Covid Vaccines (NOT COVID) is MURDERING millions to billions of people globally these next few years in the 2020s assuming we don't stop taking the KILLER-VACCINES, assuming we don't all try to flush the vaccines out of our bodies, assuming we don't take enough vitamins.
This webpage is devoted to sharing Covid related news. This post is incomplete at the moment and I'll be adding to this later. This post is not exactly my Covid Log which I'm also working on as well. So, I'll try to be linking to that. There are millions of videos, websites, articles, memes, etc, I want to link to, reference, mention, etc. This is also not simply a Covid Vaccine article either. Yet, that is a very big problem. Believe it or not but vaccines are bad.
But for now, I just wanted to start off by saying please get enough vitamin C, D, E, Zinc, Magnesium, and other essential vitamins into your body before things mess you up. Covid Vaccines are telling your body to make Covid and it is spreading even to the unvaxxed. The real problem is not only Covid Vaccines but tyranny which is trying to depopulate the planet among other things.
Again, this is a super small rough draft post that I should not be posting right now. I've only included a few links on this page right here, in this article, and there is so much more where that came from. I should edit this page as often as I can in order to make sure it can be a lasting resource for people. I encourage you to steal this page from me and say it's yours. I don't care. I just want to get the information out there.
Are some of the links not working?
If some of my links don't work, it's probably because I've not written or published those pages, posts, etc. Think of it like a website that is under construction. But a really big website. I literally include links to future articles and much more, to be continued as always.
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We Are Birds, WE Must Fly Out Of The Lockdown Tyranny Before They Cut Off Our Wings For Good.
The Covid Page
Oatmeal Daily - 2021-09-02 - Thursday | Published in September of 2021
Published by Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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The main goal of this Covid page is to highlight cures for Covid. However, people are dying from Covid Vaccines at a higher rate than Covid. So, long story short, I've been writing about Covid since January of 2020 if not longer than that. So, I've included links to some of that here and in some of my logs and blogs posts.
2019 Covid Song
I have so much to say about topics and things relating to Covid and especially relating to Lockdown Tyranny. You should know that I wrote the STICK EM IN YOUR ARMS SONG back in 2019 about vaccines, the lyrics read, "If you don't want to stay alive, just stick in your arm, stick it in your arm, stick it in your arm arm arm."
Moving Away
I'll probably move some of these paragraphs into sub-pages in the future because there is so much information that I want to throw at you and I don't even know where to begin. Well, first off, the Covid Topic is somewhat a sub-category of HEALTH which is a major concern of mine. I've been so passionate about trying to teach people common sense, natural remedies, things people used to know back in the good old days. That was part of the reason why it was the good old days. Part of my inspiration to talk about holistic medicine comes from my mother who started a page on Xanga around 2005 called Arnold Herb. Well, over the years, she has had different profiles here and there online and then there was a page she started on Facebook called Restore Main Street which is especially needed after the 2020 Global Lockdowns. Well, the tyrants continue to try to keep us locked down and worse.
Again, I must emphasize how this is a rough draft outline designed to show you some of what I've been saying and doing relating to Covid and everything else. This is a major page that I've been thinking about making for years. Well, I've written articles about Covid over the years like I said. I also share Covid news daily for years now. I share videos and links to articles and blogs and websites which talks about Covid and especially how Covid Vaccines are killing millions to billions of people these next few years in the 2020s assuming we don't stop some of that via fasting, via flushing out vaccines out of our bodies, assuming we don't reset and fix our immune system which the vaccines reprograms to eat up our own proteins, our own cells, our own bodies. Covid Vaccines are giving people cancer, blood clots, brain seizures, heart attacks, autoimmune diseases, disorders, tumors, magnetism, and the list goes on and on and on like a song from Lamb Chop Play Along.
Speaking of going on and on and on, I can write on and on about Covid and especially Covid Vaccines which deserves its own page or book or even library of books. So, I don't even have time to tell you right here and right now how Japan is banning Covid Vaccines. Others have already banned them. I don't have time to mention how Covid variants didn't come around in 2020, for an entire year, and then all of a sudden variants started popping around all over the place around the same time Covid Vaccines started going inside the bodies of people. I don't have time right now to tell you how the death rate increased in Israel just as people started taking the vaccines. I don't have time to tell you how Pfizer is coming out with a 2nd Covid Vaccine which they say is getting FDA approval and yet they're also saying they'll continue to get liability protection for the first vaccine which is actually identical to the second. So, the first vaccine is protected by the emergency use authorization (EUA). The second one is FDA approved they say. So, it is like Facebook who pretends to be a platform and a publisher at the same time.
So, again, I'm going to try my best to cram as much text and links and everything else I can into this article here. I want this page and these coming pages and posts and videos and memes and everything else to be a resource to save lives. A major thing that can save lives is Vitamin C, D, E, Zinc, etc. Sunshine, fasting, sleep, distilled water with no fluoride can save lives. So many things can save lives. We should hug each other. We should stop wearing masks. I never wear masks. We can recover from the flu, the common cold, Covid, and the list goes on and on and on. We can talk all day about different types of diseases, germs, bacteria, parasites, viruses, bugs, microorganisms, etc.
There are so many amazing doctors who are telling people not to take the Covid Vaccines. People who know this have the duty and opportunity to show people how easy it is to teach people how to cure diseases. And a major question is what is Covid? Please don't be satisfied with a simple answer to that. See, Covid or the SARS-CoV2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or the Wuhan Virus or the Beer Bug or the China Virus or whatever else we want to call it is and is not many many many different things at the same time. Please let me explain to you what I mean by that and it would take me so many books to really explain what I mean by that to those who don't already know what I mean. See, it's kind of hard to explain and I don't really have time right now to explain to you how viruses are mutating all the times. Viruses and other things too sometimes mutate into stronger or weaker strains or strands. I always want to call them strands because some of them ended up getting stranded and abandoned. But they're called strains or mutations. Some of what we call Covid was weaponized. That does not mean that every Covid virus was weaponized.
Again, if you don't know, a corona virus is generally and basically and normally most of the time a common cold which we were never ever able to develop vaccines for going back a century, that is 100 years to the 1920s or so when scientists and doctors say they started running across them. So, Covid-19 is built around weaponized cold viruses. Now folks, your body has more viruses and germs and everything than it has cells. Viruses are mutating all the time. That is why vaccines don't work. A vaccine is like a key. But it's not going to help you if the virus lock mutates into a different kind of virus lock. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand this.
And back to my point, Covid is and is not many things. See, many times in 2020, a person would get hit by a bus and then died. The bus killed them. But they would say Covid killed them. So, Covid is and is not that for example. There is a difference between what Covid really is and the FAKE NEWS regarding what we think Covid is.
And Covid can mutate a million different ways in different places in the world. So, it's possible there are literally millions to trillions of Covid strains and mutations and variations as they are like microscopic rabbits making babies inside your cells.
And some of the viruses were engineered inside the Wuhan lab and other labs in China and before that it was in a lab in North Carolina until 2015. And so, some of what went around may have been more deadly. Some of it may have been less deadly. And more importantly, Covid Vaccines are creating even deadlier viruses or whatever they are inside our bodies. They are spreading from person to person. But we can try very hard to cure sick people. But doctors are getting paid a lot of money to kill people.
Again, I can write and make memes about all of this and more for hours about all of this. But I'm going to try to force myself to stop. I can also make videos and talk for hours and hours about this. But don't take my word for it. Others are out there trying to share the news too. We got a lot of good news and bad news. And we want to make sure to throw both the good news and the bad news at people. Both is needed. One without the other does not cut it. So, please write to me with any questions or anything you want to add. You can always try to CONTACT me here or other places with feedback, questions, answers, comments, messages, things you want to add, things you disagree with, agree with. Feel free to share my things. This is partly a blog post but it also functions like a web page meaning you can always check back to see if I've updated this page in the future. I could probably spend the next several hours linking this to so many awesome articles out there and so many loads of videos and so many amazing websites and forums and the list goes on and on.
Again, just a reminder, I will be trying to add to this page and I may also move some of the content on this page to other pages and posts in the future and simply link to them here. This article is not finished yet. To be continued.
If you're still here, then you are the resistance as Infowars Alex Jones would say. Patriots and Freedom Lovers are rising up all around the world and we spread the love to anybody willing to listen. That's how real hope and change revolutionizes the world from the inside-out, it's contagious like a good virus, a virus of love. It's viral. It's contagious. Spread the love. Don't social distance. Take the diaper-muzzle off your face. Save the children from the killer vaccines. Teach people how to grow gardens. One person at a time. One oatmeal at a time.
And hug people again. Kiss people again. Get giggy with it as Will Smith would say.
2019-12-21 - Saturday - 02:52 AM - I was writing about viruses and cells back in December of 2019 | 2 | 3
I was trying to get to the bottom of Covid back in January of 2020
Can we Cure HIV? Can we Try Apple Cider Vinegar? - February of 2020 | Resident Evil Reference
We should boost up our immune system with natural remedies - March of 2020
UK is saying lockdowns will never ever end, a PRISON PLANET FOREVER - May of 2020
Covid-19 is a man-made virus from North Carolina which moved to Wuhan in 2015. - September of 2020 | Bill Gates
How do we protect cells from viruses? Eat some oranges. | 1 | 2 | 3
Wait, are viruses like turtles? - March of 2020
Thousands of Chinese went to Wuhan to protest and then Covid killed them, how convenient, right? - March of 2020 | 1
Leaders are not taking the vaccines
So many Star Trek episodes deal with viruses oddly enough
Viruses were mentioned in Star Wars
Are we being racist towards the other viruses?
Here is how life is like Star Wars, you cannot travel without Covid Passport
You need enough zinc in your body before you get Covid