Without repentence you can "believe" all you want, just like The Devil does; and, you will be damned, just like him.

in #informationwar6 years ago

There seems to be a new lie of the devil sweeping many so-called Christian churches, nowadays. I am not here to judge anyone's heart, but I do feel you have the right to hear THE REST OF THE STORY if you are in a "church" teaching this kind of heresy.

The new lie goes something like this: God is love, and he loves everyone in their current spiritual condition, just as they are. That is true, and he will be greatly saddened that you did not turn from sin and obey Him as He simply gives you what you have chosen: an eternity in Hell, separated from Him. You can not deliberately choose to believe the parts of the Scripture that teaches you that God is love (and that simple belief is the way to salvation) without READING the rest of what Jesus, Himself says, about salvation.

For example, some modern preachers-- who never preach repentance and only "love"-- say they are loving people by misguiding them and never teaching them what The Bible really says. YES..we love them in their current condition. In fact, we love them so much that we pray for them, teach them how to be delivered from their current state, and do everything we can not to let them die in their sinful state.

Some preachers even claim that you don't believe John 3:16 ("For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have eternal life) if you don't pretend that verse stands all alone as Jesus's only words on the topic. In reality, the verse does not conflict, as repentance BEGINS with BELIEF which is why God sent His Son...to give a process through which one can be fully forgiven. The verse is merely addressing the process without detailing it completely, which is done throughout the totality of Scripture. It is very dangerous to EVER take one verse, and not consider the context.

Jesus also taught clearly IN THE RED LETTERS: "'Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way?I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish'." Luke 13:2 & 3.

(Here is a link with a whole bunch of other Biblical references regarding the importance of repentance in the salvation process: https://biblereasons.com/repentance/)

Do I HATE anyone who won't repent? NO...of course, not. That, also is a popular new lie of the Devil. If I hated the non-repentant, I wouldn't bother to try to warn them.

Am I better than you, and guaranteed of salvation? NO! I must, like every Christian, "work out your (my) salvation in fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12) by seeking to revoke the Devil and to avoid temptation. Am I always successful? NO... But I do ask for forgiveness every time I slip up. If you repent, and ask Christ to be your Savior, and truly believe in Him, you will be on the way to Heaven. But, you must stay on "the narrow path," because "Broad is the path that leadeth to destruction."

But, believing that belief in Christ is enough WITHOUT REPENTANCE is guaranteed DOOM for your eternal soul.

I LOVE YOU ENOUGH to pull you back from that cliff of destruction, if I can, brother or sister.

DO NOT BELIEVE ANY CHURCH OR PREACHER THAT TELLS YOU CAN GET TO HEAVEN WITHOUT REPENTANCE. It is the Devil's SNARE, set out to catch you and draw you down to HELL with him.

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