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RE: Q Anon Reveals FISA Memo Details - Detailed 16 Year Plan To Destroy America

in #informationwar7 years ago

It amazes me that the phrase "deep state" is being shouted from the megaphones of some of the mainstream media. Deep State has become a legitimate term these days, it's not some tin-foil hat theory anymore. @ironshield


The term "Shadow Government" was the same a few years back, and was written off as a non-sense word that was only used by conspiracy theorists... while at the same time was openly admitted to and being used on the White House .gov official website.

The Shadow Government
Following a catastrophic national emergency, the President, or his successor can authorize the establishment of a temporary "shadow government" to maintain control of the essential functions of the Federal Government. President Bush activated the shadow government on September 11, 2001 shortly after the second attack on the World Trade Center.
Every federal agency has designated key individuals to be part of an "Emergency Relocation Group". These ERGs are assigned to an alternate secure location on a rotating basis and are ready to take over the duty of supporting the National Essential Functions of this nation in an emergency.

Basically if you like getting the truth at least a decade late, then the MSM is the perfect place for you!

That is so true! Alternative media is the best counter-propaganda source available today. Even if not all information is 100% accurate, it's way more reliable than the MSM. @ironshield

Best thing to do is take in both the MSM and alt media view on a topic and then put both to the test using your own logic and research to decide which one is closer to the actual truth. Amazingly the alt media tends to be more on point then the MSM in most cases (go figure...).

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