On a House of Cards, Rests the Foundation of the World

in #informationwar5 years ago


This is a difficult post for me. It will not be a quick read, but jam packed with hardcore esoteric knowledge. If you are looking for a quick shit post, go check out the latest IPO coin scam or cat pic. But, if you have diligence and a severe craving for some deeper understanding, this is the post for you. There is much to be written and even more to be explained, so please bear with me while I try to stay on track.

I haven't written anything in weeks, and I probably won't write anything for a while after this, as it will take up much of my time and energy. Honestly, I don't even go through my Steemit news feed every day like I should, and I have let down my fellow colleagues and Information Warfare advocates due to my own trials and tribulations.

Without boring away my multitude of millions of readers (heavy cynicism & sarcasm inserted here) with mundane details, I have been fighting through one of my life's most difficult battles, a war being waged on many fronts. I haven't quite decided which storybook adage or mental delusion I want to attribute it to:

A) Karma is cleansing my spirit with purging fires of retribution

B) Allah is punishing me for not adhering to his divine will

C) Satan/Saturn/Ahriman/Hades/______ (fill in the blank with a dark deity) is punishing me to prepare me for what's to come

D) What goes around, comes around, has decided to stop at my arc of the circle/cycle/wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'

E) I am seeing things more clearly & lucidly than I ever have, and that means the world is way more fucked up than the majority of people realize or comprehend

F) I just generally suck at the game of life, and the sum total of my life's decisions isn't adding up to much

I don't ever like to present any of my knowledge as "the truth" or "only truth", especially when discussing occult knowledge because everything in our reality is subject to speculation and open to interpretation. The old saying,

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

I think, sums this up pretty well, as no two people always see things the same way.
We live in a matrix reality that is ENTIRELY based on DUALITY, and whether or not one disagrees with me, I care not.
In fact, disagreement just proves my point.

Your reality is based on your perspective and observations, and whether or not you can see through the illusions that have been carefully and thoughtfully crafted before you.
Everything has an overt veneer that is easily visible to the masses, but it also has an occult, or hidden side, that only a few can see, hear, and comprehend it's meaning and relation to the other.

We have all been conditioned over the course of our lives to see only the illusions that the societal engineers present, and not what is hidden under the surface.

Again, this is duality, The overt, in your face explanation, and the covert, hidden aspects that lie in waiting to be dis-covered and contemplated. Symbols and words will always have multiple meanings, language has especially been used as a weapon against the common people. This is highly evident in the realms of banking, commerce, and law, which you'll dis-cover on your own, should you continue your descent

That being said, my financial battle is always an uphill, losing effort, and it always will be. I have consciously chosen not to embrace money, and I care not for it's use, only using it when necessary and irritatingly unavoidable. So, I'll begin by de-occulting the monetary system.

All paper currency is debt, it is not true wealth. A dollar bill cannot come into existence unless it is borrowed and in the United States, one single entity controls the manufacturing, circulation, and lending if that currency...the Federal Reserve System. Every dollar that you have in your wallet or purse is owed to someone by someone else.

United States dollars are created through a three-way shell game whereby the Federal Reserve, the United States Treasury, and the United States government IE Congress- swap the currency for treasury bonds, which are nothing more than paper I.O.U's.

The treasury gives the Federal Reserve the treasury bonds and then the Federal Reserve loans Congress the currency at interest, and the American people are left to foot the bill. The problem with this is that there is never enough currency in circulation to pay the interest on the ever-increasing debt. The banking families always lend this fiat currency out, they do not give it away.

What happens is that the currency that is needed to pay the interest payments is also borrowed!! This creates a continuous scam loop where there is never enough currency in circulation to cover all debts owed to the banksters and they are able to create depressions or recessions simply by contracting or expanding the money supply.

I'm sure many Americans think that the stock market crash in October of 1929 just happened by accident...

I cannot even begin to elaborate how deep their tentacles reach into the heart and fabric of our society but suffice to say, the international banking cartels and families that control them have a centuries long history of meddling in the affairs of entire nations.

Independent researchers the likes of Eustace Mullins, Ralph Epperson, and G. Edward Griffin have already done the legwork dealing with the history and metamorphosis of the Federal Reserve and the front men who put it together. So I will not attempt to duplicate what they have already done.

My efforts here will concentrate on the deeper meanings of the symbolism used and why everyone should begin to take notice and start doing research of their own...

A hamster does not know that it is running in place on the wheel, while it is on the wheel... All it is focused on is the carrot on the stick that dangles in front of it, always just out of reach. This is that fancy 2nd home, new SUV, sectional sofa, or little Timmy and Suzy's Saturnian robe and mortarboard cube for their Saturnian indoctrination!
This is another analogy of the "rat race, and most men, women, or families are so busy in their own little rat race that they fail to see that they are trapped on the wheel. Nevermind the cage that surrounds them after that!

How can you win when the game is rigged and the love of money is truly the root of all evil?
It is a tool of the oppressive banksters, created out of thin air, and the ultimate breeding ground for the festering sin of greed.

The dollar bill is an alchemical spell that curses those use it, weakening spiritually those who use it every single time it changes from one hand to the next. It is full of imbued magickal sigils and talismanic symbols and most are completely unaware of the dark power it holds over this earth and the souls that scramble daily to obtain it.
Remember, this is only for fun and I hope it will provide much needed food for thought for my readers.

Everything that was chosen to be pictured on the dollar bill is there for particular purpose, not just because a bunch of freemasonic designers thought it would look cool.

Most of the symbols chosen look either very Egyptian or Roman in origin, and that is not a coincidence. The founding of the U.S. is the revival and resurrection of the empire, following in the footsteps of Egypt, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. The eagle that was chosen to be the national bird of the United States of America is a spinoff of the Egyptian bennu bird, or Phoenix, which destroys itself and rises again from its own ashes every 500 years. There are numerous correlations that can be drawn between the Phoenix and the Occult destiny of the United States of America. The eagle was also one of the most widely used symbols of Imperial Rome, it was carried into battle by the Roman legions atop marker poles, called standards, and represented the power that the Caesars wielded over Europe, Britannia, and the Near East.
It has long been used as a symbol in heraldry and freemasonry as well which I will try to cover in a future post.

The Great Seal for the city of Atlanta, Georgia is also a Phoenix and contains the Latin motto Resurgens, meaning "to rise again" or "rising again." When General Sherman waged the Union campaigns throughout the South, he brought Carl Von Clausewitz's "total war" tactics to reality. Entire cities were razed to the ground including Jackson Mississippi, Meridian Mississippi, and...Atlanta Georgia. Sherman burned these cities to the ground, including stores and Military facilities in the countryside. Railroad ties were ripped up from their beds, heated over huge bonfires to soften the metal, and then wrapped around trees like bowties to ensure that they could not be repaired during the war. He wanted to cripple the South's entire capability to wage war against the North, and after the fall of Atlanta in 1864, the back of the Confederacy had been broken.

Ironically, what was left of Atlanta chose the Phoenix and the Latin motto to go with it, showing a spirit of resiliency and perseverance.

Since the end of the Civil War, Atlanta has grown faster than most cities in the country of that size and it is evident that the New World Order banksters have poured billions upon billions of dollars into that city, in effect, giving birth to the Phoenix from the ashes. It is hard not to consider that this was part of the plan all along as the loans for the Reconstruction Acts could not be utilized without first having the blessing of the banksters. Atlanta has become the international headquarters for many International Fortune 500 companies including, but not limited to, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, Home Depot, UPS, & Equifax.

Returning to deocculting the symbolism of the dollar bill, the number 13 is very important to esoteric studies, and it doesn't keep popping up by accident. The United States did not come into being a "nation" until it had exactly 13 colonies. Now they are called "states" which is a covert, shortened word for estates. Each colony began as a chartered corporation, or business enterprise funded by the very same banking families that still exist today.

The eagle/phoenix holds 13 olive branches in the right claw representing peace and 13 arrows in the right claw that represent war.
War/Peace =Duality
Also, the right side is said to be the feminine aspect, passive, creative, yin, and emotional.
The left side is masculine, aggressive, logical, yang, and analytical.
Even the objects in the talons were carefully selected for the appropriate side!

The number of colonies chartered was carefully chosen at 13 during the founding of the United States as I mentioned above...
There are 13 stars arranged into a six-pointed hexagram which form the star of David, seal of Solomon, freemasonic square & compasses, and seal of Saturn/Moloch/Remphan
There are many other sub threads off of the six pointed star that can be explored at a later time including Zionism, the Rothschild family crest, street gang symbolism (gang signs) , tetrahedrons, merkabas, and Metatron's cube.
An entire article could be written on sacred geometry alone...
There are 13 stars and stripes on the crest /shield that the eagle is holding.

There are 13 levels of bricks in the truncated pyramid, not including the separated capstone which contains the all seeing eye of providence.

13 letters in both of the Latin phrases
The former meaning " Out of many, One" and the latter meaning "Announcing the birth of"

NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, while it doesn't contain only 13 letters, means "New World Order", it can't be any more obvious than that.
13 is the number of witches that are needed to form a coven and must include a high priest and/or priestess.

To be continued...


Did you know that the Federal Reserve is not federal nor a reserve?

Hey my friend,

Good to see you back with such an excellent post. Not sure what you have been going through, but I can certainly relate to many of your words. For myself, this year has been one of great reformation .. a dark night of the soul, but with a beautiful dawn at the end of it. As it draws to its close the validity of my struggles begin to reveal themselves to me, as they will you. I have resteemed your post, as always it portrays a depth knowledge that demands consideration. Don't take it to heart that many haven't seen it ... for it has been very quiet around here, many are people shouting into the wind .. although (personally) I've always preferred a confident hushed tone. ;) Peace to you brother!

Thank you for your uplifting words my friend! And yes, I've been going through my own dark night of the soul as well. It's the place where you hit rock bottom in nearly every aspect of being: emotionally, psychologically, financially, etc. I've taken a good bit of time off for introspection and purpose seeking but now I'm ready to hit the ground running again with perhaps a shift of focus. I'm going to try to help those that I can by doing a true crime series

This is nothing, you should start delving into what modern academia calls "science". Everything taught in that school is wrong.

Then see what was done with History.
1984 was not a forward looking book, it was just describing what was already happening.

Anyway, living without money is taxing.
Waiting for the world to embrace cryptos is like watching paint dry.

You need to see currency as it is, a current.
See the currency flowing throw you doing many good things.
See yourself as a conduit of good things.

Adopt a mindset of there's always more where that came from.
You do not have to live in lack.

I know its hard, especially after you see the dark occulted shit that is the International Mafia Federation and all of its heads.
However, you still have to live in this world.

Fortunately, Saturn has entered a time when it will upend the financial system.
The next 8 years will be monetary war.

Thanks for your insightful reply. Addressing first your perspective on academia and what passes for "science"...
Much of what we are taught is not true science, but SCIENTISM, the religion of the technocrats, transhumanists, and eugenicists. Their belief is that science is superior to God/Jehovah/YHVH/Nature/Creator or whatever label one prefers to call it. They see Nature's design as faulty and imperfect so their ultimate goal is to make Man the "new god" as we enter the precessional Age of Aquarius and leave Pisces. As these past 2000 years have been marked by the two fishes of Pisces, representing Christianity and Jesus Christ, the next aeon will see them attempt to elevate man to godlike status. This is the entire purpose behind the quest for immortality through a merging of synthetic biotechnology and the human body, unlocking the genome and mapping our entire DNA, cryonics...you name it...
So I definitely agree with you that everything taught in the public fool system, college, and graduate university level is wrong. Everything is built on artificial valuation and we are brainwashed that we have to "go to a good college" so we can get out there and be productive little slaves by "getting a good job!!"
What defines a good job anyway?
"Hello, I'm Jack Snack. I'm a senior broker account analyst manager for We Don't Do Anything Remotely Useful For Humanity Corporation."
The world is flooded with these fancy and flattering titles and companies that do absolutely nothing for human progress and yet, so many people seek out jobs such as this because they are lured by the proverbial carrot.

I don't live in lack, I do just enough to take care of my needs and those of my loved ones. I don't seek wealth and riches because it goes against my spiritual values.
I live in the world but not of the world.
Yes, there is always more because it is a master/slave system of credit/debt. Currency is borrowed into existence out of thin air and then loaned out at interest for us to bear the weight. There will never be enough currency in existence to pay off the national debt of the UNITED STATES INC. At some point in the near future, we won't even be able to pay the interest on the debt THAT'S NOT EVEN OURS! Once you see the rigged game as what it is, all those little missing puzzle pieces start falling into place. Money is the keystone of the arch (bank) that holds.the twin columns of church and state together. This is all deep masonic symbolism and without the fiat currency, Samson can pull the entire temple down

Kind of interesting that people perceive the analog universe as a binary duality, but that doesn't make it binary.


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