Hey fluoridated urban zombies...Don't blame we conservatives because YOU ARE too lackadaiscal to get safe water.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

The country folk in "fly-over" country who tend to be conservative may have a new reason for being both wiser and healthier than their big-city, dumbed-down, SJW/snowflake kin, as it turns out. New tests on the dangerous impact of city water supplies laced with fluoride are out, and it totally exonerates the RIGHT for being right...i.e their brains simply work better for NOT BEING EXPOSED to that particular poison on a regular basis.

Here is the link:


Here is a key excerpt from the link:

"This review demonstrates that organizational bias has compromised the integrity of fluoride research from the beginning and persists today by citing 10 major flaws in a recent National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) effort at justifying water fluoridation by refuting all evidence of neurotoxic events discovered by studies independently conceived and carried out. The NTP study’s conclusion that the overall body of evidence does not prove a link of lower IQ and neurological damage from fluoridated water was fully endorsed by the CDC, making its study the official stamp of approval that the 'science for fluoridating water is in.' The authors point out that abundant research since the 1990s shows low dose systematic fluoride exposure adversely affects cognitive and behavioral development."

So the CDC is not only endorsing deadly toxins in the vaccines (that much of their funding depends upon,) but they are also pushing BOGUS/JUNK SCIENCE in the name of improving 'dental health" at the cost of cognitive and overall health. How short-sighted and wrongheaded can you get? Ummm..the article quickly points out they can get even more short-sighted and wrongheaded. Check this out:

"The review authors state that currently over half of American teens are afflicted with dental fluorosis. Dental fluorosis occurs from excess fluoride coming into contact with teeth during tooth enamel formation, a process that generally takes place during the first eight years of life. It’s commonly considered a cosmetic problem. But fluorosis erodes the enamel, which is supposed to protect teeth from damage and decay. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance on the body. If lost or sufficiently compromised, external sources easily affect the newly exposed sensitive part of your teeth to cause decay, leading to infection, pain, tooth loss, and maybe gum disease."

This is so ludicrous I want to put my fist through a wall...SO.... the only justification the dentaltards ever had for pushing for fluoridated water supplies was that it had some mythical benefit to do with dental health . But, now we know that fluoridation is ruining dental health too, and the dentaltards STILL WANT TO PUSH FLUORIDE on American families. Somebody needs to be arrested...actually a LOT of somebodies. This is totally inexcusable. WHERE IS CONGRESS?? WHERE IS ANY PUBLIC OUTCRY??

JUST SAY NO TO HEAVY METALS! LIFE IS NOT A DEF LEOPARD CONCERT. I am so sick and tired of being taxed to pay the salaries of government health bureauRATs who are supposed to be protecting public health, but are manifestly doing exactly the opposite.

Rage against the lunacy.

Let your voice be heard.


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Bravo and well said my friend, I too am at a loss as to why the vast majority of citizens are so ignorant and naively wonder through life with a "herd mentality." WE as intelligent human beings must begin to start "opening our eyes wide" and also be much more diligent at evaluating legitimate "factual information" {truth} versus "miss information" {lies}. We owe it not only to ourselves, but also to our children and future generations. Whether it be reading and understanding food labels of vaccinations. Speaking of which, have you ever had a look at the chemical constituents in an immunization. Have a look and then do a thorough search on google of each ingredient. You'll not only be shocked but I hope so stunned that you'll never again consider immunizing your children, or yourself for that matter.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours in abundant optimal health & well-being
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy

Well said! Thanks for your solid thoughts and for taking the time to share them.

If It's Artificial, We Ain't Supposed To Eat It!

Fluoride is a poison that accumulates in our bones. It has been associated with cancer in young males & Osteoporosis.
I cannot believe people STILL consume this poison. It just goes to show how stupid some people are.
This link is essential Reading:

Thanks! Great info.

howdy sir mepatriot! I don't think people know about it because it's not covered and the percentage getting news like that from good sources is just too tiny to make a difference.

Right. I agree, and the internet is doomed too. It's only a matter of time...

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