Smart City Rising & The Guardian Of Wolves

Guardian Of Wolves

The Chairman thanked Paul Johnson for his service to the Committee. Paul had joined the Committee in the wake of the Snowden affair and had been instrumental in re-establishing links with the Guardian. Source

Cities From Scratch
100 Resilient Cities—Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation (100RC) is dedicated to helping cities around the world become more resilient to the physical, social and economic challenges that are a growing part of the 21st century. Source
The agenda seeks total control of the human domain and rights of travel and self-determinism. The gradual removal of people from the countryside and into smart city (see the rise of the "virtuous" tiny home movement) high-density housing. The end of private ownership and (I believe) the insidious erosion of the family unit.
Moser says the money to be made is staggering – measured in the trillions of dollars. “It’s extremely lucrative,” she adds. “There are real estate and tech companies circling like sharks.” Source

Our Smart City Future
There are now twice as many people as 50 years ago. But, as EO Wilson has argued, they can all survive – in cities Source

One: The Fake Big Business Green Energy Revolution
Two: Green Phoenix Rising Part 1
Three: Green Phoenix Rising Part 2
Four: Green Phoenix Rising Part 3
Five: Ancient Timecycles On The Edge Of Tomorrow

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Banner Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth

I had no idea the Guardian was funded by those guys. Hangs head in shame.
I find the whole tiny house movement kinda bizarre. After tiny living for years in trucks, buses and caravans on squatted land, its odd to see it so legitimized in society so it wouldnt suprise me if there was an ulterior motive for it all.
Im not sure there would be mass migration to cities here in Australia. We are too much of the land for that. Country means a lot to us. The rise of surveillence is insane... that certainly terrifies me! I am all for revitalizing and revamping how we live in cities, and there are awesome architecture visions out there, but the automated, monitored aspect of it takes away more freedoms than it gives by providing liveability.
Like in any era in human history, self reliance is the key. Continuing to plant on my 5 acres of nearly independence. Except.. this fucking smart meter on my house. No hot water and they will charge 770 for call out if its not the meter they say never breaks. How can your average Joe afford that?? Why do we need it anyway and why has a power company been given so much.. well, power? Ugh.
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Hey @riverflows .. hope you've been well?
It's crazy really, if you're prepared to put in the time, research and unravel the myriad of names.. you can see that (eventually) the vast majority of all major brands, institutions, corporations etc etc can all be traced back to the same system I wrote about in the Green Phoenix posts and have much more to share on.
As for the tiny houses, yes I feel it is one aspect of a larger social experiment whose ultimate intent is to convince people that less is more, in fact .. its actually a virtue .. in future years it wouldn't surprise me if people will probably come to boast about how small their tiny house is, tiniest house competitions .. hell I may even trademark that! lol
Exactly and very smart move! I've been using lots of spare time .. planting, growing and trying out different rotation methods, If you actually look around you begin to realise how much of a finely tuned machine the worlds food engine is, it's also completely unsustainable .. one cog out of place ...
Yes, by their recommendations there will be a third left in the countryside and I imagine that will vary by country and culture .. for some it won't be much of a change, for others it will be huge. People that live week to week and cue in the supermarket for their food will (I feel) find in increasingly difficult. You can rest assured I won't be moving into the city!!
They keep trying to pressure me into getting a smart meter .. but I've refused. I think there is a condition which a Dr can verify that makes people allergic to wi-fi etc, and some are using that to get them changed. Basically, within the house of the future everything will have a microchip, including lightbulbs, food packaging etc etc .. these can all communicate with the smart meter, and I can honestly imagine a day when we're charged for food waste, excess carbon emissions, exceeding electricity quotas .. you name it, if you can equate such a system as frugal environmentalism/fighting climate change .. I'm sure (in years to come) the majority will believe it to be a great idea. Thank you my friend.
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Highly rEsteemed!
Thank you @frankbacon .. much appreciated! :)
Your articles are very impressive, informative, and well written.
Thank you for the kind words and support @sunlit .. really glad you appreciate my articles, I have much more to come on this subject matter. Just arrived back home, from a few days away .. hence the late reply.