The New Eugenics... It's All Around Us- Part 2 - The Rockefeller Foundation

in #informationwar5 years ago

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 When we left off we were discussing the involvement of foundations such as the Clinton and Gates Foundations picking up where the older foundations- Rockefeller, Carnegie, This is not to say that the torch has been passed, only that others have joined the endeavour. This post will focus almost exclusively on the Rockefeller's dubious contribution to improving the human race; bearing in mind that the Rockefellers represent the American arm of the Rothschild diaspora. I've written several times before about the effect the Rockefellers have had on the medical profession, using their money and influence to turn what was primarily homeopathic (based on noninvasive procedures and maintaining health) into the invasive allopathic method that focuses on treating symptoms rather than on overall health. Ironically, it has been since this transition that the overall health of the nation has declined along with a rising rate of cancer and other diseases. Equally important is their effect on the educational system- although they may seem dissimilar, they're inseparably linked...  after all a well informed public is less likely to fall for their nefarious eugenics programs. 

  The Rockefellers were just getting started with their eugenics plan back in the early 1900s, and by the time the 1960s rolled around, they were full steam ahead with their population control agenda – including the development of anti-fertility vaccines for both men and women.  

  • In 1968 the Rockefeller Foundation stated that the oral pill and IUD will turn out to be impracticable on a mass scale. They set out to fix that.

 • In their 1986 annual report they admit funding research into the use of fertility-reducing compounds in relation to food for “widespread use.”

• By 1988 they were funding the first phase of anti-fertility vaccines for women.

• In 1991 a “Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation” was created with the Rockefeller Foundation, WHO, World Bank and UN Population Fund. Mind you, this is 20 years after sterilization laws were repealed.  

 The difference naturally being that laws that apply to the government mandating that people with undesirable traits be sterilized, do not apply to benign private philanthropic foundations doing in behind the scenes... particularly with the endorsement and assistance of the UN. The 1968 study done by the Rockefeller Foundation entitled Problems of Population outlines some of the drawbacks in traditional birth control methods such as IUD's and "the pill." 

  Experience of the past few years indicates that the oral pill and the IUD, while far superior in many respects to contraceptive methods available previously, have serious drawbacks that limit their effectiveness. So experimentation began into contraceptive pills for males which seemed to have adverse and even toxic side effects.  The male pill is being very little investigated; several types of drugs are known to diminish male fertility, but those that have been tested have serious problems of toxicity.  

 The foundation will endeavor to assist in filling this important gap in several ways: 

 1) “Seeking out or encouraging the development of, and providing partial support to, a few centres of excellence in universities and research institutions in the United States and abroad in which the methods and points of view of molecular biology are teamed with the more traditional approaches of histology, embryology, and endocrinology in research pertinent to development of fertility control methods;” 

 2) “Supporting research of individual investigators, oriented toward development of contraceptive methods or of basic information on human reproduction relevant to such developments;” 

 3) “Encouraging, by making research funds available, as well as by other means, established and beginning investigators to turn their attention to aspects of research in reproductive biology that have implications for human fertility and its control;”  

  4) “Encouraging more biology and biochemistry students to elect careers in reproductive biology and human fertility control, through support of research and teaching programs in departments of zoology, biology, and biochemistry.”  

 One thing to bear in mind is that the Rockefeller Foundation is only one tentacle of a much larger organization- one we may call Rockefeller Inc.- which in itself is a set of tentacles of an even larger entity- the Rothschild/Rockefeller diaspora... which in its entirety controls banking, the United Nations (including the World Bank & IMF), not to mention governments around the world that have central banks. Remember the words of Amschel Mayer Rothschild: "Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws." Add to this Rothschild/Rockefeller controlled institutions such as the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome and naturally the Council on Foreign Affairs and its British counterpart the Royal Institute of International Affairs and you have a juggernaut of unparalleled power... all with one goal- global domination. 

 In 1991 the WHO (World Health Organization of the UN) reported: 

  Basic and clinical research on the development of birth control vaccines directed against the gametes or the preimplantation embryo. These studies have involved the use of advanced procedures in peptide chemistry, hybridoma technology and molecular genetics as well as the evaluation of a number of novel approaches in general vaccinology. As a result of this international, collaborative effort, a prototype anti-HCG vaccine is now undergoing clinical testing, raising the prospect that a totally new family planning method may be available before the end of the current decade.  

 Important to note: these vaccines are not marketed as anti-fertility drugs but combined with vaccines designed to prevent communicable diseases such as the MMR vaccine, Malaria vaccines and others unbeknownst to the vaccinated.  Under the report’s section titled ‘Actors Involved,’ it goes on to list the governments of Sweden, United Kingdom, Norway, Denmark, Germany and Canada, as well as the UNFPA and the World Bank. It also includes The Population Council of the United States being funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, USAID, the National Institute of Immunology in India which is also funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Canadian International Development Research Centre, the US Contraceptive Development Program, and the US Center for Population Research at the National Institute of Child Health and Development.  

 As reported in Part 1, when developing nations refuse the vaccines the UN pressures them using loan guarantees from the IMF and World Bank. When the choices are starvation or accept the vaccines, the choice is clear. This is how politics is done at the UN, the most corrupt institution in history- not to mention brainchild and global control mechanism of the Rockefellers. Another form of male contraception that was being experimented with was gossypol, an extract of the cotton plant. 

  Gossypol, a natural substance found in the cotton plant, continues to show promise as an oral contraceptive for men. Because it suppresses sperm production without affecting sex hormone levels, it is unique among the experimental approaches to fertility control in men. Foundation-funded scientists worldwide have assembled an array of information about how gossypol works, and studies continue on a wide variety of its clinical applications. Dose reduction is being investigated to reduce health risks associated with the use of gossypol.  

 Gossypol is only one of a number of sperm count reducing agents that have been used without our consent or knowledge. It almost goes without saying that when sperm counts drop, so too does testosterone resulting in effeminacy- something we are witnessing at an alarming level.  Though they allege that the development of gossypol as an anti-fertility compound was halted in the 1990s, the cottonseed containing the substance was selected for mass distribution in early 2000s, under the guise of claiming that cottonseed could help defeat hunger and poverty. Genetic engineering ensued to allegedly reduce gossypol in cottonseed. But did they? Based on research, and given the current infertility rate in women and significantly reduced sperm rate in men, it wouldn’t seem to be the case. Read the full, extensive report this journalist documented, with additional source links.  

  The Rockefeller Foundation, World Health Organization, the World BankGAVI, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Clinton Foundation, USAID, Planned Parenthood, Eugenicists, big pharma, countless NGOs and foundations, multiple scientific research laboratories, big pharma, “philanthropists,” governments, Ivy league colleges and universities, and numerous individuals who have been in leadership at these organizations, creating off-shoots and additional NGOs, consist of people who do not have your best interest at heart, lie and deceive, deny and manipulate, and have brought endless levels of illness and infertility to countries across the world. If you cannot see this, you have lost your way. There are no “safety measures” or “follow-ups” in the research they do, for they do not care of the side effects and detriment it may cause, because it only aligns to further their goal. Just as the judge who presided over the most recent lawsuit against Monsanto stated, this is the case with many in positions of power:  

  Monsanto does not particularly care whether its product is in fact giving people cancer, focusing instead on manipulating public opinion and undermining anyone who raises genuine and legitimate concerns.  

 Monsanto, now part of Bayer, consistently cross-contaminates organic farms and then sues the farms affected for copyright infringement, thus eliminating competition and ensuring that their contaminated product reaches the target populations... everyone. The FDA, tasked with ensuring the "purity" of food and drugs in in the tank for Big Pharma- in other words the Rockefellers. Anyone that has watched Rockefeller Medicine by James Corbett knows that they control pharmaceuticals in the US and around the world- along with the medical profession. These are the "rulers of the world," people who see themselves as our "owners," who can do as they please with us, or with our genome as they see fit... simply because they have the money to do so. 

 It's axiomatic that money buys power and the Rockefellers were wise enough to "buy" the medical profession along with the educational establishment. This old newspaper clipping shows the Rockefeller's disdain for the America that made their wealth possible.  

 We are being experimented on like rats in a cage... this evil consortium of philanthropic foundations, government agencies and corporations are preventing people from procreating- all for their own nefarious purposes, all the while being sold to an undereducated public as "Population control," or "women's reproductive health rights." Their purpose is clear, only certain people are to be allowed to reproduce. The rest of us are bombarded with poisons in our foods and vaccines that cause numerous health problems in addition to sterility. Now they have the government mandating vaccines so that no one can escape- if you refuse, your children will be taken and out into the child trafficking pipeline... otherwise known as foster care. It's time to stand up! It's time for the eugenics experiment to end.  


Excellent post and critical message @richq11 ...what amazes me is that so many people actively shut down when you begin to mention these things to them; their programmed response is "conspiracy theorist" but, eventually this information will become more pervasive and more people will get it (hopefully by then it won't be too late... and if it's not already).


If it's too late I'm doing a lot of hard work for nothing! I don't believe it is... people are beginning to wake up, a few at a time, but when they do there will be hell to pay.

Excellent revelation, I'm on the same page, exposing the crimes of the elite bankers that run the world. It looks like some sort of showdown might be happening lately, or culmination as the noose tightens around the masses for the next financial recession and power shift.

I've been writing about this for a long time now... Mostly on Weku and now I'm transferring my posts back here to Steemit.

Something is going to happen soon- the globalist banksters own most of the government (all of the Democrats). The Rothschild/Rockefeller diaspora have been behind everything for a long long time.

Oh dear, it could get messy with all that money for weapons at their disposal.

By the way, I have posted on Weku but not much as I don't know if the funds there are actually accessible to me for any value. Do you know if it is a worthwhile platform to use, or is it fading out of use?

Actually they're still in the building process. Now is the time to get in. They just hired two new developers and the platform is beginning to grow. Let me know what your username is there and I'll give you a follow.

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