UK Government Bans the Term "Fake News" and The Left Wing American Think Tank that Invented it's Use
The UK Government has officially banned the term fake news, and with this action I declare a small Victory for the people of the United Kingdom. As an American I can't speak with any authority on matters in the United Kingdom, though I know that American History and Culture are strongly interwoven between the two nations. Though an ocean separate's our
countries,Trends by both the U.S. and UK Government would almost have you believe there is no separation between us, and both countries are reading from the same script.
The fact the UK Government would spend anytime legislation and outlawing a phrase first Used by Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton to discredit Alternative Decentralized Media is rather humorous.
The UK's Telegraph reported the following:
"While ministers may speak freely in the House of Commons, any strategy documents referring to election meddling or internet safety will need to use the new definition.
The ban on the phrase was prompted by an inquiry into "fake news" led by the Digital, Culture, Media and Sports Committee to address the potential for social media to be misused to sway elections. It followed concerns that Russia meddled with the 2016 US presidential election and the UK referendum to leave the EU.
Facebook's technology chief, a former Google designer, Cambridge Analytica employees and Arron Banks, the Leave.EU chief linked to the now defunct data analytics company appeared before MPs to give evidence."
The Telegraph also reported that the UK Government's new definition's of fake news will be: disinformation which is deliberately false, and the term misinformation which is false information that is unintentional.
What is extremely interesting is this. The American Think Tank that coined the term Fake News, First Draft in 2016 also ran a campaign against the very term they created in 2017. The words they decided on to replace "Fake News" with are "Disinformation", "Misinformation", and "Malinformation". The UK Government officially decided on Disinformation and Misinformation. How very coincidental, or ironic.
While President Trump is credited with co-opting the term,"Fake News" from the left to discredit Alternative Media, Trump wouldn't have had the success in co-opting a term originally weaponized by Progressive's if the Decentralized Media had not been calling the Mainstream Media Network's"Fake News" long before it was fashionable.
Here is the reality of how the term"Fake News" was injected into the modern lexicon after Hillary Clinton's 2016 election loss to Donald Trump. Ground Zero for the term "Fake News" was a progressive think tank called "First Draft" headed by Claire Wardle who is their Strategy and Research Director. According to Sharyl Attkisson a prominent New York Times bestselling author and award winning Journalists, First Draft created the term "Fake News" for prominent Democrats to discredit the Decentralized Media. In Sharyl Attkisson's own words: "Meanwhile, another major donor behind First Draft's "fake news" push was none other than Google parent company CEO Eric Schmidt - a giant Hillary Clinton supporter who "offered himself up as a campaign advisor and became a top multi-million donor to it," said Attkisson, adding "His company funded First Draft around the start of the election cycle."
And almost as if choreographed, Hillary Clinton jumped on the Fake News bandwagon while her "surrogate David Brock of Media Matters privately told donors he was the one who convinced Facebook to join the effort."
With the President of the United States, Donald Trump co-opting the term"Fake News", and Decentralized Media calling Mainstream Media "Fake News" for better than a decade the Progressive's responsible for weaponizing it's use quickly back pedaled and began a new campaign to stop it's usage. Almost a year later
Claire Wardle, First Draft's Strategy and Research Director and most likely the original architect of the "Fake News" fiasco started a public effort to put that term to rest.
And here we are almost exactly 2 years from the date the term"Fake News" was used to discredit Decentralized Media. The UK Government has officially banned the term from government business, Social Media Corporations have resorted to censorship tactics normally used by the Chinese Government. The People armed with Decentralization have continued to win the #informationwar against a collective of the largest Government's and Corporations in Modern History that have infinite wealth and material at their disposal. Decentralized Media is the proverbial David that slew Goliath, and this is only the beginning my friends!
This is a Patriot Uprising Production
By: Nate Powers
If you enjoyed this post your upvotes and comments are greatly appreciated
Superb my friend, that is my favorite article so far today.
Top work indeed.
You are too kind, I wanted to write a post on the UK for all my mate's on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean 😀 thanks Shepz
Well thats great to see an American like you @natepower come out in defence of us poor Brits who are all living in LALALAND right now ! Yes amazing post I must say ! So funny to see this Lunatic Left being forced into banning a word that they themselves put out into circulation ! They are sick, stupid and very Evil ! Q
Thanks for the comment and checking out the post Gomeravibz, I'm very working class and not a schooled writer, what I wish I did a better job of doing was making the connection between the UK Government banning the use of the term Fake News, and tying that action directly to the Fuck Knobs in the US think tank that came up with that shit to begin with. It's crazy how two different government's and cultures are having the script written by the same lunatics, it's small details like that fills in the blanks and gives us a bigger picture of how are fates are tied😀
Yes @natepower, well as I recall in the beginning it was CNN that brought up this term that was no doubt added to their buzzword list along with the now famous " conspiracy theorist" by the deepstate players in the CIA that were channeling their narratives and agendas through the MSM !
But it was Trump that turned all that round when he used their own term to destroy the MSM by citing them as being the fake news ! So it seems that the term is more owned now by the Truth movement than them and so the whole thing has backfired and so now they demonise their own created buzzword in an attempt to stem the tide which clearly now leaves without them ! Its a matter of time, they are all donw and washed up and nobody truly believes a word leaving their mouth !
I dont think that Britain and the USA do share the same fate on the face of things right now ! As indeed we voted two years ago to leave Europe and we are still struggling to enact our vote ! Whereas you voted the same year for Trump and now he is your President and to my mind one of the best ever !!
Writing is difficult and I will not pretend that i too struggle to get across that which I would like to say ! But say something in the right direction than say nothing at all Bother !
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