I was blocked for agreeing with him as seen in his public profile photo

Before I get into the secrets to the Internet and life itself, I'm going to warn you, my posts are public. Well, not much of a warning. But imagine if I was upset that you were able to see this. That's the odd irony in all of this. Wait, it gets worse. Imagine I want you to see this but then when you do, then I get mad.

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I was blocked on Facebook for sharing this public photo

I even shared this on Gab and several other websites as well.

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-05-16 - Sunday | Published in May of 2021


In this article, I'm sharing a few photos of a father from Canada who cares about freedom and I would hope he cares about private property rights as well. I've included a few links regarding this interaction I had with him today on Facebook.

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Follow Lem Bos on Facebook and tell him I sent you.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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What is article talking about?

I shared his public profile photo (PFP) or avatar, hide your kids, hide your wife, it's not like you can make photos, posts, videos, etc, private and such, it's the end of the world.

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You can follow the thread on Facebook here, follow me, add me, share this, and follow Lem Bos as well if you want.

He commented saying, "Joey Arnold ...? Why are you sharing my picture? You don’t have permission to share, don’t even know you..." I'm going to share with you my comment reply, my rebuttal, my counter argument and explanation to the situation.

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He cares about family as we all should which means he should agree we all should share truth with each other and the world while we still can in this information war that we live in.

And before I forget, some people may be mad at me for posting this for making public what is already public, what a paradox. He is wrong for blocking me on Facebook but he has the right to do it. I have the right to let people know he did it which is silly that I'm sharing this but more silly that he took the time to block me. He blocked me and yet I was still able to get to his profile account via another account of mine.

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Lem Bos should understand that sharing wisdom with a dark world will only illuminate the path we must trode for a better future, a better tomorrow.

He says he doesn't know me and I don't really know a lot about him. I want to assume good things about him and he seems not to want to get the Covid Vaccines which are NOT vaccines and which are in fact killing people. It seems he wants people to know that or I assume he does. So, that is why I shared his photo. He also shares other things too which can be political or controversial. I want to believe we are on the same side, we should not be fighting each other, what I did was a good thing and he makes it out to be a bad thing which is kind of crazy.

Alright, without farther delay, here is what I wrote in response to this guy blocking me on Facebook as follows.

Public Private Radio Stations

10:41 AM - Facebook | Lem Bos blocked me because I shared his public profile photo or avatar which read, "I don't care if you have had your vaccine."

Arnie Bilotta, the reason I shared it was that it is a hashtag challenge type of thing which thousands of people are doing on Facebook, Twitter, etc. The reason people share them is to encourage people to use common sense in life, to seek after truth, natural remedies, and such. There are Facebook settings, people can share their posts with only themselves or with only their friends or with friends of friends or make it so the whole world can see it.

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He shares memes just like I do, we have things in common, we believe in fighting for what is right, and yet I was demonized for letting other people see what many people already sees in him, that he is a great guy, but it is suddenly and strangely horrible when I bring that up.

Yeah, some people may not realize the technical possibilities of Facebook and technology in general. I can talk all day about it and about the different hashtags, memes, GIFs, etc.


This particular meme thing is a pretty popular one, it is simply a frame that can be placed over a profile photo that has a message on it and it can be anything and this one I believed said something like I have an immune system.


Correction, it actually said, "I don't care if you have had your vaccine."


Such a meme counters the other memes you might find going around Facebook and the difference between a stranger sharing a public picture (avatar) and the mere fact that pictures end up in people's timelines regardless is simply semantics.

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A meme about lockdown, I love it.

Me sharing a photo, to use an analogy, would be like ABC sharing a photo of Michael Jordan dunking a basketball at a public game. And then imagine NBC or another television news channel like NBC or CBS sharing a photo or video of the same dunk. Well, if it's the same exact photo, then ABC might say the photo is copyrighted. And that is kind of silly as thousands of people could have taken the same photo or close to it at that same second. And if you do share a photo, a video, etc, it might be and could possibly in some cases be covered under Fair Use and plus a thing called Safe Harbor and then there is the element of what is the Internet which plays a factor in all of this. I ramble because I am passionate about this subject of Fair Use and other such related topics and have been for years and I write about these things on my websites and in my videos, to be continued.......

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And by the way, I thought that person or those people above wanted more people to see the message they were broadcasting.

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To use another analogy, a picture is like a radio show and people who share a public picture is/are like different radio stations who end up airing the radio show and imagine a radio show calling up radio stations saying, "Hey, stop sharing my radio show, I do not want my public radio show to be too public even tho the whole world can see it, I want to pretend like the world cannot see what they can in fact see."

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