nothing, zero, zilch.
I do not want one either/neither.
The farm for me, for us is an escape from the matrix, I have set it up to run on solar, be heated this winter via HHO/browns gas, and our water is from a well that has been there for 40 years or more.
I have no internet there now, I did but now I do not. It is my place, our place to forget the world and do what we want and when we want.
It is a total escape from the matrix except for a stereo and TV and the only person that puts on the latter is my daughter.

The main photo at the top.

Is where I buried a politician today, only joking, I wish. 😂😅

It is in reality going to be a tiny herb and vegetable garden that I want to try experimenting on with perma-culture in mind. All year round garden at that.

You see we have many gardens here, but I thought most people have access to a couple of feet to plant food in, so if I use a tiny garden for one, some of you may be able to join in too.

Here is garden 2.


Yes a bit overrun at the moment, but it will not be tomorrow.
Garden 3. For mint and a small row of potatoes. Plus the greenhouse for nurturing seeds.


Garden 4 is split by a path, that will be fully UN-weeded the day after tomorrow.


Garden 5.


And then I have garden 6 for potatoes only that I forgot to take a photo of, it is the largest of the lot.
The fields I do not have to worry about until harvest now as we do not use pesticides.

Now back to them notes on the gate.
The notes have turned to letters with offers, large offers at that, the last one was almost double what the farm is worth, double indeed.
I am not even bothering to respond to them, I use them as fire starters.
There is no price you can put on freedom and the passion I feel for the farm, the enjoyment from not having to see a living person for as long as I chose.
Serenity at it's finest.
No amount of digits in a bank, or fake Fiat monopoly money notes is worth the peace of mind we get when here - FULL STOP.

Now with the current agenda of food shortages and food production plants in the USA getting burned down.

And even an airplane hitting one, it seems there is a full on commitment to buy farmers land at ANY cost. Not only here but worldwide. 17 is it now @richq11 ? Regards production plants.

I note from the UK they are offering to buy farms too, the government that is, but in the disguise of letting farmers retire.

The USA is taking a different route but the result is the same, less food in the food chain, hunger games up next.

"The Biden administration announced on Wednesday that it would expand a program that pays farmers to leave land fallow."

Some of you will know by now I have run the food is free project for almost 9 years, I grow food and share it, give it away, trade it for services and deliver it to the needy and elderly.
Some years I do a bring and take at the end of the drive to encourage others to share.
I do not accept money full stop, never have, never will.

But I am no saint, the part where I explained how we derive satisfaction from being off-grid and the comfort the wild animals give, the peace and serenity are my main motives for refusing to sell, the latter food is free is just an extension to that.

I bought a Beretta CX4 Storm 9mm 17+1 with Top Rail semi automatic rifle last night lol, if it comes down to defending my right to own my own land, then that picture above at the top may become a reality, let us just hope it does not come to that hey.

Have a superb day and week ahead.

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