The Military Invasion of Argentina. English version.

While I'm waiting anxiously
to turn the guy around.
I connect my expressions,
I remain motionless
waiting for the moment,
picking up your sound
to take my story to you
in the spiral of the wind.

What I'm reporting today is not a story.

Amidst the complicit silence of the media, the entertaining proposal of a decree to ban street art and amidst the euphoria prior to the start of the World Cup (Speaking in the midst of the historical context of Buenos Aires 4/6/2018); Macri carried out the most flashing attack in the midst of the carelessness of the Albiceleste people, authorizing the entry of U.S. and Israeli soldiers, who circulated with their tactical vehicles and uniformed in a camp and paraded through emblematic places of the capital city of Argentina.


To the Marosca!

Incredible as it may seem, it's true. Representatives related to senior officials such as Walter Correa and attorney Nilda Garré (former Argentine Ambassador to the OAS, former Minister of Defense and former Minister of Security of the Argentine Nation), current Chair of the National Defense Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, presented a draft resolution to request the National Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Defense.

As the proverb says, "To confession of a probationary relief party," I leave here the document which, after a good while, has been made public.

Draft resolution of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies.

Under this series of truculent movements and holding back, the position of the Argentinean president in the squad of the squad is nothing but stuporous. In view of gaining the sympathy of the current White House president, Donald Trump, he joins as the 17th piece on the chess board against the sovereignty of the Argentinean nation, or for those who are more experienced as the 12th player, on the football field, acting against the reduced defense of his state, that is, the uninformed people of Argentina.

I ask? if this presence stains such allegorical sites, what would be the response of the U.S. Congress if uniformed soldiers from Russia and China were circulating inside and around the White House facilities? as well as from the population?

Even in the midst of all this, it is surprising that the Argentine national media has not been able to spread this presence of foreign military troops through key sites within the nation, such as the Plaza de Mayo, one of the most representative sites of the city, where the citizens gathered to expel the viceroy on May 25, 1810. Does the Argentine people need a more obvious way to see a castling similar to the time of Videla? Foreign interference within the facilities of the pink house and the bank of the nation. What new deals are being made between the "President" and foreign interests in that nation?

Vehicle IDF specials Forces.

It should be noted that this whole situation occurred in the context of the start of the World Cup. Today, some fifteen days after its end, thousands of people are reacting, demanding sovereignty and the feeling of Argentina-although, the Pink House is already growin, ,the nation's bank and other places where Macri and his cronies circulate are shielded by Israeli and U.S. agents.



As the icing on the cake, the national executive, Mauricio Macri, is not the first time that he has ignored the Congress of the Argentine Republic on matters that compromise the sovereignty of the country.

This is the massive response in Argentina, against a president who supports foreign interference, against the sovereignty of the people including those who voted for him:

March against decree 683/18 created by Macri on the militarization of internal security, 27/07/2018
Source: Agustín Rossi

Even though everything is uphill, "go ahead with the lanterns" to illuminate with the truth, to keep on fighting...

It is no secret that the British government was looking for a new territory for the settlement of Israel since the nineteenth century, being the lands of Patagonia, one of the possible selected paradises but was overcome by the historical and religious significance of the land of the Palestinian Republic (Eretz Israel).


David Ben-Gurión (Prime Minister of Israel) in Tel Aviv, Israel, 14 May 1948.
Source: Flickr

As a precursor to the current events, there is the investment made by one of the British tycoons and owner of Tottenham, the multimillionaire Joseph Ted Lewis, who has acquired large tracts of land in the nature reserve of Black river. There is a large private complex and an airport with more than 2km of runway (41°50'34" South Latitude, 65°04'56" West Longitude) in this vast region that is not shown in GOOGLE EARTH, completely surrounds Lake Escondido and crosses the Chilean southern borders. Israeli military personnel and celebrities such as the current Argentine president and Barack Obama when he was still president of the United States, used this property to meet and talk more calmly and comfortably away from the Pink House and the inquisitive gaze of the press.

estancia lago escondido.jpg

Zenithal photo of the property:
Fuente: x El País.

Based on this, there are several videos and short films that make up a documentary with conflicting opinions of different people, national executive, councillors and mayors, as well as journalists who ask for letters on the subject:

Macri and Patagonia Documentary (Lewis case)

As a closing note

He quotes an old text from the end of World War II:

"The strategy is to weaken and corrupt Argentina from within, to destroy its industries, its armed forces, to foment internal divisions by supporting the right and left, to attack its culture in all media, to impose political leaders who respond to our empire, this will be achieved thanks to the apathy of the people and a controllable democracy where their representatives will raise their hands en masse in servile submission.
Sir Winston Churchill, 1945

73 years later, a President who ignores the indications of Congress when it is not convenient for him, takes Earl Grey with a British man who directs his movements, as the strategist indicated at the end of the war.


In order to face the evident upheaval and in a figurative sense to keep his head united to his body, President Mauricio Macri, as an entrepreneur, visualizes the resounding derailment of his government train. He tries to reach out to his "Foreign Friends", Israeli and US soldiers, to help them weather the storm that is coming; he shields the surroundings of his quarters and in turn "appears" to be unaware of the suggestions of the Congress and ignores the opinions of the population; on the other hand, he tries to prevent the least possible amount of information from leaking into the public eye.


By boosting his own country, he seeks loans from the International Monetary Fund, accelerating the crisis and increasing inflation; he seeks to establish more agreements at the expense of selling off the sovereignty and natural resources of the nation and, in turn, turns a blind eye by turning his back on the population of Argentina.

On the other hand, it attacks the cultural expression of a people, considering the many artistic manifestations that circulate in the open air in Argentine cities to be a nuisance and disturbing noise. "STREET ART IS NOT A CRIME"



That's how Joe Lewis hid the identity to buy Lago Escondido and circumvented the border zone law:

"What is Israel planning in Argentina? By Thierry Meyssan"

Thank you for reviewing and enjoying this article:
"The Military Invasion of Argentina."
Peace and Love for all


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Con su perimiso, I think that the media and the rivals of the ruling party politicized the issue too much.

They call a group of 8 soldiers visiting tourist sites an invasion of Argentina. I don't know the Argentine laws but I read a newspaper, and it said that Argentina already had existing regulations that would approve this bi-national exercise, without the approval of Congress.  link

Something very important is that Argentina is going to host the G-20 meeting and needs support to update the security forces before the event. If the media found this scandalous, they will definitely have a heart attack when some power (perhaps the US), or neighboring country, has to send a group of fighter planes, and a naval fleet with all its equipment, to ensure the safety of the presidents during the G20 (protocol of these meetings). Because unfortunately the Argentinian forces don't have that capability.

Greetings @rottie
In most countries the national executive works together with the group of senators, deputies or assembly members, the president makes proposals, then they are previously analyzed and then voted on in a session of order.

In this case, the Argentine national executive has decided to make direct decisions with his advisors and government team, discarding the suggestion of a chamber of deputies, as a result of which they have provoked a series of negative economic, political and socio-cultural repercussions for his country. The presence of members of foreign troops in uniform almost two months ago, haunting national security sites is extremely suspicious, and even more so now that Macri has approved without the consent of the chamber, a decree (683/18) with which neither the quorun of deputies nor the majority of the population agrees.

In relation to the G-20 meeting, it turns out that the same is not true of the entire chamber of deputies or the majority of the population, who support the possible agreements that President Macri is seeking to make, whose intentions are already visible. To illustrate this, the fact of resorting to loans from the International Monetary Fund, an organization repudiated by Argentina due to the resounding economic downturn produced by the similar negotiations conducted by De la Rua and Menem (sXX) and the interim presidencies of sXXI.


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