in #informationwar7 years ago
The European Union consists of some 27 nations and its initial purpose is to merge the European economies to avoid a third war on the continent, the plan without any doubt worked! This organization has given the continent more than 70 years of peace. Then let's imagine the following:

What would the European Union be like if it were one country? What result would it bring to Europe and the world?

The 27 member states of the European Union would become part of the new country, taking out the United Kingdom, these member states would become Federal Entities or Provinces, the European population would be over 450 million inhabitants, being the 3th most populous country in the world, which would have more than 27 official languages.

Who would be the president in a nation with more than 450 million inhabitants where more than 27 languages ​​are spoken?

But it is assumed that the president is the representative of the entire country and is responsible for getting his message to all corners of the country. How could you then suppose that, for example, Macron sends his message to the Slovaks, Hungarians, Italians or the Spanish if he does not speak his language and does not reflect anything that resembles them?

The challenge of a president who governs a country shaped by the entire European Union, would be enormous given the popular and civic linguistic complexity of representing more than 27 different cultures, united under the same flag. Put yourself in this scenario:

Would you vote for a candidate or president who does not speak your language or at least to understand it you should read it with subtitles? Or will you feel more empathetic with a candidate who speaks your language and understands at least the problems of your region?

This problem already happens for example in India, the largest democracy in the world, where there are more than 1200 different languages ​​and even for the inhabitants themselves is a martyrdom when they try to communicate with other citizens of another region of the country. That is why in the India, Hindi and English are used for most government and administration matters so that at least the majority of the population understands; Although English is the de facto language as the world language, this could not be used as the official language of the European country ... Why? simply because the United Kingdom left the European Union and therefore English ceased to be part of the union. This would be the first challenge for this new country, the linguistic barrier.

The new country would undoubtedly have a very powerful and important economy in the world, its economy would be very connected to the global economy and would be the second economy in the world behind the United States of America. With an economy of 6.5 billion dollars, representing 22.8% of world GDP, its currency being obviously the Euro, which is currently used by 19 of the 27 member countries. The Euro is currently the second largest reserve currency, as well as the second most traded currency worldwide after the US Dollar.

In a hypothetical creation of a new country, all Federal States should be forced to use the same currency, as is the case in the United States in its 50 states. This would make the products in the less developed regions more expensive, but it would bid the salary up.

The economy of the European Union consists of an internal market of mixed economies based on a free market and advanced social projects. Per capita GDP was $ 37,000 last year, compared to $ 57,000 in the United States and $ 14,000 in China. But the European Union has a more equal income distribution than the world average, since the beginning of the public debt in 2009 there have been opposite economic situations in southern Europe compared to those of central and northern Europe.

A higher rate of unemployment and public debt in the Mediterranean countries and a lower rate of unemployment with a higher rate of GDP growth in the countries of the east and north. In 2015, the public debt of the European Union was 85% of GDP with disparities between the lowest rate with Estonia with 9.5%; Germany with 61% and Greece the highest with 166%. This would be another of the most difficult points of a federal union.

Who would assume the huge debts that were obtained by Spain, Greece and Italy?

Germany is the country with the strongest checkbook, so to speak, Germany promised to pay off debts in exchange for austerity measures. It is to be imagined that in a European government, the Germans will have strong power of decision as they are the ones in the best position to solve the pending doubts of the union as a whole. The main partners of the European Union are: United States, China, Switzerland, Russia, Japan, Turkey and Norway; The European Union is represented as a unified entity in the global trade organization, the G20 and the G7 together with the member countries of Europe that do participate.

This shows that the European Union for several years began to have unified participation in important meetings in the global context, since its economic and political level is comparable with that of the United States and China. In resources the new country would count the 7th largest country in the world behind India with a total of 4.4 million square kilometers which has varied climates, from the arctic in Sweden and Finland to the Mediterranean in Spain, Italy and Greece.

In oil issue the new nation would have under his feet a total of 8 billion barrels of oil, being one of the 25 nations with more oil in the world, is considerable but not so much, only Ecuador is an example that has more oil than all the European Union as a whole.

A truly unified Europe as a nation would have enormous political power, in this case France would secede his position as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council so that Europe can take possession in this area. The political power of the European nation would be like that of France and Germany together multiplied twice. In this sense a great political power would be accompanied by a great military power, all 27 nations together would form an army of about 4 million troops, being the second in the world behind China, it would also have the second aviation in the world behind the United States, the second most powerful naval fleet in the world and with a total of 300 nuclear weapons that today belong to France.

A European army would be the third most powerful in the world behind the United States and Russia, but it would be at the same level of Russian technology. Thus a European army would be an effective method for not depending so much on NATO or the United States for the defense of Europe. In my opinion, if Europe were a country, it would be an excellent nation, but for that they would have to know how to solve their cultural problems and be able to coexist harmoniously between the union, something a bit difficult that could happen.


Sixty-five years ago, Europe was about as democratic as it is now and the allied forces went to meddle with it at the cost of millions of lives on both sides. Bankers control my country, so it is clear why they did it but were it up to me we wouldn't have bothered.