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RE: The Hillary Clinton/Huma Abedin Sex Tape- No End To This Evil: An Addendum

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Not naive at all. In fact, it is my lack of naivete that keeps me from just blanket accepting when claims such as these are made. The burden is on the shoulders of those insinuating, and there were no credible links offered with the claims. I will be the first to concede that information is controlled, but when I look and the only sites talking of it make other claims that seem beyond belief, also with no proof, then it is safest to ignore and focus on what is provable.

I have felt for many years now that there are a host of leaders in the alt info arena who sow the wildest nonsensical crap, serves only to discredit the whole arena for most. The truth of the matter is most of what goes on behind closed doors will never be openly known and it seems a waste of energy and time to focus on that when there is clear evidence of other crimes that could/should be focused on.

Wasn't that long ago that the huge push was on that Bush and most of the world leaders were really alien reptilians who were poisoning the atmosphere so they could breathe easier. Normally I don't comment on these type of threads and move on. I chose not to this time because I respect richq11 and his claim that he doesn't post rumors doesn't jibe with the fact that this is indeed a rumor. I do not wish to see him lose credibility he has built up by stating something is not what it obviously is.

Being a rumor does not make it untrue, it means that it is unsubstantiated. But until I see some substantiation I find this a little hard to swallow. Do I know Hillary is a self centered narcissistic liar who wants power? Yes. Do I think that makes her some kind of cannibal of children that makes them watch her wear their flesh she has cut off of them? I lean towards that being more likely than not untrue. Could be true, but I think it best without proof to focus on the myriad of crimes that have been documented.

Edited to add: Thanks for the areas you mention to look at. I have not looked at many of them and will as time allows.


I concur that there are many and much propaganda and disinfo curdling our cheese.

Reptilians being one of the more laughable. Another is Flat Earth.

Aliens too.

But, I could name as many more horrifying cases of coordinated child abuse networks I have researched, and still not have to consult my notes. The blackmail power such networks create is unimaginable, and that proof, almost certainly video, of those crimes used to blackmail is probably better guarded than Fort Knox.

It has more power.

Thanks for having the unmitigated gall to investigate further. There is little I respect more.

I do caution you. You will encounter horror you don't want to, and what you see you will never be able to unsee. Please proceed with caution.


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