Exposing Pedophilia: The Neverending Quest
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There's an old saying, a line from Dracula in fact, that goes something like: "Everybody around here is crazy except me and you- and sometimes I ain't so sure about you." While researching pedophilia, this keeps popping into my mind... not that I think everybody else is a pedophile, but the further I dig the more I begin to wonder if the #pedogate researchers are in the minority. The further down this rabbit hole I go the wider it seems to get... I'm going to try to cram all of this material into one post...
Nearly everyone who's been paying attention knows, Bill Clinton was appointed UN Special Envoy to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake while his wife was Secretary of State and in charge of providing aid. Also about the trafficking of children out of there by their friend Laura Silsby, who they assisted to avoid prosecution... the same Laura Silsby who, under another name, is working for the government issuing amber alerts for missing children. The key element here isn't Silsby- although it is still important- but the UN and the relationship between them, their NGO's and ties to child trafficking and molestation by UN workers... and back full circle to Bill Clinton.
The Parliament of the UK has just released a 2002 report of sexual abuses by the UN mostly in Africa, but elsewhere as well, involving the very people tasked with overseeing the safety and welfare of children. In a report by Disobedient Media it was disclosed...
“Agency workers from local and international NGOs as well as UN agencies are among the prime sexual exploiters of refugee children often using the very humanitarian assistance and services intended to benefit refugees as a tool of exploitation. Male national staff were reported to trade humanitarian commodities and services, including medication, oil, bulgur wheat, plastic sheeting, education courses, skills-training, school supplies etc., in exchange for sex with girls under 18. The practice appeared particularly pronounced in locations with significant and established aid programs.”
This in fact appears to be the pattern worldwide where children are targeted for sex by UN aid workers in exchange for food and other necessities. In only two African countries:
“There was compelling evidence of a chronic and entrenched pattern of this type of abuse in refugee camps in Guinea and Liberia in particular…The number of allegations documented, however, is a critical indicator of the scale of this problem as altogether 42 agencies and 67 individuals were implicated in this behavior…” If you multiply this by the number of countries where the UN has a presence the figures are staggering. Although it seems a bit ironic that the UK Parliament is behind the disclosures, it goes on to add:
"The publication of a summary version of the report caused a global furor in 2002, eventually leading to some policy changes. However, these efforts have proven woefully insufficient in light of ongoing scandals, including but not limited to the recent Oxfam debacle, the Zoe’s Ark scandal, allegations of horrific sexual abuse in the Central African Republic by UN forces, and the Laura Silsby incident. All of these cases (and many others) occurred after the partial publication of the UNHCR report, pointing to one unsavory conclusion:
Aid work is not a vehicle of charity, but is, in a very real sense, a cover for atrocity. It is a weapon, a blunt instrument of power that is wielded to exploit the most vulnerable populations in crisis around the world. We can now state that sentiment as fact, not opinion."
The fact that they sat on the report from 2002 until now is very telling... also the report was only partially disclosed, much more is being covered up. This has been going on for decades. During the Bosnian conflict, children were being trafficked by aid organizations under the Clinton administration. USAID and DynCorp were involved along with the UN trafficking children as well as harvesting organs. The same is true of the Haiti earthquake where Laura Silsby was caught for the second time attempting to smuggle 33 children into the Dominican Republic.
" On January 29, 2010, Silsby was arrested with nine other American nationals attempting to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families according to some reports. CNN reported on February 9, 2010 that this was not the first time Silsby had attempted to traffic children out of Haiti. Haitian police acting on a tip had intercepted Silsby in an earlier, separate attempt to remove 40 children out of the country. She was turned back at the Haitian border. For a brief period, Haitian authorities were considering adding a new kidnapping charge based on this evidence. "
There's a lot more to this story that hasn't been told, such as Silsby's attorney being a convicted child trafficker himself.
"On February 11th, the New York Times reported that Silsby’s original lawyer, Jorge Puello, was suspected of leading an international human trafficking ring involving women and minors. According the the Harvard Human Rights Journal Puello was ultimately arrested in an investigation being lead by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in connection with the ring. He was wanted in the United States, El Salvador and Costa Rica for his involvement with a network trafficking Central Americans and Haitians. "
This, of course was all covered up by the media. Much of this came out in 2016 when the Pizzagate story broke and the silence from the media was deafening, as it is whenever anything to do with the Clintons comes out. In a new incident that's unlikely to see the light of day in the MSM, Bill Clinton has been accused of raping a boy who was "pimped out" to powerful people in Washington DC. The investigative reporter and advocate Jen Moore was found dead in a hotel room yesterday.
"Investigative Journalist Jen Moore was found dead in a suburban Washington D.C. hotel room Monday, according to police and shocked and distraught friends and colleagues."
"Moore died of an apparent seizure. Police are closely investigating the cause of death after former FBI Agent Robyn Gritz, a friend of Moore’s, made inquiries with homicide detectives Monday afternoon in Prince Georges County, Maryland. Preliminary reports from police said the death was not the result of suicide."
The young man, 26 years old now, claims " as a young boy — he was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton and pimped out at private sex parties attended by other D.C. elites. " Before going public with the allegations, Moore and the man decided to contact Homeland Security and the FBI- probably a fatal decision. In an article in True Pundit:
"Moore had approached True Pundit’s Thomas Paine in June with the allegations against Clinton. Paine conducted a series of face-to-face interviews with Moore and the alleged victim in various locales. By July, the victim agreed to tell his story to Paine. But Moore and the traumatized victim wanted to contact Homeland Security and the FBI first to see if they would open a criminal case against Clinton prior to publicizing the claims."
“Jen thought that with a criminal probe, federal agents could use the victim possibly to dangle in front of Clinton to see if he made a mistake or tried to pay him off,” Paine said. “She was worried about the safety of the victim and was working to find him safe harbor until this story broke.
In a message to Thomas Paine, Moore outs Rod Rosenstein as a "Clinton protector."
Paine describes Moore, an ex-cop, as "absolutely fearless and a warrior" when asked if she had concerns for her own safety. In another message she implicates the FBI as well as Democrats and Republicans as being at least compromised...
As for the allegations...
"According to interviews, the victim in this case claimed he was sexually assaulted by Clinton on a yacht in New England and knows the identities of several other child victims who were subjected to identical abuses. The victim also confirmed he witnessed other children and people being sexually and physically abused and possibly worse on numerous “boat parties.” These parties were attended by elite members of D.C. political class, according to Moore and the victim."
"Both young boys and young girls, the victim said."
All of the material gathered by Jen Moore has been forwarded to federal law enforcement... whether or not and charges come out of this remains to be seen. One thing is certain- the MSM will never report on this.
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How are we to fight this when they kill us at will? The system we need to take them down and stop this is the enemy as well. This truly is Satan's world. Voting is useless as we are only given servants of Satan as choices. I hate to say it....we need a global purge....something to put our lives back in our own hands.
We have to get power away from these people asap. The triangle of government, entertainment and aid organizations just need one loss to break the chain. Take one out and the other two will turn on each other.
The deal is, they get their power from us. We don't need to do anything to them to take their power away, we just need to quit giving it to them.
This is why I don't have a bank account, vote, or earn enough money to pay taxes. They don't get any power from me, to the fullest extent of my ability. Act unilaterally, and when folks like you decide to quit feeding vampires, vampires begin to starve.
We can just ignore them and they will go away.
I'm down to starve the beast. My next mission in life is to legally eliminate property tax, federal income tax, and state income tax from my life. The other hooks are going to take longer to remove but the steps are being taken.
If you know anyone who wants to buy a house I can get this going that day ;)
They are probably a minority, especially if they work for government institutions.
In Hollywood every time produces more content that tries to bring that topic to discussion in a "positive", I think that's called overton window.
On the other hand, most of us are opposed to them, like Tim Bergling who made the following video, I do not know if you've seen it?
I thought that the blockchain would keep the flow of information flowing!
Are you able to post on busy.org, I can't since i posted about abortion. Just wondering if i'm shadow banded or if they just disconnected my account or if it's just a technical issue. The page won't load and They never paid me for using their tag and app either,.
Just wondering if you were experiencing anything like this or if i'm just having technical issues.
My guess is that it's a tech issue. Can you log in? To my knowledge they've never shadowbanned anyone- I think it's a part of Steemit, if you can post here then you can post there.
Well, I got off the beta settings but the main header of the site still says beta..
idk, I took off the setting and the page finally loaded and has stayed.
I guess it's just all part of the blockchain and there will be bad days...
thanks for responding ...
Warning: The New Fake Q Psy-Op: Pro-anti-Pedo.
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