RE: You Want The Truth? "You Can't Handle The Truth!" The NWO & The Truth Movement Psyop
Hey my friend,
Thank you for taking the time to leave such a brilliant reply and apologies for the delay in getting back to you, but I haven't had five minutes to myself. Yes I do very much agree with your perspective, I envisage it as a race to a dystopian or utopian finish line .. equally the tighter they try to hold onto power the more they become the driving force behind our creativity and ingenuity. I know that within our grasp we hold the keys to a very bright future, my perspective is that to achieve our full potential is going to require as much inner work as out is in the outer design and implementation. In essence a paradigm shift in how we view the world, each other, our definitions of success and certainly our manipulated and inverted perceptions of power.
Although I feel we're profoundly interconnected with one another, I don't really get into the whole "we are one" perspective as (through studying youth social trends) I feel the concept has the potential to become weaponised and nudge us towards the collectivisation of thought, action and behaviour. But a world of self-empowered individuals united in good intent and working towards the emancipation of humanity, well that is a dream whose first tentative steps will one day become mighty strides.
Like you highlight, decentralisation is absolutely key, in every sphere of society .. indeed (as I've recently written about) in terms of energy, it's a greenwashed centralised energy policy that is a key driver for the much of the environmental degradation we see unfolding around us, dam the rivers, build industrial size windfarms on precious landscapes, chop down vast swathes of ancient forest so we can burn it in our bio-refineries and call it green energy .. keep energy centralised and heavily subsidised. Or how about decentralising the whole industry and (quite literally) give power to the people?!
There is the tech for every house to more than meet it's energy needs, instead of handing away our tax money to fund industrial-scale energy projects .. give it back to us! Enshrine it into law that every new build must produce not only it's own energy needs but also allow us to trade the excess on the markets, or feed an emergency or industrial skeleton grid, or go towards social enterprises etc etc. This is just one example and like you allude to, decentralisation in every sphere of society is absolutely key to our freedom and survival. There is both the thirst and the ingenuity out there, alas it'd being strangled by a noose of redtape .. we need to break free of the perceptual prisons that have been assembled around us, become united in intent and not allow ourselves to continually divided by petty details and generationally alternating facts.
I know it doesn't always come across in my writing, but long term I am filled with optimism and hope for the future of our species .. I just feel that it's going to be difficult rights of passage before we realise our full potential. I'm trying to tread a fine line between informing people of the bigger picture, inspiring thought and questions, making them aware of the seriousness of our situation .. but not in such a way that they feel powerless to rise to this most important of occasions. That's the intent, the reader can decide the reality of that statement. :) Thanks again for the inspiring comment @valued-customer