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RE: Snowflake "Rep." Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez admits she's a treasonous tool who wants the USA to be over-run by illegals.
haha! Howdy sir mepatriot! wow is right. What in the world?? Her people are sure not descendants of native people! lol..I didn't know she was that nutty. I don't even know what state she represents. who is Tlaib?
Tlaib is the Muslim freshman Representative from Michigan who swore her oath on The Koran, F-bombed her first press conference talking about impeachment being her #1 priority, then it turned out she was a state senator for a district she lied about and didn't even live in. She needs to go.
lol..oh ok, I know what she looks like, I just didn't know her name. Yes, I read your post about her, that post got alot of attention from someone if I remember correctly. Yeah she is horrible and a disgrace. How low can the standards get for political office when you look at her and AOC?
I think we can only go up from here. Unless we get ALL open Communists running...not likely, quite yet, I don't think...
I agree sir mepatriot. Well the polls are alarming that show the younger generation is in favor of socialism but what, 52% or something like that?
And we haven't done a THING to address the problem of all the SOCIALISTS filling University professorships.
True and they've been doing that for how long, 30 or 40 years? But how do you stop that since the universities have become institutions of socialism from top to bottom?
If real conservatives can take over state GOP party control from the RINOs, they could pass bills that pull state funds from schools that don't support Americanism.
They would need a metric, and I think that could be developed, but it isn't going to happen from within the schools, as most board of regents are controlled by socialists as well.
exactly..about the control of the schools. Do we still have enough real conservatives in Congress?