Report shows ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS COMMIT FEDERAL CRIMES at rates up to SEVEN TIMES that of citizens. it any wonder that treasonous open-border advocates who want a world government and the U.S.A. disassembled always cheer these people on, and want even more of them brought in to "collapse the system?"
Check out this link:
Here is an excerpt from the link above:
"But they also committed other crimes at far higher rates than their 7 percent proportion of the population as a whole. Cases involving drug possession, for example, were nearly evenly split between citizens and non-citizens with 361 and 339, respectively. In other words, non-citizens violated federal drug possession laws at a rate roughly seven times higher than citizens.
Statistics were similar for violations of national defense, with 30 percent of cases involving non-citizens, as well as money laundering at 27 percent, drug trafficking at 24 percent and murder at 18 percent. Other crimes committed at higher rates include kidnapping, fraud/theft/embezzlement, extortion/racketeering, burglary, assault, 'commercialized vice,' and environmental crimes, among others. "
(Courtesy of
It is time to declare open-border advocates, OPENLY, FOR WHAT THEY ARE...traitors! It's time to gather up those who are most openly advocating "collapsing the system" (even if they somehow got elected to high office) and get their treason trials started.
America is a strong nation, but we spend far too much time (and money) worrying about foreign threats, and way too little addressing the "barbarians inside the gates." We are well advanced on the Roman Road to ruin...with the people thoroughly distracted by bread, circus and sex, and with our military stationed WAY beyond our borders where the real threat, of course, resides and grows.
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
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Real Trojan Horses are all around us. That is the value of learning stories like that of the Trojan Horse. I wonder how many schools are still trying to teach stories like that to children in order to help people understand these types of principles that are applicable to how Soros and others invade our borders. They're taking over Europe and America. We only have limited time in reversing the destruction and end of western civilization. Maybe AOC is right but not for the reasons that she states.
I doubt it. We don't teach anything but women's history, minority history, anti-American history, sodomite history, etc., anymore.
Wow. Sad.