The whales and witnesses just HARDFORKED 99.9% of all of us!

in #informationwar5 years ago

By the metric that SHOULD matter (reputation score,) I am in the top 1/10 of one percent of Steemians, but what the hardforkers at Steemit, Inc. just did will not help me-- or other content providers like me-- AT ALL. In fact, it will be as though I just dropped to a 40 reputation score with practically no steem power at all. AND...the serial downvoters have just been promoted to KINGS OF THE PLANTATION here with, now, not so much as any cost AT ALL against their accounts for their censorship of conservatives, patriots, and Christians.

Anyone with less than 20,000-100,000 SP (and/or who doesn't use bid bots and other gimmicks) is going to have a very, very hard time getting to the $20 per post where/when your vote for them will actually amount to any real curation reward for you, or any real upvote payout added to their posts.

Only whales and big dolphins routinely get $20 or more per post, even if (usually) the content is crap. No one is going to bother, now, trying to curate little fish because their votes on people with small SP caches will not amount to anything, and will be viewed as being a "waste" by potential curators.

Also though, tragically and comically, THE RICH WILL NOT GET RICHER, as intended...i.e. further consolidation of the rewards into the hands of bigger and bigger fish at the expense of newbies and minnows will not even happen. The potential base of smaller upvoters is going to be thoroughly devastated.

Hard Fork 21 is the KNIFE THROUGH THE HEART of the golden goose that the "haves" here thought they could squeeze forever.

Hard Fork 21 is a HUGE disincentive to newbies and minnows, and especially to REAL CONTENT providers.

Get ready for the STEEM price to sag by another 50% in short order...(a few months, or less)...and for this platform to become even more of a wasteland than it is today.

Congratulations Steemit Inc. You just ruined one of the best potential people/masses-friendly innovations of the past half decade, and forever proved you are just like the globalists/elitists you pretend (at least some of you) to eschew.


I really didn't have a dog in the fight so to speak anyway, my vote was pretty much worthless and has been since I started here. I had no illusions of getting rich after I got here nor have gained any since. It is though another blogging outlet, you can read a variety of stuff depending upon what your mood is up for, there's a lot of interesting and amusing people here and I have to admit I spend a whole lot of time blogging for nothing elsewhere so when it comes to blogging my expectations have never been high for being rewarded monetarily as much as it is for the interaction. Yes it does surprise me being it wants to be a platform that gains followers instead of losing them they'd make such a drastic change to a lot of accounts that had a lot more skin in the game, how can they expect to gain more followers if they can't be trusted by people to see their gains just wiped away like really doesn't add up. I know they claim they don't want to be like Facebook but just as an example can you imagine if Zuckerberg nuked the largest percentage of his followers, something tells me he'd never gotten to two billion users.




When act and rhetoric are incompatible, it is advised one consider act as informative, and rhetoric as obfuscatory. During the run up to HF21, I continually discussed these very matters, to resounding silence or ridicule. Now we are seeing what the actual consequences of HF21 are, and Bernie reveals his opinion of the community openly.

Given the circumstances, the obvious effects of handing Bernie 25% of his VP for free flags are apparent on this post. The affect that will have on your motivation to post here is not cryptic, and multiplying that affect across the community isn't either. While the rhetoric discussing HF21 was about creating incentive to 'invest in Steem', and 'mass onboarding', it is clearly of the opposite impact, and an act that reveals the purpose of the liars that misled us regarding their purpose.

The Steem blockchain contains a great deal of evidence of criminal and tortuous acts committed by Bernie particularly, and the best way to dispose of that evidence is to remove any financial incentive to maintain that evidence - to end payment to the witnesses that encourage them to undertake the expense of hosting the blockchain. This may be existentially important to Bernie, who possesses a significant portion of extant Steem.

The phrase 'Your money or your life' comes to mind. You, your Steem, posts, and opinions, are of no import to Bernie, except as impediments in his quest to prevent being held to account through legal action. When you see that consensus witnesses are ending their maintenance of the blockchain, you will know Bernie is succeeding. I strongly recommend that those that have been harmed in ways legally actionable download and retain a copy of all relevant data, to preserve the evidence.

It won't be long now before participation in Steem social media drops off a cliff. The motivations for participation are all but eliminated, and the persistence of those of us that are motivated by other rewards than financial will not survive the loss of the community seeking financial reward.

Act as appropriate to your circumstances, per the real situation extant, rather than the rhetoric of whales.

So true - that's me over and out now - this platform is screwed...


Since Steemit has gone down in flames I've stopped posting, but would like to get some sort of community going again, with my like minded friends. So far I haven't found any good platforms to replace CIA Steemit, but let me know if you find any.

My posts can be found here:





And the best way to get in touch is by email:

Sadly, I think it's all over but the fat lady singing thing...

I'm powering down for now.

Be well.

Greetings my friend :)
On top of that i just got flagged by a witness (frederikka..?)
for my Geoengineering Report that i bring out on the regular...!?
Google behavior?'s beginning. The decision to no longer make downvoters even lose voting power for their downvotes, is IMHO, very likely a "men in black"-like decision.

What Dan Larimer (Creator of Steemit) thinks about this..!?
But maybe he doesn't care either...
Didn't i read that he created "The Voice" or something like that,
and one informationwar bro already found something fishy in their
Let's Stand Strong For Our Freedom & Rights!
1 Love

Ned said he never wanted this to be a censorship-free place...

Sounds like steemit is a con. Much like the mainstream financial system. So much for blockchain and crypto coming to the rescue. What a joke. Steemit=fail. Goodbye steemit, you can bury yourself.

Keep an eye on it though...just in case the people here turn it around... (not likely.)

Your wise not to invest any time and effort as things stand.

Thank you, Its a well written article worth a few hundred $$$

LOL...You can't put a dollar value on the truth.

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