
If you delete your account fakebook still have it but you can't see it - easier to just stop using it!

So much for "I promise you, senators we don't hold on to any data after the user deleted their account" I guess it never fails to realize, this old piece of wisdom. "If it is free you are the product". Never mind I have suspected that so they can hold to practically nothing in my case. Now that I think of it my personal info is quite made up as well. I might be a 67-year-old woman who lives in the Netherlands. hehe :)

Indeed! Thanks for the comment, man.


Oh no, thank you mepatriot. You gave me some bedtime reading. I have never heard of the Atlantic Council before. It is crazy how our overlords can get us running in a wee circle chasing our own tail without ever realizing that there is indeed a puppet master behind the curtain. It would seem that they all have been developing God complex lately.

Don't know if that one is true but I have seen a video today claiming that Google changed their motto from "Do no evil" to "Do what's right". I would imagine as decided by them and others in the self-appointed priesthood of righteousness branch.

Keep up the good work. Till the next time


Thanks for this fascinating reply. I hadn't head about the Google thing, but you make such a good point. "Right" is in their own eyes, for sure. Rest well, my friend.