The face of the new Democrat...AO-C: Wants"free love" for all, morality cancelled, and Christianity silenced.

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

When you lack knowledge and the intelligence to properly expound it, you end up looking like freshman U.S. representative, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez--an obvious non-thinking socialist parrot, PROGRAMMED to spout extreme feminist/LBGT gibberish with no historical context or understanding of what forms a civil society.

In a recent tirade on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, Oscario-Cortez equated Christian defense of life with some imaginary notion that Christians seek to impose a theocracy on top of the U.S. Constitution. While there may be somebody that believes that this is possible (short of the direct rule of Christ during the Millennial reign) I know of no Christian church that teaches it, or organized Christian group that promotes it.

(This is what "democracy" looks like. Courtesy of

Of course, it is unlikely that even Oscario believes this. More than likely she knows she is preaching invective to her young, similarly-indoctrinated college graduates and that she knows she is waxing rhetorical, but that her equally poorly-educated, "community-organizing" following will lap it all up.

Check out this link:

Here is an excerpt from the link:

"'Abortion bans aren’t just about controlling women’s bodies. They’re about controlling women’s sexuality,' Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Wednesday. 'Owning women. From limiting birth control to banning comprehensive sex ed, US religious fundamentalists are working hard to outlaw sex that falls outside their theology'."

The narcissism here is palpable, and the fact that murdering a baby is considered acceptable "choice" shows clearly that AOC-style socialism is every bit as much a death cult as the Communism that infuses it. Communists have killed over 200 million people in the past 100+ years, but that is not nearly enough for them. The goal of Christianity, of course, has nothing to do with "owning women." It is about honoring a sovereign Creator's commandments and strictures for CIVILIZATION rather than the socialist dystopia the modern Democrat wants to achieve.

(Remember this face when you decide to vote for Democrats in Amerika, c. 2020. Courtesy of

Here is what the Bible says about unbridled sexuality in a civil society:

"Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price." --I Corinthians 6:18

The Biblical injunctions, and those who strive to follow them, are not here to limit AO-C's enjoyment of what she thinks will bring joy and freedom to her life and to that of here feminist/socialist cohorts. They are there to prevent the ENSLAVEMENT to sin (and the father of all sin) which is the automatic consequence of her belief system, and to provide the basis for CIVILIZATION rather than the return to "caveman" mores, and the violence that necessarily accompanies it.

In her most ludicrous tweet in a string of feminist/socialist lunacy she unleashed on the planet yesterday, AO-C said the following:

"What angers me about the GOP’s attempts to turn the United States into a far-right Christian theocracy is how dishonest they are about it. At least be forthright about your desire to subvert and dismantle our democracy into a creepy theological order led by a mad king."

While the "mad king" reference is certainly unclear and should be clarified, the rest of this nonsense is so easy to refute it makes me wonder how the professor she got this zinger from ever even got tenure at one of the loony-left insane asylums that now passes as an American "university." IF the intent of the founders of the U.S. was to create a theocracy, there would be little or no need for a Constitution or for any laws proscribing human behavior at all. A theocracy is DIRECT RULE by a sovereign and omniscient entity who dispenses justice immediately and directly without the need for courts or documents .


All Christians that I know simply want a return to THE REAL RULE OF LAW (i.e. the Constitution and the Biblical principles that inspired it) rather than the Bush/Clinton elitist version (of "might and wealth make right") or the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez version (an uniformed "anti-elitist" utopia that is actually being foisted on her unwitting pawns by these same elites.)

AO-C had better actually study a little history, ESPECIALLY THE HISTORY OF ALL FAILED SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST SCHEMES, and get off her anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-male, PRO-HATRED carousel before it comes to a screeching halt and no one is left to protect her and her kind from the inevitable results of their madness.



Should there be a law requiring securing cameras in the emergency rooms (E.R.) or wherever births and abortions are done in? Some of the police have security cameras on their cars, in their cars, on the dashboard, and body cams. When they pull people over, stuff can happen. Then people lie about it sometimes. So, judges and courts can review the tapes, the footage. Oh, did I say tape, as in video tape? I must be old lol. Maybe, if you say tape, a kid could say lol what's that? I like Project Veritas. I like the idea and the goal of transparency. In these types of situations, videos and pictures could possibly help.

Too Big

If the aborted baby was too big, the video might capture that. If the abortion is tax-funded, then the tax-payers should see what they bought with their tax dollars. So, if they see an aborted 9-month block of cells, AKA a baby with only half the DNA of the baby's mother, then that may prompt people to take action to hold the doctors, hospitals, and others accountable... or it could push some states to try to limit or eliminate tax-funded abortions.

I like the way you think, my friend! There are abortion opponents who march with large photos of aborted fetuses. The murderers don't seem to care too much for people seeing what they do.

haha! howdy sir mepatriot! wow it is shocking that she ever got elected in the first place! I hope they're only that loony in New York. She is from NY right? lol.

"'Abortion bans aren’t just about controlling women’s bodies. They’re about controlling women’s sexuality,' Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Wednesday. 'Owning women. From limiting birth control to banning comprehensive sex ed, US religious fundamentalists are working hard to outlaw sex that falls outside their theology'."

Is there a field of psychiatric study dedicated to this level twisted mental gymnastics? Banning abortions is controlling women's bodies dedicated to owning women and not giving them birth control or education about sex? Seriously I cannot imagine a rational person coming to this conclusion.

Was the bar she worked at an all women's bar? It's like she has never spoken to many men before, if she had talked to many she would understand there are some nice men in the world. Maybe the reason she became a Congresswoman is that she sucked so bad at being a bartender.

Somebody has hand-picked and promoted this bozo for some reason. Strange. There are so many smarter liberals they could have chosen.

It's rare to see any form of the word "smart" and "liberal" in the same sentence. I had to read it twice to make sure I read it correctly.

Oh, there are plenty of book smart idiots walking around. Heck, that set runs the country as "the deep state," as I'm sure you know, my friend.

What they lack is integrity, wisdom, common sense, common human decency and respect for our founding documents,

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Fuck you and your worthless religion you wife beating piece of human garbage

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