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RE: How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Thirteen: An Understanding of Decapitation Strategy and it's Uses Beyond Assassination

in #informationwar7 years ago

I could see Kim Jong et al getting nervous about it.
A gofundme or Kickstarter where contributors can send their contribution in fiat, then have it converted to btc and dropped on his head...
I think you could pull in a few hundred thousand pretty quick.


there is an opsec problem w/ that; donations would have to be tied through an individual, and leave him open to retribution

there just has to be enough awareness as a whole within the general population of bitcoin, anonymity, opsec, etc...and there isn't.

those of us that see the incredible danger civilization is in may be horrified by the general public's lack of knowledge, but as long as the bulk of folks are fat and happy (bread and circuses), the situation is not likely to change

I doubt you'd see many contributions from DPRK civilians, for this reason, but it'd be interesting to see how it'd be handled by Western "authorities".

I'd bet they'd stomp all over anyone doing that.

no problem with bombing the shit out of the norks in general, but HOW DARE we think about assassinating a "leader"

@dwinblood had a good post up on this in the last coupla days

Yes, they'd want to nip it in the bud before we started getting uppity about owning ourselves.
I'll take a look.

thats it in a nutshell

also, I think they think that "sticking by the rules" keeps them off the other teams' hit list

A real sick version of chivalry, where we only throw commoners at each other's commoners. No blue blood spilled.

I don't mind fighting ideological wars, tty the truth, but it becomes obvious once a government puts more effort into not winning than they do winning that their motives for going to war weren't what they told you

Cody Wilson called his 3D printed pistol 'The Liberator' in memory of an Allied plan to drop thousands of single shot revolvers on occupied Paris.
The plan was aborted, because the Allies were concerned the pistols would be hoarded, and used against whichever government was given Paris at the end of the war.

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