"EVENT 201:" The PTB's PLAN to exterminate 90%+ of humanity...CORONAVIRUS
Here is a brief excerpt from article two (above):
"Coronavirus Outbreak Simulation Took Place in October 2019
Equally curious is the fact that Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored a novel coronavirus pandemic preparedness exercise October 18, 2019, in New York called "Event 201."46 The simulation predicted a global death toll of 65 million people within a span of 18 months.47 As reported by Forbes December 12, 2019:48
"The experts ran through a carefully designed, detailed simulation of a new (fictional) viral illness called CAPS or coronavirus acute pulmonary syndrome. This was modeled after previous epidemics like SARS and MERS."
Sounds exactly like NCIP, doesn't it? Yet the new coronavirus responsible for NCIP had not yet been identified at the time of the simulation, and the first case wasn't reported until two months later."
(Bill Gates..."the enemy is inside the GATES."...courtesy of Forbes.com.)
ALL major life-ending events that involve violence or bio-organisms are TESTED and role-played extensively years in advance.
The current pandemic is nothing now, in that sense.
WE NEED ARREST AND TRIAL, ASAP, including "enhanced interrogation" on the people responsible so that the people can have the whole truth AND EQUAL ACCESS TO REMEDIES for what these cretins have unleashed.
BUT...AGAIN...do not go to the camps or get "vaccinated for this virus."
It's a megadeath trap, IMHO.
It's interesting that gates/soros were involved in the ebola lab in sierra leonne, to...
Naw....Just a pure coincidence.