Peoples Rights Gets Confused with Political Agendas - Freedom Doesn't Care About the Paradigm

in #informationwar3 years ago (edited)

People's rights supports people not politicians.

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There is some renewed interest in People's Rights in eastern Washington as an organization. As a result I think it is important to establish what people's right is as an organization. "People's Rights" Is not just the name of an organization. Rights are actual things, nouns to be exact. Look "right" or "rights" up in Merriam-Webster. There are 32 definitions using the word as an adjective, a noun, an adverb and even a verb. The two definitions of those 32 that resemble what we think of as a right use it as a noun and state:
"2: something to which one has a just claim: such as
a: the power or privilege to which one is justly entitled - voting rights, his right to decide
b(1): the interest that one has in a piece of property - mineral rights (2) rights plural: the property interest possessed under law or custom and agreement in an intangible thing especially of a literary and artistic nature - rights of the novel
3: something that one may properly claim as due - knowing the truth is her right"

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Code/Policy/Statutes vs real immutable laws.

If we use those definitions their use of the word "claim" indicate "legalities" which is something that must eventually be judged. Superior/state supreme courts are setup up in our state constitutions in order to settle disagreements between people regarding these things. At least originally this was their purpose as explained to the people of the time in order to gain approval. This is where the issue comes in for most I believe. What is a right? What is freedom? What does it mean to exercise a right? Remember our government is a corporation at every level and follows corporate policy not natural law. In it's recognized court system as mentioned earlier(superior/supreme courts) natural law is recognized but is only used to settle disputes between real tangible things that exist in nature. Government or any other corporation for that matter do not exist in nature. They only exist in words on paper that are part of a "legal" system. Notice this system is not a system of law but one of codes/policies/statutes commonly referred to as legalities and mistakenly as laws. Laws and words on paper forming legalities are 2 very different things. Laws are universal and do not need to be written down because they are observable everywhere by just looking around us. They does not change based on time or location, and are literally the same where ever we exist in this universe or whatever this is we exist in. Man's legalities or legal frame work changes based on where we are located on earth, who is in charge and even time. It is literally as simple as change words on paper in this system.


The difference between men and corporations

Keeping that in mind we must now determine what recourse we as part of nature's/god's creation have if we feel any of the "rights" we have have been violated. I must decide to act in nature or as a corporate entity(you as a citizen). People's rights is about using nature's law to remedy the situation. This does not mean the court system won't or can't be utilized it simply means we deal with the people that violate our rights not the corporate entity they work for. This is an important distinction to understand. Corey Christopersen is a label I was given at birth. To my parents my name is how they reference me, their own flesh and blood(part of nature). To the United States government and all its subsidiaries(State of Washington, County of Spokane, City of Spokane etc.) it is a nicer label for one of it's assets(things) or its property than using our numeric identification code commonly referred to as a social security number. Clearly this is not referring to my flesh and blood body, nobody can own this but me right? I mean is that not the problem we have with slavery? People can't be property, at least not the property of someone other than themselves. This is why many people, especially those using lawyers to defend their "rights' are not successful. In order to try to hold a government entity accountable for any infringement we would have to take any official legal actions as our corporate self. A corporation can't take something that is real and from nature to court and we can't do the same to them. If we are taking a corporation to court we are using the codes/policies/statutes of the parent/governing corporation not nature's laws.


Nature's law for people corporate policy/statute/code for corporations

What is the remedy? We must focus on holding other men and women that infringe on our rights accountable. Specifically if they are government agents or contractors of any kind. Following orders or doing what I was told is not a valid legal defense for anything of nature we are all accountable for our individual actions. By contrast when operating under corporate policy/code/statute it could be argued that the entity working for the corporation was just following their governing policy/code/statute. Another man cannot shoot/harm/use force on another man that has not violated the non aggression principle in nature's law. Yet in the legal framework our government has established and coerced us to accept this not only happens but is accepted every single day. Police use this legal framework every day in the carrying out of their jobs. How many of the code/policy/statute violations they enforce daily have an actual victim? If a police officer stops my right to be secure in my person, papers and effects it will more than likely be a losing battle trying to hold the city he works for accountable. If a teacher forces my kid to wear a mask at school violating all sorts of rights it will also likely be a losing battle to hold the school district they work for accountable. Their corporate code literally allows them to terrorize the citizenry every day. Instead of trying to use a clearly unethical corporation to hold it's own agents accountable which seems very illogical to me we need to holding the individuals themselves accountable. It's not the city restricting our freedom of movement, it's not the school district or the head of those entities doing anything to me or my kids, it is quite literally the police officer and the teacher. So why not as free men and women deal directly with the men and women doing us harm? There is information about serving a "cease and desist" order to individuals and myself and other area assistants are more than happy to help people draft these and offer the support of the people in this community. What I won't do is help find a lawyer that will use corporate code using the corporations legal system rather than natural law to exercise and defend our freedom.

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Part 2 tomorrow - addressing initiatives and proposals from government.

I will continue tomorrow and get into the issue of current initiatives and how they are not good for the preserving the rights of the "We the People". We have a lot of new people in this telegram group and on the email list. I want help educate people on what rights are and help each one of us find the best way for us to defend our rights. Hopefully this will start a discussion and help other underSTAND.

Merriam Webster definition of "right"
George Carlin on rights

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