No Good Deed Ever Goes Unpunished: Dr. Judy Mikovits, Contaminated Vaccines and Transhumanism

in #informationwar6 years ago

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 Judy Mikovits, PhD is a biochemist and molecular biologist with more than 33 years of experience. Internationally known, a veritable “rock star” of the scientific world, she served as the director of the lab of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms at the National Cancer Institute before directing the Cancer Biology program at EpiGenX Pharmaceuticals. She later developed the first neuroimmune institute. Her early work focused on cancer and HIV, her latest on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and autism. She has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles. 

The crux of Dr. Mikovits work centers in the effect of retroviruses which, simply put are genetic mutations. So before going on I suppose we should define exactly what we're talking about... this is important because all vaccines contain these contaminants (and that's what they are, contaminants as the article will show).




plural noun: retroviruses

any of a group of RNA viruses that insert a DNA copy of their genome into the host cell in order to replicate, e.g., HIV.


Retroviruses have an enzyme, called reverse transcriptase, that gives them the unique property of transcribing their RNA into DNA after entering a cell. The retroviral DNA can then integrate into the chromosomal DNA of the host cell, to be expressed there. HIV is a retrovirus.

For other dumb people like me, what happens is that the DNA of the virus becomes a part of the DNA of the host, thus altering the host's genome and consequently affects the autoimmune system in a very negative manner. What Dr. Mikovits discovered is that because vaccines, in order to make them less traumatic for the human system, are filtered through mouse brain tissue thereby contaminating it... and mice aren't the only species affected:  Essentially, all animals have retroviruses integrated in their genomes. Birds, monkeys, cows, pigs, cats, dogs, mice and fish all have retroviruses encoded in their genomes; even plants have retroviruses

One problem, among many, is that viruses present in the mouse, or other host species, that don't affect it are transmitted to humans upon whom they have an extremely egregious effect, among them the diseases mentioned in the video... and it looks like the mutated genome may be passed from generation to generation. Dr. Mikovits' crime, as she stated in the video, was asking too many questions, among them: The retroviruses contaminating vaccines originate from mice used for research. Dr. Mikovits asks, “How many new retroviruses have we created through all the mouse research, the vaccine research, gene therapy research? More importantly, how many new diseases have we created?” 

It is possible that over 20 million Americans may infected by retroviruses, with more and more being infected every day through vaccinations. It's difficult to discern the exact number without testing everyone. The diseases lie dormant waiting for one's immune system to weakened before striking. If you factor in the effect that the bombardment of infant vaccinations have on the immune system, the outcome could prove catastrophic.

 Once activated, they create diseases such as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, also called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Chronic Lyme disease, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), numerous cancers, and a wide range of other autoimmune, neuroimmune, and central nervous system diseases. Please see reference number 2 at the end of this article for a comprehensive list of diseases.

Here is how the problem began:  In the past, scientists didn’t worry about mouse virus contamination, because they believed that these viruses would not harm humans if they actually made their way into a human being. Scientists acknowledged the risks, but maintained the judgment that the benefits of vaccines outweighed the risks. The work of Dr. Mikovits and other scientists challenged their beliefs. They suggested the problem with mouse viruses was already out of control and the cost of the damage could destroy the economies of nations. As it seems to be the case in almost any issue pertaining to Big Pharma and the "bottom line," concerns for safety gave way to the potential for profits. 

Before moving on to the effect on transhumanism, let's look at two more opinions that have bearing on the significance...

 Two main objections to this vaccine have been voiced, because of the possibility that (i) the mouse brain employed in its preparation may be contaminated with a virus pathogenic for man although latent in mice … Or may be the cause of a de-myelinating encephalomyelitis; (ii) the use, as an antigen, or a virus with enhanced neurotropic properties may be followed by serious reactions involving the central nervous system. Dr. G. Stuart 1953

 The infection is a virtually inevitable consequence of xenotransplantation and this is a very serious worry because the animals that have been chosen for doing this — the baboon and the pig — are both known to carry endogenous viruses, replication competent, but very poorly studied, that are capable of infecting human cells.  Dr. John Coffin 1996

More and more foreign agents from other species are being introduced into the human genome, either through retroviruses, or other contaminations, either on purpose, or by mistake. I wrote a couple of weeks ago about DNA based vaccines and how they might affect the human genome... and not in a positive way. This graph shows the sharp incline in autoimmune diseases since the advent of the polio vaccine in the 1950's up until 2010...

Now to make things worse, the transhumanists are proposing a "genome mixing" for lack of a better term. When doctors attempt to transplant organs from other species into humans they are most often rejected because of genetic incompatibility... these geniuses figure that if we combine all of the species (I assume they mean only species with whom they want to exchange organs), these organ rejections will not occur. To me this sounds like something from a bad science fiction movie- The Island of Dr. Moreau, or something.

What Dr. Mikovits demonstrated- and what ultimately destroyed her career and landed her in jail- is that an oversight about the toxicity of "silent" retroviruses in mouse tissue caused generations of people to be adversely affected... in other words mixing DNA from different species has unpredictable consequences- and seldom produce beneficial results. Now they want to alter DNA to "boost" the autoimmune system by introducing more alien material. Here's an example: Worms possess an immunity to the common cold, so by introducing worm DNA into the human genome it may prevent colds. This is probably as absurd as it sounds, and isn't in the works, but it demonstrates the principle that scientists are working from. By admitting that they made a mistake- as in the case of Dr. Mikovits- Big Pharma would stand to lose enormous profits... so they destroyed her.


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Rich - you're one of the most in-depth red-pilled people I have the honor of knowing.

The ultimate goal of the globalists/occultist vaccination program is to alter our DNA and thus destroy God's image and likeness - humanity.

Transhumanism is based on the first lies Satan has told Eve in Eden:
You will be as God, You shall surely not die. Transhumanists don't want to die - they want eternal life through demonic possessed (meaning demonic-controlled) technology. With that, the human genome is changed and its original design destroyed - the extinction of humans until none are left. Then, there will be a time, during the tribulation, that those 'people' wish they could die - and cannot.

Rev 9:6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

The last and final death of those who perpetrate these crimes will eventually be upon them - on judgment day. Don't wanna be in their shoes. You can't fool God. You can't play God without consequences. You can't be God. Ever.

Love you, brother. I wish I had your knowledge and library... Huge respect.

Transhumanism is the reason that God destroyed the earth in Noah's flood... the sons of Jubal Cain were manipulating the human genome. Now they're at it again!

I've quoted that passage so many times I can't count them... What they reap so too shall they sow- or "be careful what you wish for!" What I gather from Dr. Mikovits is that every vaccine from the 1930's (when they first started experimenting with polio vaccine that had SV-40) has been tainted! Over 80 years of introducing DNA altering antigens into human bodies... and nobody in govt has said a word!!!

Thank you Brother! You have my love and may the love of our Savior be with you always!

Why must folks be so evil? Thanks @richq11

I wish I had an answer my friend!

howdy today @richq11...sir the thoroughness and detail of your research is simply astounding and your findings are so important. Everyone should hear this information, on sending it to people who aren't on Steemit. thank you Sir!

Hello my friend... This work is wearing me out! It took about 4 hours to to this post so I had to lay down for 4-5 lol!

I understand but with a post this large you could cut it in half and then you'd have 2 days worth. take care of yourself first and save your strength.

Funny you should mention that... I started thinking about the last 3-4 vaccine posts and they've been all over the place. SO- tomorrow I'm going to do a short one that kinda pulls it all together.

good idea, then take it easy the rest of the day!

She wasn't in a normal jail. She was in a black ops detention center from what she describes.

Excellent report @richq11!

Thank you my friend!

The rise in Inflammatory/ Auto-Immune diseases should concern everyone.

It seems to have spiked at about the same time mandatory vaccinations started... Hmmm

You have a new follower my friend.

Thank you! There are a few more vaccine posts on my blog!

Oh snap, this is some scary 'Island of Doctor Moreau' level stuff.
EDIT: I wrote the above before I got to the part where you mentioned the same book.

It really is... only it seems to be the diseases inherent in the alien cells that causes the mutations rather than any purposeful chimeric activity... this will be more evident when I do a piece on GMO's that cause huge rapidly metastasizing tumors.

its really a great and latest information for all of us...thank you for giving us this kind of information...

The title was rather confusing.
But a nice post.
Keep steeming

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