Just call it a "Friendship Fence"...problem solved. But don't give Mexico TEN BILLION DOLLARS?!?!
This whole thing about a border wall is getting to the point of downright silliness. There are many talking heads suggesting, and it may be true...that the liberals just don't want to vote funds for "A WALL." So call it a "friendship fence"and watch the rainbow snowflakes vote for it in droves.
Promise to paint the wall--all 1500-miles of beautiful 20-foot-tallness of it-- with unicorns, rainbows, happy aliens, people hugging, and lots of pastels, and get 'er done.
Then I find out that this is still in the works, without so much as one Democratic complaint...
What the HECK is this all about:
Here is an excerpt from the above link:
"Worse that that, however, is the fact that the U.S. is set to pay out more than double the amount POTUS Trump wants for border wall construction in the next fiscal year to Mexico and countries in Central America: $10.6 billion. Some of this money will come from private-sector investment and the objective — to create opportunities for chronically poor residents of southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras in their home countries so they don’t want or need to risk life and limb traveling to the United States — is admirable....But here’s what Americans angered by this will see: Guatemalans, Salvadorans, and Mexicans will get security but Americans…won’t. No border wall. And economic development that could be better spent on American workers."
ANY foreign aide when we are 20 TRILLION IN DEBT just, plain makes ZERO sense.
Before America gives out one more thin dime in foreign aide, we need to balance our own budget and pay off our own debt. THEN... we can think about hand outs to others, and patrolling the borders of other nations...NOT BEFORE.
Howdy sir mepatriot! yes sir it is irresponsible and one could argue that it is treasonous to be going so far in debt. We have no business giving away money that we have to borrow from China, it's insane.
It sure is. Well said, bro!
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