Winning The War For America... The Hypocrisy of the Left

in #informationwar5 years ago  

  Matt. 11:23–27  Blind guides, who strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel.  Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you make clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but within you are full of rapine and uncleanness... So you also outwardly indeed appear to men just; but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.  

 I want to begin with two old maxims: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and the end justifies the means. The first tells us that intentions mean less than actions and as often as not do not produce the desired results... in other words, words and intentions in and of themselves are useless, it's the actions they spawn that are meaningful. The second, a mantra of the Left and stratagem of Leftist icon Saul Alinsky, is purely a falsehood... in fact, the means is the end- or in Biblical terms, "as ye sow, so shall ye reap." 

 Our republic was specifically designed for a moral people- one capable of self-governance. By that I don't mean electing legislators to pass laws that we must all follow, but governing our own behavior in a manner that precludes depending on the government to micromanage our lives. Little by little elements of the populace are proving themselves incapable of such a feat. Using brainwashing- mostly by the mass media- the Left is driving morality out of the socio-political landscape. Hollywood produces little more than filth. The mainstream news is a cacophony of lies... all designed to bolster the Left and make normal everyday Americans seem like racists, bigots and homophobes for not embracing the Leftist ideology. One key element of their strategy is the dialectic- problem (most often fabricated), reaction, solution. It's a very basic and subtle form of brainwashing. Once the imaginary crisis is internalized, it becomes easy to manipulate people. 

  Total crisis leads to burnout, emotional exhaustion, detachment from friends and family, and violence.  

 How do you brainwash a nation?  

  Control the national environment, force a crisis on the country, and tap into their fear and guilt. And then you can outlaw planes, cows, skyscrapers, straws, plastic bags and the rest of the Green New Deal.  

 Guilt has always been a very successful method of mind control. The Baby Boom generation used it masterfully against their parents, browbeating them into almost complete capitulation. And it's only become more prevalent. 

  Since the Left still lacks total control over the United States, it relies on repetition, itself a form of control and stress, to create fear and panic. It makes up for its lack of physical control by bombarding Americans with messages meant to inspire fear, love, hate and guilt through the media, through the educational system, through entertainment and through every possible messaging channel.  

  Global Warming panic is one of a succession of manufactured leftist crises in America that began with a class crisis. transitioned to a racial crisis, and then to an environmental crisis.  

 By repeating these fabricated crises and their attendant mantras ad nauseum, they've turned America into unwitting accomplices whose only wish is for them to shut the hell up. They've been equally successful in using the same tactics in their war on morality, pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda which is now expanding to include pedophilia and bestiality. While America is in a state of empathy fatigue, the Left is constantly pushing a "morality" that has no semblance to the literal meaning of the word. They've pushed this new moral code of theirs- the tolerant of anything unAmerican and valueless into a religion... it at least has that religious fervor- and they've brought the mainstream religions, in their attempt to stay relevant, along with them. 

 The mainstream religions are just as responsible for the moral decay as the Left. The purpose of religion is to provide a moral foundation and get souls into Heaven- not to make you feel good about yourself. This is why the Founding Fathers stressed the need for Christianity, even though some of them were less than pious themselves. They understood the necessity of a moral society to prevent the cesspool we're currently living in. Instead the Catholic Church has become a hotbed of homosexuality and pedophilia. Most of the mainstream Protestant denominations embrace abortion and have homosexual clergy... no wonder the Left is taking over- the shepherds have abandoned their flocks. As St. John Chrysostom said: "The road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." Things have gotten so bad in the Catholic Church that most traditional Catholics have had to go underground. How bad is it? 

  Leave "political correctness" to the false church. It's time for a little plain speech. Its time for a little truth! There are many homosexuals in the priesthood and in the hierarchy. Many of these are not living celibate lives, and they prey on others. They do not preach the truth of Jesus Christ because they could not do so without condemning themselves. They are in positions of authority in Chancery Offices and seek to add to their numbers by controlling vocations. They organize into "support groups" many of which are not oriented toward celibacy, but exist to provide "contacts" for sexual relationships. Priests are dying of AIDS at an alarming rate and some have even blamed the Church for not teaching them about "safe" sex in the seminary! (How safe can "safe" sex be, when Hell is the result!)? The Church has not shown any desire or ability to deal with this.  

  Jeremiah 50:6 King James Version (KJV)6 My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their resting place.  

 While Christianity has been turned into the "church of nice," the Left has been hard at work, playing on the people's sense of guilt that they themselves have created to cow them into silence. "For a vast percentage of those on the left, all the rhetoric comes down to one basic and very emotional platform: they are the good guys, facts be damned. And despite the tendency of the rational to dismiss it, this is not a platform to be trifled with." 

  When asked what their political beliefs are, liberals all repeat the same chant: the right is evil, corporate, racist, intolerant, and homophobic, and the left is “humane,” “tolerant,” and “nice.” They don’t even use the word “good” because that lexicon is fraught with the implication of a moral code that does not pay homage to the new religion of feeling.  

 This is the result of decades worth of planning, chipping away at traditional western values a little at a time, and their efforts have been very productive. 

 “Nice” is fitting in, doing what they want, not really hurting anyone (as long as we don’t count the infirm, who need to be euthanized, and the unwanted unborn, who need to be aborted), and most important of all the progressive sacraments, never judging anyone else unless he’s a white male.  

 Feelings trump facts and when the truth is brought up, the Left either scampers away to their safe spaces eliciting sympathy from authorities, or turn violent, in which case the authorities for the most part ignore them. The Jussie Smollett hoax and the Covington Catholic boys are two examples of the Left's tactics and the complicity of the news media. People tend to believe the news the way it's presented... including with the liberal bias. So where are the valiant warriors of the right? 

 Heraclitus was a philosopher and a warrior. During a lull in the battle he wrote a letter to the leaders of Athens regarding the soldiers he was receiving as replacements. He said that for every 100 men they sent 90 were useless. They were little more than battlefield clutter. Out of the 100, about 10 were fighters and the outcome of the battle rested on their shoulders. And maybe one, only one, was a true warrior. The spiritual warfare is no less warfare, and I believe the percentages apply. The vast majority doesn't want to know the truth. They just want things to be "nice" and the truth and the demands it would place on them as followers of Christ are unacceptable.  

 One true warrior out of a hundred accurately describes the "moral majority" of America. Fairweather patriots and keyboard warriors with Patreon accounts on YouTube seem to make up the majority of the real American "resistance," another term stolen by the Left. It's a lack of organization predicated in large part by censorship on social media. Whereas the Left gets a free pass, the "right," as we are mistakenly called, are heavily monitored and censored. In fact, there is no "right" in America, only the left and those who disagree with them. 

 Watching the recent and laughably hypocritical social media authorities' crackdown on "hate speech" (which means "speech that we don't like"), one is reminded strikingly of a confrontation recorded in the Gospels between Jesus Christ and the Pharisees.  Christ directed attention to the longstanding Pharisaical pretension to be just and holy men, although He in His omniscience saw them privately indulging in the very vices they publicly condemned: (See quote from Matthew at beginning) 

 Virtue-signaling liberals would have you believe they are the most conscientious of people, perfectly positioned to lecture the public on matters of morality, but in truth, they defend and promote so many abominable injustices that it is impossible to ignore their rank hypocrisy.  

 Here are but a few examples of liberal hypocrisy: 


  • Demanding that private businesses (like Christian bakeries) be forced to violate their convictions of conscience by baking homosexual "wedding" cakes (though not critiquing Islamic or homosexual bakeries for similar practices) while defending other "private" businesses (like Facebook) censoring or de-platforming whomever they wish
  • Insisting that the government be allowed to regulate the most nitpicking minutiae of private life, down to how many ounces of soda you can drink, while equally insisting that the same government should never interfere in "private" decisions about your body (like, say, a woman extinguishing the life of her offspring in utero)
  • Lambasting the "violence" of "hate speech" (i.e., speech that dissents from leftist dogma) while assaulting restaurant patrons for wearing MAGA hats 
  • Confidently asserting that homosexual desires are fixed and unchangeable, such that laws must be made preventing homosexuals who voluntarily seek to change from doing so, while also asserting that fixed and immutable biological traits (like possessing a Y chromosome) are totally fluid and changeable merely by "identifying" as a woman 
  • Forming the vanguard of an alleged resurgence in sexual mores and propriety toward women via the "Me Too" movement while also allowing its Hollywood branch to continue pumping out a steady stream of foul and semi-pornographic filth that largely created and sustains the very rape-and-smut culture they now claim to decry
  • Denouncing political commentary as causing "violence" against Democratic politicians, then quietly ignoring similar condemnations after shootings against Republican congressmen (committed by a Bernie Sanders–supporter)
  • Focusing keen media attention on (extremely rare) incidents of terrorism directed against mosques (particularly when there is any slight hope of pinning the blame on a right-winger) while studiously ignoring actual genocide committed worldwide against Christians, especially to avoid drawing attention to the Islamic origins of such genocide

 These are only a few of the incidences mentioned in the article- which I recommend reading in its entirety. What makes hypocrisy — and leftist hypocrisy in particular — most galling and most outrageous is the spectacle of a wicked man holding himself out as a teacher of the good.   It's one thing for a man to cheat on his wife, but quite another for the same man to bid farewell to his mistress just before taking the stage to deliver a public lecture denouncing adultery.  

 What this all boils down to is human nature... perhaps better described by "man's inhumanity to man." People are not inherently good as many would have us believe. Human beings are driven by self-interest... they will only be good if it is in their own best interest to do so- unless acted upon by some outside force, such as religion, government (threats of violence), or some other mitigating force. The Founding Fathers understood this and tried to balance human nature with Christian morals resulting in a dynamic equilibrium. Clearly not everyone would adhere to the moral precepts, but as long as the majority- both in public and government- did the republic would function and survive. What we have witnessed over the past 50 or so years is the erosion of Christian values, thus undermining both government and society. Lord Acton wasn't whistling through his teeth when he said: "Power corrupts." 

 Adam Smith realized these things when he designed the market-driven economic system. People tend to forget that Smith wasn't an economist, but a moral philosopher. Twenty-some years before he wrote Wealth of Nations, he wrote The Theory of Moral Sentiments, a necessary predicate for using the economic system. The much maligned Machiavelli didn't so much espouse that leaders needed to be draconian, as recognize human nature in its rawest form. 

  Men are so simple of mind, and so much dominated by their immediate needs, that a deceitful man will always find plenty who are ready to be deceived.  

  Of mankind we may say in general they are fickle, hypocritical, and greedy of gain  

  Men never do good unless necessity drives them to it; but when they are free to choose and can do just as they please, confusion and disorder become rampant  

 Another maligned man, often erroneously called one of the fathers of Italian Fascism, Vilfredo Pareto, refined Machiavelli's views. Pareto, an economist, sociologist and political scientist did studies on income distribution among many other things; applying principles of human nature to the mix. It was Pareto who coined the term elite in social analysis. Pareto viewed society as a diamond instead of a pyramid with minorities at the top and bottom and the vast majority in the middle. 

  At the bottom of the Wealth curve, he wrote, Men and Women starve and children die young. In the broad middle of the curve all is turmoil and motion: people rising and falling, climbing by talent or luck and falling by alcoholism, tuberculosis and other kinds of unfitness. At the very top sit the elite of the elite, who control wealth and power for a time – until they are unseated through revolution or upheaval by a new aristocratic class. There is no progress in human history. Democracy is a fraud. Human nature is primitive, emotional, unyielding. The smarter, abler, stronger, and shrewder take the lion's share. The weak starve, lest society become degenerate. 

  Unfortunately the Italian Fascists took Pareto's ideas and ran with them, comparing the body politic to a living organism in which "undesirable elements" must be excised for the organism to function properly- in much the same way the Left of today seeks to remove those who threaten their agenda. In Pareto's view, the "unfit" excise themselves. This quote gives a brief synopsis applying Pareto to today's America, showing the influence of the elites and the motives behind their actions: 

 The Italian sociologist and economist Vilfredo Pareto died in 1923. He saw men’s beliefs and actions as motivated by sentiment and self-interest. The ostensible motivations given for certain beliefs and actions, such as helping the underprivileged, are often cover for actions actually motivated by a desire to protect the privileges of the elites -- the power structure. For example, the Democrats claim to be motivated by a desire to help the underprivileged. But their actions are clearly motivated by a desire to protect their own power and privileges. Encouraging mass immigration of illegals who compete for lower-level jobs does not help the underprivileged, rather it creates a new group of voters that will support the Democrats. It also helps privileged groups by supplying cheap labor. 

 Pareto saw the progression of societies driven by the elites- the struggle of the middle class to become elites themselves and therefore a part of the ruling structure, or replacing the existing order. "The concept of an elite that imposes itself by exploiting a channel of interests and general psychological conditions against the old leaders who have exhausted their function is genuinely liberal." This was an inversion of Marx and his "revolution of the proletariat." The "proletariat" in reality doesn't want to replace the existing order, only to become a part of it. In short, Pareto had a much better understanding of human nature than Marx. 

 Pareto saw the life of a country as influenced by the growth and decline of elite ruling classes. When a ruling class loses its vitality, it is likely that a new ruling class will rise and displace the old ruling class. At this transition the old ruling class may try to preserve its privileges by savagely attacking the aspiring ruling class. Trump is the leader of the aspiring ruling class. He and his supporters are savagely attacked. Trump is depicted as being a criminal, an eccentric know-nothing, someone driven by a lack of impulse control, or a racist. But Trump is a genuine political talent. He has shrewdly fended off the attacks and has an excellent chance of being reelected. He is helped by the disorganization and extremism of his opponents in the declining ruling class.  

 This is not to say that Marx hasn't made an immense contribution to the current situation- it's Marx and his followers, such as Alinsky,, we have to thank for the inherent nastiness of the Left. What Marx lacked in economic astuteness he made up for in vituperation- in spades. 

  Watching and enduring the Democrats' venomous drive to destroy President Trump brings the phrase to mind.  They are characterized by an infantile inability to accept the results of the 2016 election.  From the moment Trump became the nominee, they set out to wreak havoc on his candidacy, then his presidency, his life, and his family.  Without even the hint of a crime committed, they set in motion an "investigation" that was really an attempted coup — not an investigation at all, just a means to a desired end.  

 The "phrase" spoken of is Robert Burns' A Dirge

  Many and sharp the num'rous ills
Inwoven with our frame!
More pointed still we make ourselves
Regret, remorse, and shame!
And man, whose heav'n-erected face
The smiles of love adorn, — 
Man's inhumanity to man
Makes countless thousands mourn!  

 The Left in America will go to any lengths necessary to destroy anything that threatens their agenda. "In true Alinskyite fashion, the ends justify the means, and no mere lives are more important than the desired ends.  The desired ends are often protecting lucrative jobs." What the useful idiots on the Left, so blinded by their hatred of Trump and all who support him, seem not to understand is that they seek to destroy the very socio-political system that gives them sustenance. As Ronald Reagan once said: "Government isn't the solution, it's the problem." The Founding Fathers understood that Christian values are what supports both the society as well as the political infrastructure. If you take that away, the republic crumbles. A nation cannot support dynamic equilibrium on the politics of hate. For a democratic nation to survive there must first be a firm moral foundation. As the Left and their allies in Hollywood, the MSM, the Democratic Party and the useful idiots on the street continue to tear away at the fabric that keeps us strong, the question is why? The answer is POWER only the elites will have it, and the useful idiots are too blinded by hatred and rage that they are merely cannon fodder.


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Moral decay is alive and well in America. The church have done little to stop it. As a result we have become sick and vulnerable to disease. Self govern ability is thrown to the wind. How can a sick person heal themselves without help? How can America be healed without God? We cannot no longer self govern because we have lost our compass of values and our boat is tossing about in the storms of the sea. Thanks @richq11

the churches have been subjected to the same subversion campaigns that the natsec, judicial, and educational systems have been.

The churches have for the most part joined in... Gay and lesbian preachers! I read about one church in California that serves alcohol

Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation, and Liberty. We are a peaceful and non-violent movement that sees information as being held back by corrupt forces in the private sector and government. Our Mission.
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Ways you can help the @informationwar!

so how do we go from an immoral society in which anti-values are taught by the elite into a moral society?

A saying I have taken to lately is

you can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out

Shoot 'em... they aren't going away on their own and they aren't going to change their minds! Like Mao said: Politics comes from the barrel of a gun!

sad but true

the next stage began back in 2012

I need your help... check protonmail

Self governance starts exactly with the (self).

Vacate as many subverted institutions as humanly possible. Homeschool, home church, kill your television, read books (the older the better ) grow and raise whatever food you can. Raise your children and grand children vigilantly to seek and practice truth and virtue. Take responsibility and most importantly don't despair.

I did and am doing exactly that... I'm almost 74. What do you do with a society that keeps proving beyond all doubt that they're incapable of governing themselves???

Not sure what to do with "society." I suspect, as it has taken multiple generations to bring us to this point of debauchery, entitlement, and spiritual illness, it may very well take multiple generations to bring us out. All I can currently do is continue to seek God, truth and vacate the beast system(s) as much as possible.

That's pretty much all we can do- that and encourage those around us to do the same. I once read that "the best sermon is a good example," can't hurt to try!

As a suggestion, because with old age my attention span is decreasing, turn it into 2 - 3 posts, it would be easier to read and absorb. :-)

Are you calling me long winded my old friend??? I'll see what I can do!

Not long winded, but with so many facts/items, my old brain gets fogged up quickly,
If there was a break between for a coffee or two, then it would sink in better.
[It may attract more of the youngies as well, they have a short attention span, if they have to turn the page, that is too much effort].
It was only a suggestion, :-)

Are you calling me
Long winded my old friend??? I'll
See what I can do!

                 - richq11

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

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