I actually dreamt about this one two days ago...Mexican War II at the border...
And then this happened. Well, maybe I didn't dream this exact scenario...but, rather, a major skirmish breaking out involving U.S. troops and illegals and their armed protectors.
Sadly, the best thing that could probably happen for the long-term viability of our sovereign nation would be for significant violence to break out on our southern border. The "open-borders" crowd would be dealt a major setback. The Demonrats would be forced to yield to Trump on requests for border wall funding, and the American people would be instantly awakened to the fact we do INDEED HAVE A CRISIS at our southern border.
Meanwhile, here's another story about illegal border incursions by Mexican armed authorities:
Hmmm...."Newsweek", huh? Even the MSM is covering it... Here is a brief excerpt from the link above:
"Mexican military members briefly detained and held at gunpoint U.S. military service members after believing the U.S. Army soldiers were in Mexican territory when in fact, the Mexican military had unknowingly crossed into U.S. territory. The report was reviewed by U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Timothy D. Gatlin, the commander of 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment and briefed to U.S. Army Lieutenant General Jeffrey Buchanan, the commanding general of U.S. Army North.
The U.S. Army soldiers said the Mexican soldiers moved tactically fast on the unmarked CBP vehicle. The Army soldiers did not have enough reaction time to activate a 911 emergency on their Nano Shout, a cell-phone size two-way satellite GPS tracking device, which also doubles as an emergency beacon when soldiers are in need of additional U.S. military units. Speaking in Spanish, the Mexican soldiers instructed the sergeant and the private to move to the front of their vehicle where they were 'gently searched,' according to the incident report."
(Image courtesy of buzzfeednews.com.)
There have been several such incidents going back decades now. Without discrediting the source's contention (that this was all an honest mistake) more than deserved...WHEN THE HECK ARE MEXICAN AUTHORITIES GOING TO LEARN WHERE THEIR BORDER IS? And, pardon me if I don't just go ahead and add in that maybe they should spend more time hassling the coyotes than our Border Patrol agents and armed military personnel?
Or not. As I said, much more of this type of incursion may be just what the doctored ordered for knocking some sense into some libtard brains.
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Your wishmare might come true. Google Mexico border rocks n yu see the violance there. Rocks are dangerous. Only matter of tiem.
I am not wishing harm upon anyone at the border but yeah their military show know what side the fence they should be on.