Democracy and PartysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Deep down most Americans know our democracy is broken. If we are honest with ourselves, we witness that both parties represent virtually no distinction in deed and our government is completely corrupt.

Yet, because we are personally invested in the outcome of a fair and honest democracy we move to a position of rhetoric ignoring the reality of both parties and our government. From this position of an ideal that our chosen party’s avowed values are superior to the other party’s claimed creed, many Americans have come to the conclusion that if their party was in the majority leadership position, America would be restored and made whole again.

We as voters concerned for our Republic take the premise of our party's transcendence one more step, and convince ourselves that if the 'other' party would just vanish our country would become great again. In this continuing cycle of determination we almost always return to the position of rhetoric, and forget our original conclusion which is ultimately correct, "Our democracy is broken, both parties and our government are completely corrupt."

It doesn’t really make a difference which party is in ‘control’ as both parties are not representing the American people, but those that control the purse strings to the reelection funds. Both parties will unite to vote for the things that their ‘sponsors’ require, regardless of the outcome to the citizen voters… how many can say that after seventeen years of war in the Middle East, that the citizen’s interests are still being served?

Democrazy as institutionalized in the United States is an Illusion for the self-delusional. Why else is Congress populated by the same 80% of ‘representatives’ that have only a 10% approval rating? How long do you think you would retain your job if your boss held you at a 10% approval rating for the work you do? Why do Americans keep voting for the same bunch of losers, over and over?

merry go round2.jpg round-and-round we go, where it all stop, nobody knows...
source pixabay


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There is no democracy!

Government is not corrupt but extremely ignorant as your post proves.

Please prove me wrong about this. Name one person who is a member of the Government?

It doesn't make a difference which parity is in control because we are a Democratic Republic. To be more specific we are a Republic and have nothing to do with the pig pen's of Democracy.

Trying not to be an ass too you. Please do the same for me.

I'll be cool, as always...
The issue of the U.S. being a Democratic Republic is so small as to be a mere technicality... most people don't know the difference... especially since we the people are propagandized to believe that our vote counts towards the direction the Country is going to go...

But, in my opinion, our Government is totally corrupt... Would be that hard to say the Clintons are not corrupt? In fact any of our elected leaders that put their funder's interests in front of their constituent's concerns, are corrupt, in my opinion. Would it be hard to say that many Corporations benefited of the seventeen year old Middle Eastern War?

Aren't Obama Care and George Bush's prescription drug plans both good examples of putting corporate interests first? Didn't both the Insurance companies and Big Pharma benefit more off those plans, than the American People?

I believe corruption is a bigger problem in our Government, than which party is in control. Our Representatives are bought and paid for... through and through... why else pay millions to campaign for jobs that pay a couple hundred thousand a year? Because they like serving the people? Why should we put people into office that would make that deal, and then totally under preform?

I have to go to bed, so I'll have to carry on this conversation later... and, like you I like respectful discussions... so, have a good night... and we'll talk later...

You avoided answering my question.

"Name one person who is a member of the Government?"

You can't name a person who is a member of Government because you don't know.

What is wrong with admitting this if it is true?

I never intended to not answer your question,but your question is so open ended as to not even be clear that it relates to the article I wrote... see below...

"Name one person who is a member of the Government?"

Okay, I'll name one person who is a member of Government -- Mitch McConnell.

Is that what you wanted? Or, did you want me to name one corrupt member of Government?

I can do that and much, much more. How about a "List of United States federal officials convicted of corruption offenses"

Or, how about in Italy? Controversies surrounding Silvio Berlusconi

Or, a List of political scandals in the United Kingdom

Or.., or.., or.., I can do this all day if you want? (but, I probably won't... you do know how to use Google... right?)

Since were playing the Logical Fallacy game how about this, prove to me there isn't a corrupt politician in Government...

This is why it is hard to comprehend your post and your attitude. Mitch McConnell is not a member of Government. He is a member of boards for the UNITED STATES INC. Principally one of his Job's it to act like a matador and use a muleta to keep the bulls from seeing the B.S.

So who is the Government here in America?

Americans and they represent their power as Grand Jurist and Petite Jurist by deciding the facts of the case and the law of the case. That is right We The People are the forth arm of power and the government.

Thomas Jefferson said: "I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.

The Grand Jury Belongs to The People–Antonin Scalia (1992)

As proof: Supreme Court UNITED STATES, Petitioner v. John H. WILLIAMS, Jr.

The thing is your a good writer? You could be even better?

So, that's it? You just wanted to play a game of semantics?
How ever you classify our elected officials, you know what I was communicating, but chose to ignore it so you could attempt to put me in my place... I chose to ignore your game...

And, you are the one chose to bring the attitude from your very first post... I just chose to answer in kind... why should I be nice when you're not?

Oh, BTW... since you got to ask your question, and I answered it...
Maybe you can do the courtesy of responding to my question?

"... prove to me there isn't a corrupt politician in Government..."

'but chose to ignore it so you could attempt to put me in my place..."

You put you self in what ever you decide is your place.

No obviously I didn't choose to ignore you and no it has nothing to do with semantics.

Your whole comment is a red herring designed to obscure the facts I posted in comments.

Since you choose to devalue the facts into semantics there is no point. I wont bother you again.

If you would like I will remove my comments, just let me know?

Deep down most Americans know our democracy is broken
That's absurd...democracy is not broken.
Democracy is majority rule...two wolves and a sheep deciding on what's for lunch.

That's the way it works.

"two wolves and a sheep deciding on what's for lunch"

and, that's a functioning democracy?

democracy is DEFINED as rule of the majority.

First, your metaphor quoted earlier is incomplete,

"Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner." -- James Bovard

The actual implication of the quote is that the sheep/voters have no choice in the decision.

And secondly, as was pointed out by @aconsciousness -- in his earlier comment -- the United States is not a pure Democracy, but a Democratic Republic -- meaning,

The key difference between a democracy and a republic lies in the limits placed on government by the law, which has implications for minority rights.

And, lastly -- what difference does it make if the voters choices are between the lessor of two evils?

A corrupted Democracy is not democratic, but rule by criminal gangs dressed as politicians, that are puppets for the Corporate Elites/TPTB...

democracy is rule of the majority.
that's the definition.
it's NOT broken..
Just because you don't LIKE the results doesn't mean it's not democracy.
if you want something other than democracy...
say so.

Naw... with politicians choosing voters, through Gerrymandered districts, charges of voter disenfranchisement and voter fraud, every few years I just don't see how we have a democracy as you describe.

Do you think there is too much Big Money in our Government right now, or it's just about right?

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