What are Microwaves?
Before we can really get into what microwaves are doing to the food which in turn affects the people who consume the food, we should look at what microwaves are and what microwaves are not.
What is a microwave?
A microwave oven (commonly referred to as a microwave) is an electric oven that heats and cooks food by exposing it to electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range.1
Electromagnetic Radiation
Should we expose our food to radiation? What does radiation do to food and to humans? According to Wikipedia: a microwave "cooks food by exposing it to electromagnetic radiation." Is radiation a good thing or a bad thing? These are some of the questions I want to try to answer in this article here, that is before we can get into how microwaves changes food molecules which are like the building blocks for our bodies.
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2020-09-30 - Wednesday
Oatmeal Daily - 2020-09-30 - Wednesday
Published in September of 2020
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Cavity magnetron
The cavity magnetron is a high-powered vacuum tube that generates microwaves using the interaction of a stream of electrons with a magnetic field while moving past a series of open metal cavities (cavity resonators).2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Missing a Wall
Microwaves don't have metal walls on the door as you can see into it.
Fundamentally Transformed
Microwave ovens changes the food. That is the nature of what a microwave is and how a microwave works, it vibrates the molecules and changes the structures on a microscopic level. Imagine your spouse, your wife or husband, saying he or she wants to fundamentally change you. Better yet, remember when Obama said that regarding fundamentally changing the USA? What you get is cancer, tumors, etc.
Reminds of how music changes the form of things on a microscopic level for better or for worse depending on the frequency of the music.
Also, cell phone towers and WIFI are zapping our bodies with radiation. The more they zap at us, the more they fry us.
On top of that, they spray stuff on our farms, crops, fields, foods, especially in the United States of America. They spray chemicals onto our foods to change it. After that, we put the food in our microwaves to alter it farther.
They also poke us and super poke us not on Facebook but into our bodies to alter us and track us via vaccines, oh, thank you Bill Gates for that. Vaccines makes things even worse as that works alongside of the microwaves and everything else.
Free Radicals
In doing so, microwaves transforms plant minerals into free radicals which causes cancer.10 The good news is that the body kills cancer each day. The problem is when you make more cancer than you can destroy.
Ionizing or Non-Ionizing?
Some may claim that microwaves are not producing ionizing radiation, 13 that the radiation is not destroying or relocating electrons from their atom orbits. However, the better question would simply be how much radiation do microwaves cause. Some may say, on the other hand, that microwaves causes non-ionizing radiation which can move the atoms inside molecules which can change the structure and form of those molecules. So, it can be a question of how that affects the food and how that affects the body. To some extent, our digestion system attempts to break down the food we eat into molecules or into small LEGO like building blocks. But like with a puzzle, if the pieces are changed, modified, then it can create holes or other problems in the puzzle, in the body. If the blocks are changed, then they may not fit and they may work differently after being nuked in a microwave. It may be deformed. It may be missing things or it may have things that do not belong that can cause problems down the road. In other words, it can create cancer.
What is cancer?
Anything that doesn't belong is cancer, to keep things simple, cancer is when a cell is too small, too big, missing things, full of the wrong things, growing too fast, growing too slow, splitting and reproducing too quickly. In other words, in a generic outlook, cancer is basically a malfunction and microwaves create cancer simply by changing the building blocks to our bodies, that is food.
What you can do is simply try your best to minimize how much cancer gets into you. It is that simple. You will always run into viruses, diseases, radiation, cancer, etc. Your immune system should be strengthen as much and as often as possible. Don't think in absolute terms of eliminating all problems.11 12 Just simply try to turn down the volume each day whenever you can.
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