The United States of Incarceration: The Schaeffer Cox Story

in #informationwar5 years ago  

 I read a news article about Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner freeing a prisoner that had served 20 years out of a double life sentence for selling crack, a man named Anthony Swatzie. This was a part of Trump's 1st Step Act and because Swatzie is black will resonate with black voters. But I want to talk about another prisoner, one whose incarceration makes no headlines, one that Trump is unlikely to manumit the sentence of because he believes he has that demographic in his back pocket. I know you're thinking I'm talking about Julian Assange again, but you'd be wrong. This man's name is Schaeffer Cox and he's being held almost incommunicado in an illegal prison few are even aware exists in Indiana. Unlike Anthony Swatzie, a convicted crack dealer, Schaeffer Cox's story is a complex one that involves a good deal of political corruption. 

 This goes back at least to 2008 and the Democrat/Deep State political attack on Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska, who himself had done nothing wrong other than opposing a pipeline. The Stevens case was the Deep State's trial run for framing political opponents... and it worked magnificently! I don't want to go too far astray from Schaeffer's story so I'll link the story of Stevens political lynching below- it's a good one and well worth the read What happened to Schaeffer Cox is that he found out some things he shouldn't have and to make matters worse, he made them public. 

  Oil pipeline service company executive, Bill Allen, who had been spared prosecution on multiple counts of sexual abuse of minors in exchange for his 2008 testimony against pro-2nd Amendment Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, was among those implicated. “The State Wide Drug Taskforce supplied children for sex to a number of state and federal officials in exchange for those official’s cooperation in concealing the ongoing illicit drug trafficking activities of the State Wide Drug Taskforce,” Schaeffer Cox said.  

 Cox was allegedly a member of an Alaskan Militia, one thing that we do know is that he is a libertarian who moved to Alaska to avoid the confines of the continental US and all of the government intervention that goes along with it. The story of how Schaeffer was brought down is almost as interesting as the Stevens saga. Enter Bill Fulton, a pro-government hack who, although growing up with nothing suddenly amassed enough money to open a military surplus store hiring a few other para-military types to work there. Cox was a natural leader, people naturally gravitated toward him and Fulton despised him for it. When the government came a-knocking Fulton couldn't wait to oblige in the takedown. First a rumor was circulated that Cox wanted to buy grenades and military-style weapons... much as it was in the case of Randy Weaver. This tactic is becoming formulaic in practice- but I guess if it continues to work... Unlike Fulton and his friends, Cox wasn't a "right-winger." 

  His politics, as they emerge here, appear more classical libertarian than right-wing. He accepts people doing what they want as long as they recognize that their rights end the moment they infringe on another person's. He also denounces racism and homophobia more than once and repeatedly condemns the intermingling of religion with politics.  

 Fulton's politics being more closely akin to the KKK made Cox a natural enemy. He was more than willing to act as a government stooge. Fulton was also involved in the campaign of Joe Miller's disastrous bid for the Alaska Senate- at one of the rallies Fulton handcuffed the editor of a local left-leaning newspaper making him very unpopular with the left. When he helped take down Cox, he became a pariah on the right as well. The only place that Fulton maintained any popularity at all was with the corrupt FBI.

  The highly publicized handcuffing of Hopfinger at a Miller campaign event had left Fulton hated on the left. When it became clear that he had helped the government snare Cox, Fulton's support on the right evaporated as well. Immediately after delivering the weapons that Cox was seeking, Fulton and his family were removed from the state for their own safety and Drop Zone closed its doors. He became a man with few friends. But, he writes, he did it to serve his country.  

 When you're on the outs with both wings of the political parties "my country" pretty much means the government. Fulton hired a ghostwriter to tell his side of the story in a book called ironically, The Blood of Patriots, ironic because Fulton never shed a drop of blood in defense of his country... he was just a political stooge used by the Deep State to set up a genuine patriot. 

  Fulton insists that, contrary to claims from both the left and the right, he received no financial compensation for his involvement. Instead, he lost his home and business. Acting on his soldier's oath, Fulton helped stop Cox before he carried out his plans. He's cantankerous, but when it mattered he honored his vow.  

An outrageous lie... Fulton's account and very likely untrue in light of the fact that the weapons found with Cox were likely planted as were the drugs. One thing Schaeffer Cox isn't, is stupid enough to be caught with weapons and drugs. For one thing Cox is an anarcho-voluntarist, a believer in non-violent resistance, much like Ghandi... which begs the question, why would a pacifist be trying to buy grenades and military-grade weapons? The logical answer is that he wasn't- the whole thing was a set up because he had uncovered massive corruption going on in his own backyard... starting with the framing of Sen Ted Stevens, which made Cox a very dangerous man. 

  Not long after these public statements, the same departments that Schaeffer Cox accused of corruption sent in numerous provocateurs to try to switch his efforts off of exposing corruption and on to violent vigilante-type actions. Schaeffer cox, who believes in non-aggression and voluntarism, can be heard on multiple undercover recordings telling the provocateurs, “No, I’m going to pull a Ghandi, NOT a Rambo” and “if we turn violent, people will see us as the bad guys.”  

 Bill Fulton was the provocateur who came to Cox in an attempt to talk him into committing violence. when that failed there were only two ways left to dispose of a man as much of a threat as Schaeffer Cox was- death or imprisonment. Cox was sentenced to 26 years in a federal hellhole... one that isn't even listed by the Bureau of Prisons. Working through CPS the FBI hit Cox and his wife with "child neglect" charges- as I've written many times before the burden of proof in child neglect cases is so flimsy as to almost be non-existent. That's how the feds got their foot in the door so to speak. When's the last time anyone saw the FBI get involved in child neglect? 

 Fulton was attempting to get Schaeffer Cox and a friend Les Zerbe to go on a shooting spree at the provocation of the FBI- they wanted Cox badly, he knew far too much to be left walking the streets. " the FBI dispatched undercover provocateur, Bill Fulton, to again try to convince Schaeffer Cox to go on a shooting spree in response to these new developments. Bill Fulton, acting under the supervision of FBI Special Agent Sandra Klein, pointed out that the child neglect complaint was obviously the corrupt work of Schaeffer Cox’s political adversaries in the government, and urged him to go kill all officials involved." Naturally Cox refused causing Fulton to fly into a rage and hold a knife to Zerbe's throat. As you can see, Fulton is less a patriot upholding his "Oath of Enlistment" than a political hack doing the bidding of an FBI that's been riddled with corruption since its inception. They will use any weapon, legal or otherwise, to achieve their stated goal. 

 Under the direction of FBI Special agent Klein, Fulton once again tried to coerce Cox into a mass shooting, this time by threatening to kill Cox's family if he didn't participate. This was all part of a cleverly planned setup. When Cox once again refused, the FBI sent in a drug wholesaler named R.J. Olson who held Cox's entire family hostage in an attic for three weeks after sabotaging their vehicle to prevent them from escaping to Canada to seek asylum. 

 On March 10th, 2011 Schaeffer Cox was taken from the attic to a deserted industrial lot in Fairbanks where he believed he would meet the “truck driver” Olson had promised. No such truck driver existed. Instead, there was a FBI ambush of out of town agents who did not know Schaeffer Cox was a well respected local political voice with popular support. The Agent’s, who had been instructed to shoot Schaeffer Cox on site if he had a weapon, were not advised by the local FBI case agent of Cox’s repeated statements about being like Ghandi not Rambo.  

 Olson had been supplied by his managing FBI agent with an unregistered handgun which he was to throw onto Cox's lap to precipitate a hail of bullets by the agents waiting in ambush. Schaeffer Cox was to be silenced once and for all- but something went wrong with the plan. The owner of the lot stopped by and started asking questions about "all of the guys with masks and automatic weapons." Cox was arrested instead. There was of course a show trial where prosecutor Steve Skrocki had nothing with which to convict but the testimony of Fulton and Olson, government stooges working directly under orders of the FBI. 

  Steve Skrocki, who has publicly attacked> Schaeffer Cox for his belief in Moral Higher Law, built his case primarily on the testimony of Fulton and Olson. But recently released audio recording and email between Steve Skrocki and his boss, US Attorney Karen Loeffler, now show that Skrocki coached his witnesses to lie, then vouched for those lies in his closing arguments to the jury.  

 Schaeffer Cox was convicted for nothing other than his beliefs, beliefs held by many Americans including the Framers of the Constitution who knowing of the corruptibility of government wisely wrote it into the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution... the belief " that ‘We The People’ may someday have to stand down an out of control government." Schaeffer Cox is in prison for believing in the Constitution. That's the background story. In a recent article for the Washington Standard, journalist Tim Brown has once again taken up the mantle of Schaeffer Cox's defense. 

 The story of Christian and political prisoner Schaeffer Cox is one that every American needs to hear and it is one that sounds like it could never happen on US soil, but that would be in a time long ago in our country.  Today, the corruption of government, the political powers that be and those in authority who have the power to set an innocent man free turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the innocent while sparing the guilty.  However, there may be hope for Schaeffer Cox.  

 If you're a Christian in America, or an upholder of the Constitution you're typically branded as a "racist" or a "white supremacist" in today's society. This while "drag kids" and green haired lesbians on street corners screaming about their vaginas are lauded as "heroes" by the mainstream media. I'm old now, but the America I'm looking at now looks a lot like some dystopian movie written by George Orwell and directed by Federico Fellini. Gone is the America of George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and the other geniuses that gave us the "shining beacon on the hill" as described by Ronald Reagan. Gone too is the America envisioned by the Gipper himself, replaced by intellectual giants in Congress like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her "Green New Deal." An America overrun by disease ridden illegals wanting only to exploit our generosity while holding allegiance to whatever third-world shithole they climbed out of. How is it that a patriot like Schaeffer Cox, whose only crime was unveiling massive corruption, can languish in prison, while genuine criminals such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton not only still walk the streets, but profit handsomely still from their misdeeds? The answer is simple- just ask any Democrat. 

 Brown posted a letter from Schaeffer asking us all for help- I'm broke, bit I also for one will not turn my back... who knows, I may be next- or you if you're not so much of a coward as to keep your head down and your mouth shut. The men that founded this great nation pledged their lives, fortunes, property, etc. in defense of liberty. Schaeffer Cox is such a man... a man that's been victimized (oh how I've come to hate that word) by the nation he loves. Here are some excerpts from his letter: 

  Hi Guys,  

 The appeals court threw out half my charges, vacated my sentence, and are now sending me back down to the trial court to get resentenced. Hopefully, I’ll get a lot less time. If I got anything under 12 years, I’d practically be at the gate. My attorney says it’s possible. Justice would be for them to dismiss this whole hoax of a case. But if I can’t get justice, I’ll settle for some mercy.  

 He goes on to explain that there were more "informants" involved than just Fulton and Olson like everyone surmises. A FOIA request by his lawyers shows that there may have been up to 14 if not more... not all willing witnesses as one would surmise, but people coerced by the government unlike Fulton and Olson, both criminals protected by a corrupt FBI. As we've learned from the Whitey Bulger case the FBI typically allows major criminals to work unimpeded in exchange for information, money and other considerations- the FBI is more corrupt than the criminals they investigate... is it any wonder that they were involved in the Russia collusion hoax? Cox goes on to explain how the FBI trap works: 

  Why so many? The FBI uses what they call the “push-pull” technique to entrap innocent people they disagree with politically. It works like this: The FBI sends in a large team of informants to surround the target and start a bunch of rumors. Then they send in a second smaller team of informants to “investigate” the rumors that the first team of informants are whipping up. Once they’ve got everything stirred up real good, a prosecutor will go to his whores in the media and spoon feed them the salacious fake narrative about the hoax investigation. While this is going on, they put you on trial, the jury takes one look at the case, says “if there’s smoke there must be fire,” and convicts you. But what the FBI keeps hidden is that it was THEIR OWN informants blowing all that smoke! The entire Russia Collusion hoax was a “push-pull,” just like my case. It’s trial by show biz!  

 Just as in the Russia collusion hoax, a steady stream of propaganda (The Narrative) is pushed by the Democrats and their lapdogs in the mainstream media to create a probability of guilt in the minds of the public... in lieu of concrete evidence, it's the only hope for a conviction. The fact that the whole narrative is a concoction of lies and innuendo is kept from prospective jurors and a conviction is not only likely, but in the case of Schaeffer Cox a slam dunk. Cox was convicted on a cacophony of lies by the "informants," the FBI and prosecutors themselves. 

 The FBI has gone so far as to put one of their own collaborators in charge of Schaeffer's Legal Defense Fund, which at the direction of his handlers he promptly stole. This is how your government works- not for you, but for themselves and against you. There is no underhanded trick they won't use to further their nefarious agenda- if you don't believe me, ask Ted Stevens whose entire case was recently overturned... too little too late. Schaeffer's children need him. His mother needs him. 

  I’m fighting to get back to my children and family. My mother came to visit me recently. She was a young looking woman when I came to prison. But when I saw her through the glass at that visit, she looked like an old grandma. She moved like and [sic]old woman. And for the first time ever, I saw a little fear in her eyes. She knows she’s getting old. And she needs me out so I can take care of her if something happens to my dad.  

  He's being held in a tiny cell with no windows in a prison that violates every standard or statute regarding cruel and unusual punishment- not to mention any and all standards of human decency. Please take a few minutes to look at this video and donate to his cause... even if it's only 5 or 10 bucks. I did.  

 Could you send a donation of whatever amount you can? If you don’t have a lot to give, would you send five dollars? Or even just one dollar? Believe it or not, those small donations make a difference. And then you know how to do it. So if you do want to hero-up and really save the day, you have dipped a toe in already and know how to donate. But let me tell you, when you take the lion’s share and send $500, $1,000 or even $5,000 you have put a dent in corruption. You have staked out some ground for freedom and justice in this country. You’ve defended American values in a big way. And you’ve delivered hope to me and my family.  

 I'm going to begin an email campaign to the White House- it probably won't have the same political impact as freeing a black crack dealer the year before an election, but maybe we can shame the government into freeing an innocent man. Like the old saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished... Schaeffer Cox is being punished for exposing corruption and every filthy despicable trick that the Deep State and FBI has up their sleeves are being used against him. If we remain silent in the face of this evil it makes us as complicit as those who perjured themselves against Schaeffer... silence in the face of evil is no different than a lie. There is no such thing as moral neutrality, like Jesus said, "if you're not with me, then you're against me." 

 You can donate to Schaeffer at:>  

 Even a dollar makes a difference- it lets him know he hasn't been forgotten. Also please join me in sending emails to  


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Bless you for giving a shit. If more did, we wouldn't have the mess we have now.

I only wish I could have given more. I posted this on Twitter hoping to get a little traction, but you know how they are! Thank you!!!

Thanks for the post. My theory of prisoners goes back to the end of the war between the states. The amendment to follow It abolished slavery except for the penal system.

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They just changed it around... now they use debt instead of chains (it's less noticeable)

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